The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 215

What she was afraid of was not enough to describe Shufei's mood at this time. She did not expect that the emperor would propose to take the examination of the fifth prince at this time.

Your majesty has many opportunities every day. In fact, you don't have much time to test the princes. The only ones who care most are the eldest prince and the prince.

One is his eldest son and the other is his own son.

Like the fifth prince, the emperor did a spot check on his articles at most. With Gu Jinyu's help, the fifth Prince's articles were very good.

The emperor occasionally called the fifth prince over and asked him some questions in his articles. Gu Jinyu had taught the fifth prince in advance.

Although the fifth prince can't do well in class, he is gifted in cheating.

Gu Jinyu just said that his majesty might test you in a moment, and you just answered, and then he remembered!

So looking for Gu Jinyu to cheat for so many years, the fifth prince never helped.

Shufei's heart was shaking.

"Your Majesty..."

She tried to stop it, but the emperor was determined. On the other side, the three peas finished the mortar and went to paste the wall with buckets.

The emperor lost the pleasure of watching and went back to the imperial study.

Empress Xiao, concubine Zhuang and others got up to send them off.

The emperor went to the imperial study.

The fifth prince was also called in.

For the time being, he didn't quite understand what had happened. He just felt that the people in the palace looked strange, and the emperor looked even more strange.


He went into the imperial study and saluted.

At this time, three small Peas have been carrying a small bucket to the imperial study.

Duke Wei was really worried that some of his little ancestors would paste the emperor in. He quickly asked people to move the green bricks.

If you don't paste walls, it's good to paste bricks.

Several people squat down, holding a small brush slowly paste.

Small clearance paste the most seriously, but because he is too small, the control of power is not accurate enough, so he paste the worst.

The second is Xu congee, which is not very good.

If you want to say that the real little wall plasterer is Qin Chuyu.

Qin Chuyu originally indulged his two little friends to play. He found that he had the best paste and gradually found the fun of pasting walls.

"I can be a painter in the future!" Qin Chuyu said with pride.

Xiaojingkong agreed: "yes, you paint the best!"

Xu Cong nodded in agreement.

On one side, Duke Wei was shaking all over, and the dust in his hands was scared off!

Little ancestor, you are the prince. Is your lofty ideal to be a painter?! Can you be a little promising?!

In the imperial study, the fifth prince was no less frightened than Duke Wei, but his fear did not come from the younger brother who wanted to be a tile painter, but from the torture of the emperor's soul.

The emperor examined a section of Mencius: "the city is not high, the pool is not deep, the military revolution is not strong, and there are not many millet."; It is not as good as the harmony of people because of the favorable location. What's in the back? "

The fifth Prince: "yes... Yes..."

The small clearance shakes its head and pastes bricks: "so it is said: the people of the region do not use the boundary of frontier, the country is not used to consolidate the country, the danger of mountains and rivers, and the world is not used to win the military revolution. Those who get the right way help more, while those who lose the right way help less. When there is little help, it is by the side of relatives; Help more, and the world will follow. They should follow the order of the world and attack relatives; So if a gentleman does not fight, he will win. "

The four-year-old's voice was crisp, and a little squeaky.

The whole imperial study was quiet.

The emperor glared at the fifth Prince and said, "it's easy for people to speak."

The fifth prince could not answer.

Small clearance: "no responsibility."

Emperor: "few people are to the country."

Xiaojingkong: "do your best."

He is not in and five princes rush to answer, is to hear, smooth mouth son to give to say.

Just like listening to music on weekdays, when you hear the last sentence, you will hum the next sentence, that's all.

The emperor was so angry that he pointed out the window and said, "listen, you are not as good as a four-year-old!"

Qin Chuyu asked xiaojingkong strangely, "what were you just carrying?"

Xiaojingkong said: "I don't know. Listen to the elder brothers of Guozijian."

The four books and five classics were the compulsory items in the imperial examination. Some examinees in the Imperial College recited them frequently, and xiaojingkong wrote them down after listening to them.

Qin Chuyu: why didn't I remember?

The Emperor gave the fifth Prince several arithmetic problems, but he couldn't do any. The emperor was very angry: "isn't this all the problems you used to do? It's just a change of number! "

The fifth prince was so scared that he didn't dare to go out.

The fact that the fifth Prince's knowledge is fake is basically certain. If it wasn't for Shufei's making such a scene, the emperor wouldn't have doubted that the fifth prince would have taken any credit from him. Was his former knowledge adulterated?

"Who did your homework before?" Asked the emperor in a deep voice.

At first, the fifth Prince planned to bite his teeth, but he couldn't bear the pressure of his father. He faltered and explained: "cousin and cousin."

The emperor fell in anger.

It's Gu Jinyu again!

The emperor laughed angrily.

He was still wondering where Gu Jinyu's ability to take credit was learned from. Now, it turns out that she was influenced by others. Her talent was taken away, so she went to take other people's things.

What's this called? The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!

The beauty of the old lady suddenly made the emperor feel terrible!

But the son is born, can't really laissez faire.

After the third prince was canonized as Queen Rui, the eldest prince was also canonized as king Ning. The fourth Prince and the fifth Prince were not young. Some ministers in the court wrote to them that it was time for them to be canonized.

Just this morning, he made up the titles for his two sons.

But now, the emperor felt that the heat was not enough.

In fact, the fourth Prince's talent was not adulterated. The emperor was just hurt by the fifth prince, and suddenly became suspicious of the fourth prince.

Do you want to take an examination of Lao Si's knowledge?

Or even if you pass the knowledge test, do you want to test your character?

The emperor's heart twists and turns a thousand times, in short, the last word - the matter of king, let's discuss it later!

As a result, the fourth prince, who did nothing, suffered a lot and was not granted the title of king.

The fourth Prince's heart is really a beep dog. Who did he provoke? Where are you going to argue?


Xiaojingkong had a wonderful afternoon at the palace.

Qin Chuyu for not exposing identity, didn't say he lived in the palace, only way for a while and his father go back together.

Children don't have so much suspicion.

"See you tomorrow, then." Xiaojingkong says goodbye to Qin Chuyu and goes out of the palace with Xu Cong in his carriage.

It was a little late when Xu's carriage sent xiaojingkong back to the hospital. There were not many patients in the hospital today. Gu Jiao was waiting for xiaojingkong in the lobby.

In fact, xiaojingkong is very tired. Xu Cong has been lying on the couch and can't wake up. Xiaojingkong's eyelids are fighting, but he doesn't let himself sleep.

The carriage arrived at the hospital.

Gu Jiao would have a look at every carriage parked in the hospital.

This time is no exception.

When she saw that it was the Xu family's carriage, she got up and went out.

Little clearance didn't jump down, and she almost guessed what was going on.

She got into the carriage and carried the little clearance into her arms.

Xiaojingkong is pecking rice, pecking and feeling light. He looks at Gu Jiao vaguely and says, "Jiao Jiao?"

"Well, it's me." Gu Jiao holds him in one hand, holds the back of his head slightly in the other hand, and takes him out of the carriage.

"Be careful." The coachman brought a footstool.

"Thank you very much." Gu Jiao thanks and goes back to the hospital with her little clearance.

Xiaojingkong was lying in Gu Jiao's arms, her head on her shoulder, and she fell asleep.

Gu Jiao frees one hand to take the small basket.

A slender hand stretched out.

"I'll do it." He put Gu Jiao's small medicine box into the basket, then carried the small basket on his back, and reached out to hold the small clearance.

Small clearance seems to have induction like, small eyebrows wrinkled, dead to seize the skirt of Gu Jiao do not let go.

"It's OK. I'll hold him." Gu Jiao said to Xiao LIULANG.

Xiao LIULANG said, "good."

Gu Jiao asked curiously, "Why are you here so late? The hospital is not busy today. "

"Passing by." Xiao LIULANG said solemnly.

Gu Jiao: "Oh."

"Anything else?" Asked Xiao LIULANG.

"No, go home." Gu Jiao said briskly.

"Well." Xiao LIULANG answered and soon felt something was wrong.


When did he make it his home?

Gu Jiao stepped out of the threshold and found that Xiao LIULANG didn't follow him. She looked back at him and said, "don't you go home?"

Xiao LIULANG opened his mouth: "back."

Xiao LIULANG walked out with a crutch.

Gu Jiao waited until he came, then went to the blue water Hutong side by side with him.

The streets are noisy and people come and go.

Xiao LIULANG went around to the outside and blocked the pedestrians who might hit him.

As he walked, he looked at her quietly.

When I first saw her, she was just a silly girl, but now she is graceful. Her face is still that one, but it seems that she has already changed a person.

We agreed to go.

But I don't know when, maybe from the moment when she asked her to go to Tianxiang academy, or the moment when she was desperate to send him to the county examination room... Step by step, it has come to today.

You can't have childish behavior like asking for a gift last time.

He can not have a heart, can not have a home, can not have any concern.


Gu Jiao pushed open a courtyard door.

Xiao LIULANG said almost reflexively, "you are going wrong. This is not our home."

With that, he was stunned.

Gu Jiao turned her head and bent her lips: "I know. I'll give uncle Zhao some cough medicine."

Her smile was as clean as snow on the top of Tianshan Mountain.

Xiao LIULANG was dazzled.


The emperor deprived Gu Jinyu of the title and the position of princess. The next day, it spread all over the streets. Teahouses were discussing why Gu Jinyu was severely punished by the emperor.

"It's said that she broke the imperial seal. Your majesty punished her severely in a rage!"

"That's not what I heard."

"What's that like?"

"Do you know the accident of the furnace in the Yamen of the Ministry of industry? That stove is her transformation, can only use two bellows, she had to use six! As a result, Sheng Sheng blew up the stove! "

"She said it would be changed, but would the officials of the Ministry of industry not check it?"

"So that's the problem. She just provided a plan. It's the work department's business to use or not. The manufacturing supervision department of the Ministry of industry is the main responsibility. There is another secret about why she will be punished. "

"Come on, come on, don't play the game, just say it!"

"She didn't invent the bellows, it's another girl! Old fellow blacksmiths came from the county town and burst her on the spot.

"Ah! How could it be? "

"Otherwise, why did your majesty punish her severely? It's not because she committed the crime of deceiving you! "

"It's shameless of you to take credit for the money of the marquis."

"Isn't it? No face

This is a small teahouse outside the capital. It's so popular outside the city.

A strong old man, even though he was wearing cloth clothes, frowned slightly: "little brother, which Hou Fu are you talking about?"

His voice was so dignified that the people who were discussing it could not help but silence. Qi Qi looked at him.

He had silver hair, but he was big, dignified and powerful. No one dared to underestimate him.

Or a young boy who was not afraid of tigers, he bravely said: "Marquis Ding'an."

The dignified old man said, "are you sure there is no mistake?"

The young man was scared to shiver by his momentum: "no, no mistake... It's Ding'an Houfu! It's spread all over the capital. If you don't believe it, ask! The daughter of Marquis's mansion in Ding'an invented the bellows and was canonized as the princess... A few days later, something happened to the bellows... A lot of people were injured... "

The old man's eyes were cold.