The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 224

Embarrassing what? It doesn't exist.

Gu Jiao, who has had enough tofu, goes back to her room contentedly, leaving Xiao LIULANG alone in the main room... A little messy in the wind.

Gu Jiao had a good sleep.

Xiao LIULANG's heart is hot and dry. He doesn't know why. He tosses and turns and wakes up xiaojingkong.

The small clearance make complaints about it: "are your adults so disobedient? Can you sleep well? "

After being scolded by the little guy, Xiao LIULANG really calmed down. He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

There was a spring rain at night, and it stopped at dawn. The ground was wet, and Xiao Jingkong fell when he went out.

Today, he took something in his hand. When wrestling, he didn't hold his head and body in time, and his knee scraped a little skin.

Gu Jiao went out, not at home.

With a small frown, he went to the gate of the yard, sat on the threshold, and put his injured leg in the most prominent place.

When Gu Jiao came back from the market and saw the little guy sitting on the threshold, she couldn't help asking, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Jingkong's tears in the morning can be regarded as useful. He pulled up his trouser legs tearfully and said wrongly: "it hurts!"

Gu Jiao leaned over and looked: "wrestling again?"

"Well!" He choked and nodded.

Gu Jiao carried him into the east room and took Iodophor to detoxify him.

Small clear space coquettishly way: "want to shout just don't ache."

Gu Jiao took his lotus root like little meat leg and gave him a gentle shout.


How comfortable!

I feel like I'm going to faint!

Then Xiao LIULANG appeared.

"I'm going to school."

The tone is icy, the eyes take the hook, as if want to grab the small clear space from Gu Jiao's arms!

Xiaojingkong jumped to the ground, walked to him with a small meteor, and made a small face: "I have Huhu, a little bit!"

You have Huhu, I have to pinch!

Xiao LIULANG finally didn't care with the little guy. He looked at Gu Jiao in the room and said calmly, "good morning."

"Good morning." Gu Jiao bent her lips.

Xiao LIULANG's eyes moved, and he walked out of the room with a small clear space.

Gu Xiaoshun and Gu Yan also got up and went to school after breakfast.

Gu Jiao went to the hospital.

Xiaojiangli is squatting in the backyard, feeding her little fat rabbit with carrots.

"Sister gu!" Seeing Gu Jiao coming, xiaojiangli went over with little fat rabbit in her arms. "I've swept the yard clean!"

Gu Jiao nodded: "really good."

Xiaojiang pear in the hospital for a period of time, no longer yellow skinny. She has a small face as big as a palm, and her facial features are very beautiful. To be honest, she doesn't look like Jiang Shi. She may follow her father and mother.

"This morning, the elder sister came to play the piano again!" Xiaojiangli pointed to the wall in Gujiao's yard and said.

After living in the hospital for such a long time, xiaojiangli knew that the next door was the female school, and there was a sister in the female school who came to play the piano every day, sometimes in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon.

Gu Jiao said, "do you want to play it?"

"Ah..." Xiaojiang Li Leng Leng, "can I?"

Gu Jiao nodded: "well, there is a piano in the room."

Xiaojiangli happily went to play the piano... Er, to be exact, playing the piano!

Xiaojiangli and Jiangshi suffered a lot in the days when they depended on each other. They developed a character of not being troublesome and were very agreeable.

She never takes things and puts them around like little headroom, which makes the house in a mess. She will clean up the house after playing.

Gu Jiao let her play, and then out of the door.

Today is the day for Princess Jing's return visit. Gu Jiao goes to the nunnery in the carriage of the medical school.

There was another carriage outside the nunnery hall. Gu Jiao didn't care and went in.

Last time I came back here, I saw at least two nuns, but none of them today.

Gu Jiao went to Princess Jing's yard.

It rained last night and the soil was sticky. Gu Jiao slowed down.

When she came to the door of the Zen room, there came a voice that Princess Jing and a little familiar.

"You must take care of yourself. Your majesty has you in mind. Your majesty said that you don't have to wait any longer. He will take you back to the palace in a few days."

"No, I'm used to living here. I like the days of the ancient Buddhas very much. Let your majesty forget me."

"What did the princess say? Your Majesty was brought up by you. In his heart, you are his mother. How can he not care about you? You have suffered a lot over the years. Your majesty is looking forward to taking you back

"Go back and tell your majesty that I'm fine here."

As soon as Princess Jing said this, Gu Jiao knocked on the door.

The conversation in the Zen room stopped abruptly.

"Who?" asked Princess Jing

"It's me." Gu Jiao said.

Static princess heard Gu Jiao's voice, warm voice way: "is Gu girl, come in quickly."

Gu Jiao pushed open the door of the Zen room and stepped into the room.

When the people in the room saw her, their eyes were staring: "little..."

miracle-working doctor?

"Why? Is that you Gu Jiao looks at Duke Wei.

Duke Wei once accompanied the emperor to the hospital, which was the time when the emperor was touched by xiaojingkong.

Gu Jiao didn't know that the other party was the emperor, but she only knew that the other party was Chu Yu's father, who seemed to be a senior official of the imperial court.

As for Duke Wei, he was dressed as an ordinary housekeeper. Gu Jiao only thought he was a servant of the Chu family.

It seems not.

"Do you... Know each other?" Static too imperial concubine doubts ground to see to two people to ask.

Duke Wei met a ghost secretly. How could he meet the little doctor here? Just now the words of oneself and quiet too imperial concubine have not been listened to by the little miracle doctor? Can't the little doctor guess his identity?

I'm your Majesty's follower. If I guess I'm your father-in-law, won't it make your majesty lose his horse?

Duke Wei had an idea. He turned to Princess Jing and said, "Your Majesty once sent me to visit the injured in the accident with Lord Chu. Miss Gu is a doctor in the hospital. We have met."

"Lord Chu?" Imperial concubine Jing has never heard of Lord Chu.

"It's your Majesty's new appointment." Duke Wei was afraid that the lie would not go down, so he quickly cut off the topic, "how can miss Gu be here?"

Static too imperial concubine gentle smile: "she is the little doctor that I say with you."

Duke Wei was speechless for a while.

What kind of fate is this? Has the little miracle doctor treated the disease to the empress of the imperial concubine?

"Cough." Duke Wei worried that the longer he stayed, the more flaws he had. He said to imperial concubine Jing, "it's late. I have to go back to the palace to reply to your majesty. I'll visit imperial concubine another day."

Duke Wei left in a hurry.

Gu Jiao took a look at Wei Gonggong and didn't say anything. She began to return to the doctor for Jing Taifei.

She took out the stethoscope.

The last time I auscultated for Princess Jing, her lungs were full of chirps. Now they are normal.

Gu Jiao gave her pulse again, and her pulse was smooth.

"How do you feel?" Gu Jiao asked.

Static too imperial concubine says with a smile: "used the medicine that you give, much better, the second day only attacked two times, the third day then almost no asthma."

Gu Jiao is not surprised at this result. After all, the drugs in the Institute are good medicines. Even in the advanced medical history, they are far superior to the same kind of efficacy: "that spray is always there for you, in case of asthma attack, use it in time."

"Good." Static too imperial concubine should next, and look to Gu Jiao, full face lovingly, "difficult for you to trouble to see me."

Gu Jiao said: "I received the gold from Princess Rui."

Princess Jing was stunned at first, and then she realized what Gu Jiao meant. She looked at Gu Jiao with a serious face and laughed.

"You are a very interesting child." Static too imperial concubine laughs from can't help but, looking at the clear sky, way, "the sun, Gu girl anxious to go back?"? If you're not in a hurry, can you accompany me outside. When I get sick, I can't go out. I've been in the room for a long time. "

"Good." Gu Jiao is in no hurry to go back.

Static too imperial concubine put on a cape, and Gu Jiao together out of the yard.

The nunnery is not big. It's gone after two steps. Princess Jing leads Gu Jiao out of the nunnery.

The Qingshiban road in front of the gate of the nunnery is very easy to walk. Gu Jiaolai noticed that there is no such easy road in front of the gate of Puji temple.

Princess Jing was enjoying the scenery around her and walked slowly: "what do you think of the scenery here, Miss Gu?"

"Not bad." Gu Jiao is not very interested in mountains and rivers.

"I think it's better than the palace. Many girls want to enter the palace, but they will spend their whole life looking forward to leaving the palace. "

Gu Jiao felt that Princess Jing was explaining a conversation with her father-in-law.

Gu Jiao is not a talkative person.

Static too imperial concubine solution don't explain, Gu Jiao won't say out.

However, the conversation just now revealed a fact that Princess Jing could not help herself in the nunnery. At least the emperor thought she could not help herself. The emperor wanted to take her back, but because of something that could not be realized, it was about to be realized.

Gu Jiao thinks, the static too imperial concubine of the body side suddenly stopped.

Gu Jiao's Yu Guang noticed that her body was slightly stiff. Gu Jiao turned to look at her and looked at the front of her gaze.

I don't know when a burly old man in cloth clothes came on the path ahead.

Gu Jiao experienced life and death in her previous life in the organization, and almost instantly felt the murderous spirit hidden in each other.

This old man in cloth clothes has killed people.

I'm afraid I've killed a lot, otherwise I wouldn't be so fierce.

The other party soon saw them, and his steps stopped.

Oh, yes?

The old man in cloth's eyes passed a trace of complexity. He stepped forward and gave a salute to the imperial concubine: "imperial concubine."

The static too imperial concubine unconsciously pinched the handkerchief in the hand, the tone can't hear how big change: "old Hou Ye doesn't need to be more polite."

When she heard that it was the Marquis, Gu Jiao didn't guess from him for a moment. Who let the marquis in the capital have more?

And the old Marquis has not been to pay more attention to Gu Jiao, just regard her as a little girl around the quiet princess.

Quiet too imperial concubine calmed down, ask a way: "old Hou Ye is to go up incense?"

The old Marquis always lowered his eyebrows and didn't look at the appearance of Princess Jing: "something happened to the cable bridge a few days ago. Recently, it has just been repaired. I'll come to have a look."

Marquis Gu is responsible for the repair of the cable bridge. Marquis Gu should have accepted it, but didn't Marquis Gu make his father seriously injured? The old Marquis took such a trip for him.

Although Princess Jing pretended to be very calm, people with clear eyes could feel that something was wrong with her breath: "then, go and be busy."

The old Marquis once again arched his hand and gave a salute without squinting: "take care of your body, princess."

"Well." Princess Jing nodded her head.

The Marquis turned and left.

Princess Jing looked at his back and saw a trace of sadness. In a moment, she looked at Gu Jiao and said, "go back. I'm a little tired."

Gu Jiao will be quiet Princess back to the temple after sitting on the coach of the hospital.

The coachman is Xiao Sanzi.

The third son said, "Miss Gu, are we going back to the hospital directly?"

"Well." Gu Jiao gave a hum.

"All right, you're on your feet!" Xiao Sanzi waved his whip and said, "drive!"

The carriage left the nunnery, passed the temple, and then passed the stone arch bridge.

The beautiful scenery along the way reminds Gu Jiao of her days in the countryside.

The carriage did not go far before another came up.

Which way Gu Jiao's carriage went, which way the carriage also went. It was the same after turning a few corners.

At first, they thought that the other party was going back to the city, but the third son stopped the carriage in the teahouse and asked them to go first, but they didn't go.

When the small three son drove the carriage on the road, they followed up not far or near.

Gradually, even the third son noticed something wrong: "Miss Gu, why does that carriage always follow us?"

At this time, they are about to enter the downtown area. Another narrow path is Chaoyu street. At the end of Chaoyu street, there is a Chaoyu archway. After passing the archway, another turn is Xuanwu Street.

"Stop in the alley ahead." Gu Jiao said lightly.