The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 226

The emperor had a hard time to look back on in his early years. His birth mother was a palace maid. Although she was raised under the knees of Jing pin, Jing pin was not such a beloved master.

He had a hard time with Jing pin. After that, Jing pin gave birth to a little princess and was granted the title of Jing Fei. The situation of mother and son was better.

But before long, he was worried about by the prince and the Liu family. He didn't want to join the other party's camp, but he suffered a terrible blow from the other party.

However, those blows only made him short of food and clothing and feel a little weak. No one would really whip him on the forehead!

The Lord's whip is much more powerful than his son's. first of all, he is stronger. Second, he is more experienced, almost to the bone.

So the emperor was stunned not only by surprise, but also by his noble Dragon Skull.

It was not until some warm liquid ran down his cheek that the emperor finally realized that he was well and seemed to be hurt!

"Your majesty

The old Marquis was so scared that he threw out his whip!

He did not expect that he would whip the emperor with a whip!

Xuanping Hou's escape was enough to surprise him. When he couldn't take back the whip, Xuanping Hou dodged in time. He was also secretly glad that he dodged.

But now——

It's better not to hide!

Xuanping Hou, what are you hiding from!

Behind you is the emperor. Have you forgotten! Don't you walk in front just to make way for the emperor? You're in the pit?!

The old Marquis is very angry. Sometimes he may not be human, but you are a real dog, Marquis Xuanping.

Xuanping touched his nose and said shamelessly, "Oh, how could he be the old Marquis? Are you going to assassinate your majesty? Your majesty, I am late to help you. "

Emperor: I think you are too fast!

After a short period of paralysis, the emperor felt a pain like a cone. He could not stand up and sat on the ground against the wall.

"Your majesty The old Marquis fell down on his knees and saluted in fear, "I'm guilty! I don't want to assassinate your majesty! I don't know if the whip will hit your majesty... "

As a matter of fact, the Marquis had already resigned from his official post, so he didn't have to think of himself as a minister, but he was still working for the emperor, so in a hurry, he didn't care to call himself a grass-roots man.

Fortunately, xuanpinghou is an insider, but there are more than three of them at the scene.

Xiaosanzi is completely stupid, the woman ran away, Gu Jiao this small octopus also came down from the wall.

Xuanping Hou squinted. Isn't this the little quack who stepped on his face and almost broke him?

Gu Jiao also narrowed her eyes. Hehe, isn't this the Iron Rooster who only gave her a copper plate after seeing illness?

There was a smell of sparks in the air.

In fact, the emperor also found Gu Jiao now, but he didn't want to drop the horse in front of her. He didn't care about the pain of his head and raised his sleeve to cover the wound.

However, I can't stand the old Marquis's saying that your majesty has shed a lot of blood, and you deserve to die.

Then Xuanping Hou dragged Gu Jiao over: "aren't you a doctor?"

Marquis Xuanping: Although he hid too fast and His Majesty was beaten, he invited the doctor here to make up for his contribution!

As a result, after the old Marquis and Xuanping were both unreliable and injured the emperor, they were both unreliable and killed the emperor.

Emperor Qi and blood surge, you two are real dogs!

The emperor's face was stained with blood, but it was still enough to recognize his appearance.

Gu Jiao squatted down and said, "Lord Chu?"

"What, Lord Chu! This is your majesty The Marquis didn't know that Qin Chuyu was hiding his identity to go to the Imperial College.

Gu Jiao pick eyebrow: "Oh, so you are the emperor, so Chu Yu is the prince."

Emperor: it's over. My son lost his horse, too.

Marquis: I always feel that something is wrong!

Gu Jiao today is to give static too imperial concubine return visit, happened to take a small medicine box, she let the small three son go to the carriage to take her small medicine box.

Small three son has been scared aphasia, he busily get on the car to take a small medicine box to Gu Jiao.

Where does the old Marquis remember to tie Gu Jiao to see an official? He said to the emperor, "the ground is cold, your majesty. Go to the carriage."

"The light is good here." Gu Jiao refused him, but the Marquis said that he was talking to his majesty. A little medical girl didn't want to interrupt. She said to the emperor, "take your hand away."

The tone of the command.

The emperor obediently took away his hand covering the wound, and his eyes were still a little wronged.

The Marquis suspected that he was blind.

"You two, you're out of the light." Gu Jiao said to the old Marquis and Xuanping marquis.

Xuanping Marquis don't want face, was a small medical woman called also don't angry, especially elegant let to one side.

The old Marquis was a little dissatisfied with Gu Jiao's tone. He thought that this little medical girl abused lynching first and was arrogant.

The emperor looked coldly at the marquis.

"... yes."

The Marquis also retreated several feet.

Gu Jiao dipped a cotton ball in normal saline and began to clean up the blood stains on the emperor's face and head. In fact, the emperor was also good-looking, even worse than Xuanping marquis.

But xuanpinghou is so stingy!

Gu Jiao decisively decided that no matter how good he looked, he would not knock.


The whip was so heavy that the skin and flesh were turned over.

The emperor was in pain.

The Marquis knew that he was wrong, and he had been kneeling not far away and didn't dare to get up.

Xuanping Marquis also a little guilty, forget it, the emperor is sitting, he is not easy to stand, let the emperor look up to him, so he came to the old Marquis.

The old Marquis thought that he was going to kneel down and plead guilty. He moved aside and made room for him. As a result, he saw Marquis Xuanping squatting down and began to draw circles on the ground.

Old Marquis: --

Gu Jiao looked at the wound on his head and said, "if you want a needle, I'll shave your head first, and then give you some anesthetic."

And a haircut? Need stitches?

The emperor is not good at all!

Gu Jiao took out the blade, and the emperor's dragon body began to become uneasy. When she took out an anesthetic needle, the emperor almost fainted.

She went down with a needle.

The emperor bit his sleeve: "Wu ~"

Gu Jiao: this familiar voice and little action

The emperor completely lost his horse

Gu Jiao quietly sewed up for the emperor, and wrapped bandage and gauze on the emperor's head: "pay attention to the dryness and hygiene of the wound, and come to the hospital tomorrow to change the dressing."

Having said that, Gu Jiao packed up the small medicine box and medical supplies, and stretched out her hand to the emperor.

"The money."

She said.

Why does the emperor take money with him when he goes out? In the past, he besieged the court and paid for it, but today he didn't bring Duke Wei out.

So the emperor turned his eyes to Xuanping Marquis who squatted on the ground and drew circles. He said in a cold voice, "Xuanping Marquis!"

"Your Majesty, what's your name?" Xuanping marquis is not embarrassed when he is caught drawing circles. He is rarely embarrassed. Gu Jiao and he are of the same kind.

Xuanping Hou stood up and came to the emperor with one knee.

A squat small action, calm elegant bearing, this man, no matter what is doing is pleasing.

Unfortunately, the emperor is not Yangou: "give money."

Xuanping Hou took a look at Gu Jiao, but he took out his wallet and poured out a few yuan Bao and silver naked son in his palm.

Not surprisingly, he picked up the smallest one from it and put it in Gu Jiao's palm.

The emperor's eyes were cold to the freezing point: "is my dragon worth such a little silver?"

Xuanping Hou painfully picked a second small silver naked son and put it in Gu Jiao's hand. He took the smallest one back.

The Emperor

Gu Jiao

The emperor was so angry that he took all his silver and gave it to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao got the money and left in a carriage.

It was not until the carriage went far away that the emperor regained his mind and frowned at the Marquis: "who did you just wave the whip to hit?"

The old Marquis said about Gu Jiao and the suspicious woman: "I intended to send them to the government to decide."

The emperor's face sank in an instant. It was more terrible than being whipped by the Marquis: "how can you be partial to others?"

others? That girl is not her own person?

The old Marquis's temperament is very important. Sometimes he doesn't know how to be flexible. Maybe he doesn't want to be flexible. He said with a straight face: "I'm not partial to anyone. It's just that this kind of thing should be reported to the official no matter what. How can I let that girl do it by herself?"

The emperor looked at the look of the old Marquis and suddenly realized something.

You don't know she's a granddaughter, do you?

Not only did the old Marquis not recognize that it was his own granddaughter, but Xuanping Marquis also did not recognize that Gu Jiao was his own daughter-in-law.

He was still thinking that when he met his daughter-in-law, he must be more generous and not let his son's face be dull.