The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 228

When the old Marquis was in agony, he saw Xuanping stand up, brush his sleeves and go out leisurely!

Old Marquis: --

Xuanping Marquis familiar with the way out of the palace, called Chang Jing, sat on the carriage to Guozijian.

As the imperial examination was approaching, the Imperial Academy had more courses recently. Xiao LIULANG often left school after dark.

It's just the right time, neither early nor late.

Xuanping had been waiting for Xiao LIULANG for a whole hour.

The court clothes of Guozijian are white with blue edges. The cuffs are wide. The cuffs, lapels and waistlines are all made of indigo silk. The waistline is tight and restrained. They are elegant and elegant.

This kind of prison clothes can show good temperament as long as they are not ugly. However, among a large number of students in the Imperial College in white, there is a figure with a crutch.

He is tall, slender and has a beautiful face. The lights of thousands of families are shining behind him, reflecting the clean and pure color of youth. But the walking with crutches destroys the beauty.

Xuanpinghou's eyes fell on his lame legs, and his handsome thick eyebrows were just a frown.

But just for a moment, he got out of the carriage as usual.

His carriage didn't stop at the gate of Guozijian, but under the big tree on the side.

Xiao LIULANG was walking. Suddenly a tall figure appeared behind the tree and stopped him.

He stopped and looked at each other faintly.

The boy's stature has reached the height of an adult man. He no longer looks up at him, but looks down on him. However, he is much thinner and thinner. Marquis Xuanping has been practicing martial arts all the year round. He is very strong and strong.

Xiao LIULANG's eyes had no temperature, no surprise and any other emotions. He just looked at him coldly, as if he were looking at a stranger who had nothing to do with him.

The eyes hurt xuanpinghou's eyes, but xuanpinghou still showed a smile: "son, long time no see!"

Xiao LIULANG looked away: "I said I'm not your son."

Xuanping Marquis: "how can illegitimate son not be the son of marquis?"

Even if you are not ah Heng, at least you are LIULANG, the seed of Chen yunniang and me.

Then you are my son!

This crooked idea was written in his eyes.

Xiao LIULANG has no intention to deal with him: "I'm going back."

Xuanping Hou continued to stop him: "do me a favor."

Xiao LIULANG didn't speak.

Xuanping Hou wrongly said: "today is really bad luck, was a girl pit do not want, she hid, I also hid, the result is only me punished."

This is endless. Xiao LIULANG can't understand it and doesn't want to understand it.

Xuanping Hou sighed: "Your Majesty punished me for copying military letters. You know that I would rather eat board and whip than write. This is killing me."

In Xiao LIULANG's mind, Gu Jiao's crazy expression of practicing calligraphy flashed.

Xuanping Marquis did not chase his son, and he was distracted. He continued to entrust him with a cursory reply: "in the past, you copied it for me. This time, you also copied it for me! Old monkey no one to help him copy, who let his son down, my son up

Xuanping Marquis's mouth is usually used to choke people. He usually doesn't say good words, which is just to coax his son.

Xuanping Marquis's all self-cultivation in his life seems to have been used on this young man.

But the youth was ungrateful.

Xiao LIULANG raised his eyes and looked at him with a chill in his eyes: "how many times can I say it? I'm not your son. Your son was burned to death in the fire four years ago. He didn't dare to shout in the fire and waited in despair for someone to save him, but finally he could only watch himself engulfed by the sea of fire. He's dead, Xiao Ji, your son is dead! "

Xiao Ji, your son is dead!

This is like a sharp knife, suddenly into Xuanping Hou's heart!

Xiao LIULANG decided to leave.

Xuanping Hou's body was shaking slightly. He raised his hand to cover his heart.


What a pain

Xiao LIULANG with a cold back to the blue water Hutong, a moment before entering the house, he gathered the bottom of his heart, and stepped into the yard.

At this time, everyone in the family took a rest. No accident, there was still a light in the hall for him.

He went in with a light step, and Gu Jiao fell asleep again on the eight immortals table in the hall.

Her face and eyebrows were soft in the light, but different from the cold in the past, her eyebrows were slightly frowning, and it seemed that she was not comfortable in her sleep.

Xiao LIULANG hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and gently covered her forehead.

It's not hot.

He took it back.

His action has been very light, but Gu Jiao is still awake, she looked at him vaguely: "you're back?"

Xiao LIULANG found that her face was not good. He paused and asked, "where is it... Uncomfortable?"

Gu Jiao gave a small yawn: "it's OK."

Xiao LIULANG looked at her tired face and said, "I've eaten it. Go to sleep. You don't have to wait for me in the future."

"Nothing." She bent the corners of her lips. "I'll cook the hot water."

"I'll fight by myself, you go to sleep." Xiao LIULANG urged again, in a tone that could not be refused.

Gu Jiao: "good bell."

She stood up, limped into the room, and lay limply on the bed.

She doesn't have the nature of moaning without illness, even if she is sick, unless it's really too bad.

Xiao LIULANG took a deep look at her from the crack in the door. Without saying anything, he turned and went to the kitchen.

He did not immediately get water to wash, but to find ginger and brown sugar block.

Once upon a time, she had a hard time in the countryside. She didn't even have a piece of brown sugar at home, so she had to borrow it from the village... Now it's not hard at home, but she never seems to care more about herself than they do.

Xiao LIULANG cooked a bowl of thick brown sugar ginger tea and took it to Gu Jiao's house.

He's not good at cooking. The ginger tea is burnt.

He gently pushed open the door, came to Gu Jiao bed, gently wake him up: "get up to drink something."

Gu Jiao gave a murmur and tried to open her dim eyes.

She smelled brown sugar and ginger juice, and a little paste.

She was confused for three seconds.

"Can you sit up by yourself?" Asked Xiao LIULANG.

"No Someone who was going to sit up lay down again.


Xiao LIULANG put brown sugar ginger tea on the stool beside the bed, stretched out a slender hand like jade, and gently lifted her up from the quilt.

The girl's body is delicate and soft, with an attractive fragrance, some of which make people feel relaxed.

Gu Jiao is sitting at the head of the bed. She has waken up most of the time when she sleeps here. She looks at the brown sugar ginger tea which is picked up by him again, and her eyes become bright.

My husband cooked brown sugar water for her.

It's so nice to meet you.

How did Xianggong find out?

Gu Jiao came to kuishui at night. She seldom suffered from menstrual pain. She only had the first menarche when she came to the countryside, and she never made it again.

Today, strictly speaking, it's not too painful. It's sleepiness, mental distress, and a little bit of stomach tightness.

It is clear that she is an agent who can resist the pain of the next 10 levels. She can take bullets without using anesthetics, but for some reason, she is very intolerant of this kind of menstrual pain.

Xiao LIULANG handed her brown sugar ginger tea: "can you drink it by yourself?"

Gu Jiaogang held out her hand and quietly took it back. She said solemnly, "I think I'm very weak."


Xiao LIULANG sighed helplessly, sat down on the edge of the bed, picked up spoons and fed her one by one.

Gu Jiao opened her mouth, sipped the spoon gently and began to drink.

A bowl of brown sugar water soon came to the bottom.

"Anything else?" She still smacked her lips.

Xiao LIULANG looked at her round tummy, which could not be stopped by her bedroom clothes, and said, "I can't drink any more."

Gu Jiao's eyes fell on the jade hand he was holding a spoon to feed her: "Oh."

Xiao LIULANG took away the water and let her drink two mouthfuls: "sleep."

Gu Jiao obediently lying down, side lying looking at him, looks a little clever.

Xiao LIULANG looked at her and said, "what's the matter? Is there anything else wrong? "

Strong Jiao said, where uncomfortable? You can get shot! Can't you bear this?

Affectation Jiao said, but the stomach is really a little uncomfortable.

Finally, feisty Jiao grabs adamancy Jiao, beats 18 small fists, beats five centimeters, kicks out!

Gu Jiao blinked at him: "my stomach is a little uncomfortable."


Xiao LIULANG is dumb.

You get some sleep, and tomorrow will be fine.

It's better not to ask.

Rub it for you?

It's so close.

At the bottom of Xiao LIULANG's heart, there is a battle between heaven and man. He looks at Gu Jiao. Gu Jiao is looking at him with a pair of innocent eyes, as if he just said he would not do it.

Xiao LIULANG did not understand how he read these things from a small look.

He finally sat down and said, "here you are."

"Well!" Gu Jiao nodded.

Xiao LIULANG put out her hand and put it into her quilt. It was warm in the quilt. She could feel her temperature with her fingertips across the bedclothes.

Xiao LIULANG hesitated for a moment and covered her soft and cold stomach with his palm.

This is the first time that he really touched such a soft place of her when he was awake. The palm of his hand seemed to be on fire and hot.