The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 227

The emperor and Marquis Xuanping came out of the palace for a reason. It's not surprising that they met the old Marquis. Originally, the three had made a reservation to work together secretly.

It just happened ahead of time.

The emperor three went to a nearby theater.

Yes, it's the theater.

It is well known that Xuanping marquis is unruly and beautiful. He likes to listen to plays. He often comes and goes here, but no one knows that this is his property.

The three entered the wing room, and the little guy outside closed the door.

The emperor, with a wound on his head, suffered to death. After he sat down, he said impatiently, "make a long story short! How's it going? "

The old Marquis did not dare to neglect him. He bowed his hand and said, "if you return to your majesty, since the news of my minister's return to Beijing has spread, my minister's whereabouts will be watched."

"The Zhuang family?" Asked the emperor.

Xuanping Hou seized a melon seed.

The emperor glared at him.

"Alas." Melon seeds are also not allowed to eat. Your majesty is so angry that Marquis Xuanping reluctantly puts them back.

The old Marquis nodded: "yes, today I went to the temple, and Prince an quietly followed me."

The emperor frowned: "he even followed you?"

The old Marquis didn't feel strange: "his bodyguards and old ministers all know him. He can only take risks by himself."

It's not easy to find the king of an County. On the way, the old Marquis hardly noticed. When he came back, the king of an County got on the carriage a little earlier, which was discovered by the old Marquis.

As for the reason why he made such a mess, the Marquis is not sure.

When it comes to business, the emperor's face is a bit serious: "where is the Empress Dowager? What's the point? "

The old Marquis speculated: "I think... The Empress Dowager may have gone to Beijing."

The emperor frowned more tightly: "why do you say that?"

The old Marquis said thoughtfully: "although the makers are still pretending to look for the empress dowager, their search speed is much slower. What's more, when Princess an left the capital, he seemed to accompany his sister on a sightseeing tour. In fact, he was inquiring about the Empress Dowager along the way. After that, the king of an County returned to Beijing in the name of the local examination... With all due respect, the king of an County was still young. He didn't have to give up looking for the Empress Dowager for an imperial examination. "

The emperor pondered for a moment, realizing that the words of the old Marquis were reasonable: "so you think he must have found the Empress Dowager when he returned to Beijing? But since we have found it, why don't we let the Empress Dowager go back to the palace? "

When the Empress Dowager returned to Beijing, she was afraid that the emperor was right. The dealer held a heaven card in his hand but didn't play it. What's the routine?

The old Marquis thought of cableway: "this... I can't understand it. Maybe... The leprosy of the Empress Dowager has not been cured. They are secretly treating the Empress Dowager? "

A leprosy empress dowager will be despised and rejected by others. When empress dowager Zhuang was infected with leprosy, they all thought that the chance to overthrow empress dowager Zhuang had come, but who expected that the Empress Dowager would have escaped by herself.

If they dare to say that the Empress Dowager left the palace without permission, the Empress Dowager would dare to question in public whether they had murdered the Empress Dowager.

They did not dare to block the winning or losing, so they had to use a circuitous strategy to claim that the Empress Dowager had a sudden illness and went to the palace to recuperate.

Then, intentionally or unintentionally, they let the dealer find out that the Empress Dowager ran away with leprosy.

The makers also taboo that this disease will destroy the reputation of the empress dowager, so they hold it down and look for the Empress Dowager in private.

The two sides have achieved a delicate balance in a short time.

But this balance will be broken one day.

If Zhuang Taifu really found the Empress Dowager and cured her, then the two sides would not be far away from breaking the balance.

The journey from the medical school to the nunnery was not close, but it was delayed for a while. When Gu Jiao returned to bishuihu, it was already dusk.

A gorgeous glow from the horizon fell on a piece of red walls and green tiles, and the halo dyed warm orange light.

Gu Jiao walked into the Hutong and really felt that she was going home.

She had never experienced this feeling before.

In her previous life, she lived with her parents very few days, blank and indifferent, without the slightest temperature of home.

The so-called home is just a residence.

Now it seems to have a new meaning.

After a busy day, she will be eager to come back here, eager to see the people in the house.

She is not always tireless, just used to tired, anyway, no one will hurt her, so affectation is useless.

"Jiao Jiao!"

The voice of small clearance interrupted Gu Jiao's thoughts.

The little guy sat on the threshold waiting for her again.

In the morning, he fell and wept, but now he came running towards her and fell into her arms.

She was about to pick him up, but he shook his head and said, "no, Jiaojiao is so tired."

He held back the impulse to embrace and held Gu Jiao's hand.

"Does the leg still hurt?" Gu Jiao bent over to pull his little trouser legs.

Xiaojingkong shook his head: "it doesn't hurt!"

In fact, it's still a little painful, but the coquetry of small clearance is based on the premise of not increasing the burden on Gu Jiao.

"Sister!" Gu Xiaoshun heard the movement of the door, left half of the carpentry work in hand, and rushed out like a little monkey to help Gu Jiao get her little basket, "give it to me!"

Gu Xiaoshun insisted on holding the small basket in his hand, but also very carefully put her small medicine box into her East room.

Gu Yan used to shovel chicken Baba for the small clearance in the yard, which made him smoke. He didn't have a small clearance, and he didn't have Gu Xiaoshun's fast. Finally, he saw his sister, whose beautiful face was very black.

Gu Jiao was amused by his appearance.

Gu Yan turned his back awkwardly.

Gu Jiao went to coax him.

It's hard for others to coax him, but it's not easy for Gu Jiao to return him? Gu Jiao took his hand and he lost his temper.

Yao came out of the kitchen with a new dish of steamed cake. When she saw her daughter, her eyes were full of tenderness: "is Jiao Jiao back? I've just made some snacks. I'll go to see if my aunt wakes up? "

"Good!" Xiaojingkong loves to go to her aunt's house for rounds. She can always find something and has a full sense of achievement!

Xiaojingkong ran to the old lady's house.

The old lady was holding a jar of candied fruit and eating it.

The old sacrificial wine sat opposite her speechless, so she ate all afternoon.

Is this edible?

How many years did he starve you?

"Auntie!" Little clearance came running here!

The old lady quickly put the candied fruit jar into her arms.

Lao Jijiu looked at the jar that suddenly appeared in his arms

You keep me here all afternoon for this moment?

The old man didn't want to carry the pot, so he immediately returned the pot to the old lady.

As soon as xiaojingkong came into the room, he saw that the old sacrificial wine put the candied fruit jar in front of the old lady, and the old lady held it in her arms, with a firm and refusal face!

The old lady snorted, "I said I won't eat it. It's no use coercing and luring you!"

Old sacrificial wine

So half a jar of candied fruit was eaten by ghosts?

Can you still have the face and consciousness of the demon queen?

The old man sighed.

It's no wonder that ah Heng took the queen of the demon with him at ease. Just like the queen of the demon, he really didn't pose any threat.

It's hard for him.

Day by day, they are either robbed or cheated. Their old age is miserable!

But after saying goodbye to Gu Jiao, Princess an went to the hospital first and ordered a batch of acne medicine from miaozhou hall.

I made her angry today. Take care of her business and coax her.

After that, Prince an took a carriage to his house.

Zhuang Taifu is waiting in the flower hall.

As a result of the Empress Dowager's affairs, Zhuang Taifu worried a lot, and people grew old.

"Grandfather." Prince an went into the house and gave a salute.

Zhuang Taifu looked at him calmly and said, "why did you come back so late? Have you been following all day? "

"No, I bought some things on the way back to the mansion," the prince said

Zhuangtaifu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly vomited out: "is his whereabouts abnormal?"

An Jun Wang replied: "he went to the repaired cable bridge to have a look. He should be looking at the quality of the cable bridge."

Marquis Gu is responsible for the repair of the cable bridge. It is said that Marquis Gu has been beaten up by him recently, and he has been healing his wounds at home behind closed doors. It is reasonable that Marquis Gu will go to check the cable bridge for him.

But the Marquis is by no means a simple military general. He is a brave and resourceful old man. He takes one step and counts ten steps away.

Zhuang Taifu suspected that the old Marquis beat his son on purpose, so that he could act on his son's behalf and look around openly.

After all, there are too many affairs in the Ministry of industry, which are all over the capital. The presence of the Marquis everywhere will not be suspected.

Of course, it was someone else, not Zhuang Taifu.

Zhuang Taifu frowned suspiciously: "just looking at the cable bridge? Nothing else? For example, who do you meet? What happened? "

I ran into Princess Jing... And Gu Jiao.

Prince an's hand buried under his wide sleeve scratched the clothes without any trace: "he walked around the temple and didn't meet anyone."

Zhuang Taifu touched his beard and said thoughtfully, "that's strange. Did he really go to check the cable bridge?"

Princess an's eyes drooped.

He didn't answer.

For the first time in his life, he lied to his grandfather.

The king of an County has always been clever. When he was eight years old, he sent him to the state of Chen as a hostage. He didn't complain at all. In recent years, he has worked hard for his family. Zhuang Taifu didn't suspect that he was lying for a while.

Zhuang Taifu waved his hand: "you go down. Marquis Gu is very alert. If you watch him once today, I'm afraid he'll find you. Don't go next time. I'll change people."


Prince an saluted and walked out of the flower hall.


When passing by the chuihuamen, Zhuang Yuexi suddenly came out from behind the big tree.

Princess an looked at her, then looked back at the flower hall and asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhuang Yuexi's beautiful eyes are all his: "I wait for my brother."

"I'm tired. I'll go back to the yard first." Princess an said wearily. After that, he passed Zhuang Yuexi.

Zhuang Yuexi's eyes chased after him and stepped forward: "why didn't brother tell the truth?"

Princess Ann took a step and looked back at her warily.

Zhuang Yuexi was aggrieved and puzzled, and said: "my brother clearly saw the old Marquis and..."

"Shut up The shrill voice of Princess an is more than Zhuang Yue.

Zhuang Yuexi was stunned.

Prince an is a beautiful young man who is as gentle as jade. There is a kind of gentleness and education in his heart.

He seldom spoke so sharply.

"Are you following me?" His eyes were cold.

Such an Jun Wang is no doubt strange, but in fact, this is the real him. He survived the innumerable intrigues of the state of Chen.

"I didn't." Zhuang Yuexi was frightened by such an Jun Wang and shook her head in a hurry. "Today, there is no class for the girl. Mengdie told me to go to Shangxiang. If you don't believe me, ask her."

"She saw it, too?"

"She did not."

Zhuang Mengdie, the grass bag, only worships Buddha and eats vegetarian food.

"If you want to tell grandfather, go." Princess an said wearily and left without looking back.

Zhuang Yuexi's heart is painful.

She won't tell her grandfather.

How could she let her grandfather punish her brother?

She just didn't understand why her brother was hiding it? Afraid of causing trouble to that woman?

It's her. It's her who changed my brother.

My brother began to lie to my grandfather, started to attack her, and began to become unlike his old brother.

That woman did it!

Zhuang Yuexi pinched her fingers little by little.


The Marquis was finally punished by the emperor.

The emperor's punishment was quite heavy. Although the Marquis hit himself unintentionally, he almost hit the little doctor on purpose.

It was because the emperor felt the pain of the whip that he could vividly imagine what it would be like to hit the little doctor.

Xuanping was also punished.

The old Marquis and Xuanping Marquis were both military generals. They whipped and tickled, so the emperor punished them for copying military books.

It is the same to punish the generals for copying books as to punish the officials for beating the board.

The old Marquis knelt down in the side hall of Jinluan hall, looking at a table of military letters and writing brush, his head is big!

Xuanping Hou, however, threw the brush on the table.

Copy dog's eggs!

Find your son!