The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 246

Ming'er knows how to avoid the guard of the garden. He rushes out of the house all the way to the busy street. He sees a carriage waiting by the side of the road and goes over breathlessly: "to the wonderful hand hall!"

The coachman looked at him strangely.

He pulled a jade pendant from his waist: "here you are!"

It's the first-class suede jade. Although the coachman doesn't know whether the jade is true or false, there is a gold ingot hanging on the tassel of the jade pendant, which is real gold.

The coachman was immediately happy: "OK, little brother, come up! Wonderful hand hall, right? Xuanwu Street? I promise to get you there! "

"You must be quick!" Ming'er said to the driver.

The coachman said with a smile: "good, good, quick, quick!"

It's also ming'er's good luck. It's really a carriage for errands. It's not a private car of a big family. Otherwise, it's not necessarily ming'er's business.

And then the coachman is not a flower photographer.

The carriage arrived at the wonderful hand hall.

Ming'er jumped out of the carriage. His throat was itchy. He coughed twice.

I left in a hurry this morning and forgot to take my medicine.

The people in the hospital recognized the little patient, and a little drug boy came forward and asked, "did you come for a follow-up visit? Where are your parents? "

Minger didn't answer him, but asked: "where is the clearance?"

He is the son of the Lord and the grandson of the monarch. He has a royal aura in his heart. When he gets serious, he makes the little drug boy stand by.

The little drug boy said stupidly, "did you say Miss Gu's younger brother? He didn't come to the hospital. He should have gone to school. "

"Where does he go to school?" Minger asked again.

"Guozijian." Said the little medicine boy.

"How to get to Guozijian?" Asked ming'er.

"Go ahead and see the cloth shop in front. Go west and you'll be there."

As soon as the fairy tale sound of Xiaoyao falls, Minger runs out.

The little medicine boy scratched his head, confused.

Ming'er went to the Imperial College.

The Imperial Academy had not finished school, and he could not get in. He moved out of the status of envoy of the state of Liang, but no one believed it.

He had to wait at the door.

He forgot to add clothes when he went out. He was wearing the usual clothes at home. His clothes were a little thin.

Today is a sunny day, but the wind is not small, cool, blowing him a little shiver.

He lingered at the door, squatting under the big tree to see the ants, looking up to count the leaves on the tree. He didn't know how long it had been, and finally came to the Imperial College to finish school.

The door was opened, and a large number of supervisors came out. He plunged into the crowd and went against the current into the Imperial College.

As long as there is a mouth, it's not hard to find a beginner.

Xiaojingkong walks out of elementary school slowly.

All the children in elementary school go to the canteen to eat, and they run fast. Among a large group of seven or nine year olds, only four year old xiaojingkong is outstanding.

Minger saw this glutinous rice dumpling at a glance, with a serious and cute face. Does her mother like it?

Ming'er felt that this little guy was not so annoying.

He strode over: "clearance!"

Small clearance was startled by the sudden appearance of the giant, he looked up.

Yes, just look up.

Because it's too short, everyone has to look up!

"It's you?" The small face of small clearance is serious again, "do you want to fight again?"

"No!" Ming'er feels that there are so many people here that it's not convenient for her to play. He grabs Xiao Jingkong's hand.

God, what a small hand!

Ming'er is afraid to break her hand, but why is Mao's hand so soft?

Ming'er pinches it, then pinches it again. Oh, it's fun.

"What do you want?" Niu Hulu, uncle and Xiao Jingkong asked in disgust.

Oh, I almost forgot my business.

Ming'er said to Xiao Jingkong, "follow me!"

After that, he pulled the small clearance out of the Imperial College.

"Where are you taking me?" he said? I'm going home for dinner

Today's elementary school class is a little early, and the class of Frank class is a little late, which leads to the perfect miss of Xiao LIULANG and Xiao Jingkong.

It's not like this has never happened before. Xiaojingkong doesn't run around. He is always waiting for Xiao LIULANG at the entrance of elementary school. Today, he was dragged out by Minger. Xiaojingkong is good.

Ming'er drags the small clearance to a corner where there is no one. She solemnly and entangledly says to him, "well, maybe what I say next will be hard for you to accept, but I swear that every word I say is true!"

It's worthy of being a child from the palace. He's a good talker.

Xiaojingkong looked at him strangely: "what are you going to say?"

Ming'er took a deep breath and said, "you are my brother!"

"Well?" Xiaojingkong refused, "you are not my brother!"

Ming'er had an expression I knew: "look, you don't believe it! But I'm really your brother! My mother is your mother! You've seen her! Don't you like her? "

Xiaojingkong and Princess Yuqin met twice. The first time was in the hospital, and the second time was in the palace. Princess Yuqin was a very kind lady, like Yao, who made xiaojingkong feel like her.

But I don't know why, xiaojingkong feels that what Minger refers to is not the one she understands.

The small clearance was tangled for a moment.

Ming'er took a deep breath and made the next decision with difficulty: "I'm wrong in the palace. I shouldn't be angry with you or push you. You don't want to go back with us because of this. My mother is very sad. She cried! "

The child's idea is always very simple. Ming'er thinks Princess Yuqin is the best mother in the world. He likes her, so does his younger brother. He doesn't want to go back because of himself.

Then apologize to him!

Minger took xiaojingkong's hand and promised, "I will never bully you again, and I will protect you! The palace is very good! There's a big yard, lots of delicious food, and lots of servants and horses! I can teach you how to ride! Can also teach you archery! Come back with me

Seeing that xiaojingkong didn't speak, he added: "every child has a father and mother, and they should be together! At that time, my mother didn't want you on purpose. I thought you had an accident. Now she and her father have come back to you! If you refuse to recognize them, my mother will be sad all the time! "

Xiaojingkong thought for a moment and said to Minger, "but I want to be with Jiaojiao."

Ming'er was surprised and said, "Jiao Jiao is not your mother!"

In other words, who is Jiao Jiao?

Ming'er has said all that should be said, but her mother is still crying in the yard. Ming'er can't wait for Jingkong to nod her head and pull Jingkong to the direction of the royal garden.

He remembered the way he had come, and he remembered that it would not take long to ride in a carriage.

However, he underestimated the speed of the carriage, but also overestimated the speed of walking, a big and a small walk sweating.

Little clearance looked at him speechless: "where are you going to take me?"

"Go home!" Ming'er took him by the hand and wiped his forehead with the other hand.

He held on tight for fear of losing his brother.

Ming'er seems to have run out of luck when she comes here. They go to a sparsely populated street, and suddenly a middle-aged man with decent clothes comes over.

He has a kind face and a friendly smile. He looks like an old man.

He stopped in front of Minger and xiaojingkong and said with a kind smile, "little brother, where are you going? Why aren't parents here? Are you separated from your parents

Ming'er watched him warily: "don't do your business, step down!"

The prince who comes out of the palace is used to bossing, so he will not pay attention to a civilian.

His orders always worked. He didn't know that it was because he was always accompanied by royal guards.

Now he alone with a four-year-old bean, instantly lost all the deterrent.

After all, the most fierce cub is just a cub. No adult sheep is afraid of a tiger cub.

The middle-aged man smiles. Instead of retreating, he takes his hand to touch his head.

"Don't touch my brother!" Minger opens his hand decisively!

Xiaojingkong suddenly pointed to the opposite side of the street: "uncle, someone is calling you there!"

The middle-aged man turned to look.

Xiaojingkong took the opportunity to grab Minger and ran away!

They didn't stop until they ran to a place with a lot of people. Ming'er was out of breath. Xiao Jingkong was in good health and didn't breathe much.

"For, why run?" Ming'er asked in a forceful way.

"That's a flower shoot." "Xiaojingkong said," patting huazi is a human Carisolv, who will abduct the children. "

Ming'er didn't understand: "how do you know?"

Small clearance way: "I guess."

When he was walking chicken in the countryside, the villagers always like to joke with him, saying that you are so young, be careful to be taken away by flower seeds.

Jiaojiao also taught him not to talk to strangers.

Ming'er looks back. The man doesn't seem to catch up, but he is still afraid: "let's go now!"

They went on.

However, ming'er's good luck has run out on the way here. The middle-aged man they escaped finally caught up with him. In public, he angrily walked to them and picked up Xiao Jingkong. Then a bus palmed ming'er and fan him to the ground.

He pointed to ming'er and swore, "how did you become a brother? That's to say, you left home with your brother, right? Don't know if your brother is still ill? How could I give birth to such a sin as you

Ming'er was furious: "you're talking nonsense! You are not my father

The middle-aged man pointed to his nose: "good, good, evil, you don't even recognize your father now! I will kill you. I'll shoot you! "

There are people around.

A woman rushed over crying and protected ming'er in her arms: "don't beat the child, master! It's all my fault! I didn't watch him! "

"You go away!" Minger struggles.

The woman's tears fell down. She was really anxious: "son, don't be stubborn with your father any more! Your father forced you to study for your own good! "

Ming'er roared: "go away, you are not my mother!"

The man slapped ming'er with his backhand and hit her half dizzy: "why isn't she your mother? He's your stepmother! It's your mother

It turns out that the stepmother and his father have such a relationship. No wonder the child refuses to recognize them. He is afraid that he will hate his stepmother and his father.

This kind of thing is not rare, so no one doubts it is false.

The middle-aged man kicked a few more feet, and each foot was kicked on the woman. In this way, the play became more real.

All the struggles of ming'er are rebellious in the eyes of the public. Ming'er's heart is filled with endless anger, and at the same time, she feels deeply afraid and powerless.

If he had known, he would not have come out by himself.

He was abducted by paihuazi, and so was his younger brother. They would never see their mother again.

In the end, the middle-aged man left the scene with xiaojingkong in his arms and the woman with Minger who had already lost her strength.

No one will report to the government because of such family affairs, and the crowd will soon disperse.

They came to a hidden courtyard and threw the two children into the house.

The middle-aged man had planned to use some medicine for the little one, but the little one was scared and silly from the beginning, and he couldn't even cry, so the middle-aged man didn't bother.

After all, sweat medicine is also very expensive, and easy to hurt the body, such a small child is very delicate, in case they don't wake up, they will earn a lot less money.

"In charge of the family, the two children are good this time." The woman changed her weak and dazzling image, showing a sour and proud look.

The middle-aged man looked at the two children paralyzed on the ground with satisfaction and said with a bad smile: "yes, I haven't had such a good product for a long time. I'm sure it will sell at a good price! What about old Liu? "

Woman humanitarian: "to prepare the carriage! We'll send them out of town in a moment

The middle-aged man looked at them coldly and said, "change their clothes first! I've shaved my head, too


The woman went to another room to prepare clothes and razors.

The man took the two men's door, went to the front yard, looked around, and closed the door warily.

Xiaojingkong's panic disappeared. He climbed up to Minger, pushed his arm and said in a small voice, "brother Minger, brother Minger, wake up."