The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 216

The business of the hospital was deserted for only one day. The next day, there were more people. Fortunately, the wounded who had been treated here earlier were out of the hospital one after another.

Jiang Shi is still in treatment.

He was the most serious patient in the accident. Just a few days ago, he successfully passed the critical period. He is in good condition and can see new improvement every day.

His voice was gradually recovering, occasionally speaking a few words hoarsely.

Gu Jiao has learned that his name is Jiang Shi, from Yuxian County. He is 21 years old, and his sister Jiang Li is 8 years old.

They suffered from famine in the village. Their parents and family died of starvation, leaving him and his sister alone.

The two of them were bought by the Carisolv and sold for many times. In fact, it's easy to sell them when they are separated, but Jiang Shi doesn't want to be separated from his sister.

By chance, they were sold to the capital, and he worked for the Yamen of the Ministry of industry.

I don't have much money to be a black worker, but I can barely afford to give my sister a bite to eat.

From Jiang Shi's mouth, Gu Jiao also learned that there are many black workers like him. It's lucky to be able to work for the imperial court. Some people are not bought by the corrupt officials of the imperial court, but sold to some black hearted small workshops. That's really miserable.

The black workers were not registered residence in the capital city or the road was cited. Although the court assumed their treatment fees, they also made up a little money for them, but after they recovered, they all had to leave the capital city.

Gu Jiao hangs today's needle for Jiang Shi.

Jiang Li is not in the ward. She went to the lobby to help.

The little girl has become familiar with the people in the hospital. She understands that people here will not hurt her. She gradually puts down her guard and helps when there are many people.

She is helping to pack the medicine bag today. She is not very quick, but she does it very carefully.

When Gu Jiao was observing Xiaojiang pear, doctor song suddenly came over and said with a smile, "little girl works very hard. She can recognize a lot of herbs, which is much better than me at that time."

Just as he was talking, a carriage came outside.

The four bodyguards were all riding on high horses. It was obvious that the identity of the people in the carriage was extraordinary.

Sure enough, the curtain of the car was lifted and a gorgeous young lady came down.

It's not princess Rui. Who is it?

Princess Rui met Gu Jiao on the stone arch bridge on the first day of the lunar new year, but she never appeared again.

She stepped out of the carriage with the help of two female officials. She waved her hand impatiently: "come on, don't help me. I don't have hands and feet!"

"But be careful." Xu said.

Princess Rui ignored her and stepped into the hall. When she saw Gu Jiao, she said with a smile: "Miss Gu!"

Gu Jiao nodded slightly.

Princess Rui looked around and came forward with Gu Jiao's hand: "is it convenient to go to your yard?"

"Good." Gu Jiao said to doctor song, "it's up to you."

"Well In response, the song official arched his hand to Princess Rui.

The patient here doesn't know the identity of the other party, but he does.

Princess Rui didn't pay much attention to him and went to the yard with Gu Jiao.

They sat down.

Gu Jiao poured her a cup of tea.

Instead of drinking, Princess Rui said, "I'm sorry I haven't come to you for so long. I also came back from the palace that day and found that I was pregnant. Mammies won't let me go out, they'll keep me for two months! "

Mammy also follow the meaning of Yu Fei, the fetus to wait for three months to declare, to go out.

"Congratulations." Gu Jiao said.

"I've been married to your Highness for a few years. This is the first child. Please help me to have a look at my pulse," she said

Gu Jiao gave her a pulse: "pulse is very stable."

Princess Rui rarely showed a childlike smile: "the royal doctor also said so, but I don't worry about what the royal doctor said, I don't worry about what you said!"

When she thought of something, she said, "by the way, I haven't had time to thank you for last time. If you didn't ask me to prepare in advance, I couldn't save those people who fell into the lake."

Gu Jiao said: "I'm just telling you. If you believe it, they will be saved. The credit is yours. Don't thank me. "

Princess Rui opened her mouth: "ah..."

How can she answer that?

Gu Jiao calmly asked: "you come here today just to feel your pulse and thank me?"

Princess Rui said with a smile: "actually, there are other things. I'd like to invite you out. I know I'm too abrupt. I should have told you earlier. However, I got the news by accident when I went to the palace to greet my majesty and queen today. I'm not at ease when others go to see me... "

Gu Jiao is like this, eat soft do not eat hard.

If Princess Rui takes power over her, she refuses. But Princess Rui looks at her with deer like eyes. She sighs and agrees.

"You're the best!" Princess Rui took Gu Jiao to her carriage.

Gu Jiao went out to see a imperial concubine of that dynasty, who did not live in the Imperial Palace, but lived in an nunnery near Puji temple.

We have to cross that river, too.

The cable bridge has been rebuilt, and the stone arch bridge is the only one that can take the carriage.

The carriage stopped outside the nunnery.

They got out of the carriage.

Princess Rui asked the female official to wait outside, and she took Gu Jiao into the nunnery.

This nunnery is not big, and there are not many nuns. They only see two.

"Is the princess here?" Asked Princess Rui.

"Yes, this way, princess." A little nun took Princess Rui and Gu Jiao to a Zen room in the backyard.

There was a suppressed cough in the Zen room.

With a tight heart, Princess Rui went over with her skirt: "Princess! Are you all right? "

In front of the bed, an old lady saluted Princess Rui: "princess."

Princess Rui sat down beside the bed, holding the cough man's thin hand: "Why are you so sick?"

"Cough... What are you doing here? I'm not in the way... I'm old... Cough... "She has a bad cough.

Gu Jiao came in with a basket on her back.

Her eyes fell on each other. This is an old lady with hair and practice. She is about the same age as her aunt. Her elegant face shows the beauty of her youth.

"This is..." the other side looked at Gu Jiao.

"Princess, this is my friend. Her surname is Gu. Her medical skills are very good! She's here to treat you! " Princess Rui said, looking at Gu Jiao, "Miss Gu, this is Princess Jing."

Gu Jiao nodded.

She has no habit of bending over and kneeling.

Princess Jing is a monk, but she doesn't care about it. She coughs twice and says to Gu Jiao, "since Qian Qian's friend, don't be too stiff. I'm not a princess. Just call me abbess Jing'an."

Gu Jiao gave her pulse and checked her body: "did the nun have asthma before?"

Such a young girl suddenly diagnosed her asthma. Princess Jing was very surprised. But she would not be surprised if she was this age.

"It used to be," she said. "Spring is the worst."

"Can it be cured?" Princess Rui looks at Gu Jiao.

"It's hard to cure, but it can be controlled." Gu Jiao opened the small medicine chest, took asthma medicine and asthma spray to Jing Tai Fei, and explained how to use it and some taboos in life.

Princess Jing thanks Gu Jiao.

Princess Rui talked with Princess Jing for a while. She didn't leave until Princess Jing was sleepy.

After riding back in the carriage, Princess Rui sighed: "the princess is so pitiful, what's more?"

Imperial concubine Jing is the admiration of the emperor. The emperor's biological mother was born in a little cold. She was just a little maid in waiting, and she was not qualified to raise the prince. As soon as the emperor was born, he was adopted to the name of Princess Jing.

At that time, imperial concubine Jing was just a concubine. A few years later, she gave birth to a little princess and became imperial concubine Jing.

Imperial concubine Jing is a gentle and generous woman. She never quarrels with others or makes trouble in the back palace.

It was because of her unyielding nature that empress dowager Zhuang took a fancy to her. She gave up so many princes and made her adopted son emperor.

However, she also made a sacrifice.

Since the emperor has been adopted to her name, that is her son. When the emperor ascends the throne, she should also be appointed empress dowager.

How can empress dowager Kezhuang allow a second empress dowager to appear in the palace?

So there was the thing that Princess Jing missed the emperor and was willing to recite sutras for the emperor every day.

"However, there is another folk saying." Princess Rui didn't take Gu Jiao as an outsider, she didn't have her own little sister, Gu Jiao was the first, she unilaterally identified.

She said, "Princess Jing has a sweetheart. She doesn't want to be a empress dowager. She invites herself to become a monk."

She didn't even say that to her sister Du Xiaoyun.

Of course, the main reason is that Du Xiaoyun has a big mouth, and is a brainless mouth that favors the crown princess.