The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 247

The man's two slaps were cruel. Ming'er was hurt and fainted.

Xiaojingkong took a peanut candy from his pocket and let him take it into his mouth: "you eat some sugar first, Jiaojiao said, sugar has strength."

"Yes, I'm sorry..." ming'er said weakly.

"What did you say?" Xiaojingkong didn't hear clearly. He attached his ear to his mouth to hear what he said. At this time, the woman came with a razor and clothes.

At the same time, voices of several men talking came from the front yard.

There are more than three bad guys.

When the woman enters the room, xiaojingkong has to give up for a while to wake up brother ming'er.

The little one looked very clever. He didn't get beaten or suffered. He was very clean. The woman grabbed him and shaved his head first.

There is nothing to love in a small space.

He finally grew out of the hair... Unexpectedly so no!

Mingming Jiaojiao said that in another month, she will be able to tie up a small tug!

Ah, ah!

The woman shaved her head and changed her clothes for the poor child.

To be honest, the child doesn't cry. In addition to being a little timid, he is also very popular.

For a moment, the woman wanted to keep the child and bring it up for her and the family.

But thinking about the attitude of being in charge, she shook her head.

Forget it, silver is important. Besides, he won't agree.

The woman shaved their heads and changed their clothes, then put some yellow powder on their faces to make them look yellow, thin and malnourished, and painted some spots on their faces with cinnabar.

They were very different from their former appearance. They were afraid that their parents could not recognize them at a glance.

"Are you ready?" The middle-aged man was out urging.

"All right, all right!" The woman went out and asked, "do you want to give them some medicine?"

The middle-aged man looked at the two people in the room. He just hit the child a little hard, and then used the medicine. He was worried that he would eat people to death. As for the little one, he was scared. What medicine should he use?

"No, you and Lao Liu send people out of the city. Lao Li and I still have two jobs."

This is a new business. I'm not too lucky today.

The woman laughed and said, "good!"

The woman and Lao Liu took the two children into the carriage. They wanted to get out of the city before dark, but they could not walk on the main street. They were easy to meet the city guards who were on patrol.

They took the path, 78 thousand around, are sparsely populated alleys and alleys.

I don't know how long it took to walk. The sugar in ming'er's mouth completely melted and the sugar water flowed into his stomach. He really had a little strength. He slowly opened his eyes and found that one of his hands was tightly held by Xiao Jingkong.

He opened his mouth, was about to speak, small clearance preempted the opening: "Niang, I want to drink water."

The woman was shocked: "you, what do you call me?"

"Granny." Little clearance said blankly.

Is the child a fool? You call yourself Auntie?

The woman looked at this pretty little face and was completely confused: "you, you, you..."

"The baby wants water." Little clearance said coquettishly.

The woman's heart suddenly softened. She greedily held xiaojingkong's shoulder and whispered, "what do you call me? Call again

"Granny." Small clearance soft waxy called again.

The woman was called to the top by the sound of her mother. She quickly took the water bag to Xiao Jingkong.

It's clean. She hasn't had it yet!

Xiaojingkong Gulu Gulu drank a few mouthfuls and returned the water bag to her: "thank you, granny."

The woman couldn't shut her mouth with laughter.

Even for a short time, she enjoyed the moment.

"Aung, I want to pee!" Small clear space suddenly covers small fart to say.

The woman was surprised. She lifted the curtain and looked outside. Then she looked at the small clearance: "you, you pee in the car."

"I can't pee in the car!" The little face of little clearance is red.

When one compromises one thing for it, it is not difficult to compromise the second.

The woman hesitated and asked Lao Liu to stop the carriage.

Lao Liu: "he wants to pee! You just let him sprinkle it on the car! So what's the trouble? "

Woman: "I also want to pee! Does my mother also sprinkle it on the car? "

Lao Liu scolded a few words, and finally did not twist the woman, and stopped the carriage in an alley. He said impatiently: "hurry up, don't let people find out!"

The woman glared at him and led Xiao Jingkong out of the carriage.

Of course, a woman would not take her little clearance to a place like a restaurant or a tea shop to borrow a latrine. At most, she would find a place for him.

"Here it is, pee!" Said the woman, pointing to a dirty corner.

"Oh." Small clearance lowered his head to take off his belt, "I can't take it off."

"You can't even untie your belt! What a fool The woman just thought that the child was lovely, and her patience soon ran out.

Just as she bent to untie her trousers, xiaojingkong suddenly raised her hand and threw a handful of sand into her eyes!

There was a small sandbag in his pocket, and he secretly pinched it away in the carriage.

The woman was blinded by the sand and cried out: "little beast! Lao Liu! Get him! He ran away

Lao Liu on the carriage heard the movement and jumped down to the ground and rushed towards xiaojingkong.

Xiao Jingkong spread his feet. As a result, he fell down and rolled to Lao Liu's feet.

Lao Liu: "I'm not sure."

Small clearance:

I said I didn't mean it. Do you believe it?

"Ha ha." Lao Liu picked up the little guy.

Calm down, calm down

Xiao Jingkong touched his little bald head.

Oh, yes!

Iron, head, skill!

"Look at my iron head skill! Gee -- "Xiao Jingkong bumped his little bald head into Lao Liu's head!

It was a very hard collision. Both of them were stunned.

Small clearance is the first to react, because——

He hurts!

Doesn't it mean that if you practice the iron head skill, it won't hurt?

Xiaojingkong felt the painful little bald head with two small hands, and his face was confused: "where is my iron head skill? What about my iron head skill? Iron head skill... I don't have iron head skill -- "

Finally, I remembered that I had no iron head skill and suddenly collapsed.

"Wow --"

The pig like voice directly scared all the children out of Lao Liu's hands!

Small clearance fell on the ground, get up and run!

He called out: "help, help --"

No, you can't shout like that.

"Fire! It's on fire! What a big fire! The house is burning down! If you don't come out again, you will be burned to death! "

Sure enough, the residents who had just heard nothing outside the window ran out of the house one after another, and there were more people on the street.

At this time, ming'er also came down from the carriage. He recovered a little strength and tried his best to run forward!

I've never seen such a cunning child before. How did he think of shouting fire?

There were so many people that Lao Liu and his wife were all blocked in the middle of the road.

The two successfully escaped from their clutches.

But who also did not expect is, although the two, but ran into the other two.

The middle-aged man took a wooden stick and walked to them in a measured way: "shout? Why don't you shout? "

Xiaojingkong: of course, it's my voice!

"Little thing, you've been pretending to be stupid. It's bad for me." Originally had a new goal, the result was called by the child, all bubble. However, the middle-aged man raised his stick in his hand and beat him angrily towards xiaojingkong!

Seeing that the stick is about to fall on xiaojingkong's head, Minger suddenly steps forward, turns her back to the man, and holds xiaojingkong tightly in her arms.

A stick fell, and ming'er couldn't feel anything.

He slowly fell to the ground, looking at the blurring little clearance, and with his last strength, he called out: "go... Go!"


When ming'er wakes up, she is lying on a strange bed with strange beams on the roof.

He has dust in the house of the king's residence, so he can't see the beams.

Ming'er fainted for so long that she forgot that she was not in the state of Liang.

"Minger... Minger, you wake up!"

Yu Qin's tearful face intrudes into ming'er's sight.

"Niang..." ming'er spoke weakly, and her voice was so small that she could hardly hear it.

"Mother, mother!" Princess Yu wiped her tears, took her son's hand and gave her a kiss. She choked and said, "if you wake up, you'll be scared to death!"

Ming'er always felt that something was missing, and he remembered everything at once.

He turned to look at Yuqin Princess: "brother... What's the matter?"

Princess Yu didn't expect that the first thing the child said was to ask her brother

Of course, she understood why he asked. Xiaojingkong told her everything. She sobbed and shook her head: "it's ok... Jingkong is OK..."

Ming'er weakly raised her hand to wipe Princess Yu's tears: "I've got my brother back... Mother, don't cry any more..."