The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 225


Xiao Sanzi stopped the carriage in the lane ahead.

It's a very secluded alley. Few people walk around.

The carriage stopped, too.

Xiao Sanzi suddenly felt gloomy, as if something big was going to happen.

He said in fear: "Gu... Miss Gu... Do we really want to stop here? Or... Why don't you hurry back to the hospital? "

Gu Jiao said: "no hurry."

It's not urgent, but she hates to waste her time on such meaningless things.

Gu Jiao PA closed half of the medical books, opened the curtain and got off the carriage.

Seeing that she was going to walk towards the carriage, the third son was stunned: "Miss Gu, what are you going to do?"

Gu Jiaotou did not return to say: "wait in the car!"

Xiaosanzi: "Oh."

When Gu Jiao came over, the coachman didn't know whether she was scared or how, so she abandoned the car and ran away.

Gu Jiao put her hand into the curtain of the car and was about to pull out the man inside. But the man took the initiative to touch her wrist and obediently got out of the carriage.

Gu Jiao has never seen such a conscious find fault, she is to catch the collar, the result of people caught the wrist, although the other side offered.

"It's you?"

Looking at the beautiful young man dragged down by himself, Gu Jiao frowned.

Princess Ann nodded with a smile: "well, it's me."

His white clothes are like jade, his ink hair is like satin, his clear appearance is outstanding, and his jade tree is in the wind.

A stranger is like a jade, but he is unique in the world.

If you want to say how bright and delicate his features are, it's not just that he has a peerless temperament.

But Gu Jiao has no time to appreciate someone's beauty at the moment. If she catches someone wrong once, Xianggong will be angry. If she catches someone wrong again, she will get it.

Gu Jiao decisively let go of his hand, lightly asked: "you follow me?"

Princess an shook his head and laughed: "not at first. I went to make incense, but I saw you. Then I came back with you."

What is following her back? It's like going home with her.

Gu Jiao's eyes fell on the coachman who was not far away. She said, "you changed the carriage and coachman. You didn't go to Shangxiang."

Wu Yang has developed from a dark guard to an upright bodyguard, which has become a standard for Prince an to travel. Replacing Wu Yang is to prevent people from discovering his identity.

What's wrong with the last incense?

Unless he has another purpose.

The king of an County laughs inconceivably. Women are too smart to resist.

Ann county king did not explain his purpose to her, only said: "but I really do not want to follow you, met you by accident, I swear."

What does he swear to have to do with her?

Gu Jiao looked at him and said, "I don't like being followed. You go first."

The king of an County didn't want to make her angry, but he helped her. He was sorry and said with a smile, "OK, OK, don't be angry. I'll go first. I won't be in the future."

The king of onjun got into the carriage, and the coachman rolled back and drove away.

To make sure that he really left, Gu Jiaocai turned and walked to her carriage.

However, as soon as she opened the curtain, a kitchen knife flew over her head. She shuashed away the little three and pushed the whole man out of the carriage!

The kitchen knife stabbed firmly on the outside seat.

Small three son covers the buttock that falls painful, be about to ask Gu girl why push him, saw the kitchen knife on the car seat, he is instantly dumbfounded: "have, somebody assassinate?"

Gu Jiao looked up at the roof on both sides and squinted dangerously.

She walked out of the alley and turned left into the first shop. It was a powder shop. The first floor sold ordinary Rouge powder. There were many customers. On the second floor, there are a few distinguished guests.

Gu Jiao quickly went up to the second floor and came to a wing room at the end of the right corridor. She broke into the room. Without saying a word, she caught the only woman inside and threw her down the window!

"Ah --"

The woman screamed and fell beside the carriage.

Xiao Sanzi was so scared that he jumped three times and stepped back several steps.

He looked up at the broken window and said, "Miss Gu?"

Gu Jiao jumps down from the window on the second floor and falls on the woman's side. She doesn't give the woman a chance to react and steps on her left wrist.

With a clang, a dagger fell out of the cuff on the woman's left.

Gu Jiao broke the bone of her hand, stepped on her chest and said coldly, "who sent you?"

A woman is not very old. She is less than 20 years old. She looks soft and weak, but she is a trainer. Otherwise, she won't fall down from the second floor. It's OK.

Now, of course, she has.

Her left hand bone was broken, and her ribs had a tendency to break.

Gu Jiao looked down at her: "my patience is limited, you'd better tell me right away."

The woman gritted her teeth.

"Good." Gu Jiao fingertips move, a blade slipped into her fingers.

Gu Jiao's eyes have no pity, no hesitation, she is really to the result of her.

The woman was frightened and was about to open her mouth when she heard a sharp drink from the other end of the alley: "who? Stop it

But the Marquis passed by.

The old Marquis stepped down from the carriage and came to Gu Jiao and the woman. He didn't pay attention to Gu Jiao when he was near the nunnery, so he didn't recognize the little girl who had appeared beside Princess Jing.

Gu Jiao recognized him.

The old man who upset Princess Jing.

"What are you doing?" The old Marquis asked harshly, "what's the standard for a girl to bully a woman in the street?"

"No..." xiaosanzi stood up and explained, "she has a problem!"

"What's wrong with her?" The old Marquis hit by the cold eyes.

Xiao Sanzi is just an ordinary boy. He choked on the spot when he could bear the air of a veteran.

When the woman saw the help coming, she cried out: "master, help! Please help me! I didn't do anything, so she rushed up and treated me like this... I don't know where I offended her... "

"You... You take a knife... You throw a knife... Almost... Almost stabbed... Stabbed us to death..." xiaosanzi counseled Guihui, but still took out his remaining courage, "no, no, no, no, don't believe it, you see..."

Xiaosanzi points to the kitchen knife on the seat of the car.

The kitchen knife is one inch in the seat of the car. If it is cut on a person's head, it will split the person's head.

The old Marquis's eyes darkened.

The woman said, "I didn't do it! I don't know anything! Master, you believe me

"Whether you did it or not, the government will find out." The old Marquis said and turned to look at Gu Jiao, "even if you doubt her, you can't add her fists. You should give it to the government."

Gu Jiao was very upset and ignored the Marquis: "I'll give you one last chance. Do you want to say it or not?"

Women have no fear: "I don't --"


Gu Jiao's blade flew over her cheek and cut off a wisp of her hair.

The woman's cold sweat burst out.

The old Marquis is angry. Why is this girl so stubborn?

The Marquis stepped forward.

Gu Jiao light way: "old man, I advise you to get out of the way."

Old man, old man?

It's true that the Marquis is old, but he is still young. Who dares to humiliate him like this?!

Gu Jiao bothers this guy to interrupt her. Otherwise, she would have asked the people behind the scenes. How many people in the government can hold her if she has the courage to do this?

I'm afraid I've been taken away before the trial.

Gu Jiao is thinking that he is an old man and old, so she doesn't want to fight with him. But he can't stand it. The Marquis really wants to stop her.

"Pull her away!"

At the command of the Marquis, an accompanying bodyguard rushed up. Gu Jiao raised her foot and kicked the dagger on the ground. The handle of the dagger hit the bodyguard's chest and knocked the bodyguard down on the ground.

The old Marquis couldn't believe it. He was so angry that he pulled the whip from his waist and whipped Gu Jiao!

Gu Jiao grabs the woman on the ground.


The whip struck the woman.

"Ah --"

Women scream!

The old Marquis was so angry that his head was smoking. He found the right angle and whipped it down again.


It's on women again.

Women are crazy, can you be a little accurate? Why do you smoke me every time!

The woman has wronged the old Marquis. It's not that the old Marquis is not accurate enough, but that Gu Jiao is too cunning.

The old Marquis simply grabbed the woman's arm and snatched the other party from Gu Jiao's hand.

After putting the woman aside, the third whip of the old Marquis beat Gu Jiao mercilessly.

Gu Jiao sideways to avoid, the whole person pasted on the wall.

I thought this whip would fail, but it didn't.

Gu Jiao get out of the way of a moment, the alley into a man in splendid clothes.

It's too late for the Lord to take back the whip.

This man is no other than the famous Xuanping marquis.

Xuanping Hou Mou son a stare: "lie trough!"

Xuanping Hou didn't expect that a whip would come out when he took a turn. He got out of the way immediately!

He forgot that he was followed by the emperor.

The emperor is not a practitioner.

The main emperor did not expect that Xuanping Marquis did not escort him at the critical moment, but avoided himself.

What kind of ministers are they!

The whip slapped on the emperor's forehead, and the emperor was stunned!