The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 214

Shufei never expected this result. Didn't Gu Jinyu say something she invented? How can a four-year-old do it?

Concubine Zhuang did not think it was too big to watch the excitement: "Shufei, Xiaowu should not have learned other people's skills secretly, and then admitted it as her own credit?"

Shufei felt guilty for a while, and her face turned red: "what did you say? How could Xiao Wu do such a thing? "

Princess Zhuang said with a faint smile, "is it difficult that they stole their teacher from Xiao Wu?"

Empress Xiao zhengse way: "your concubine careful words, this palace just heard, that child said his family would have done."

Shufei hardened her head and said, "Xiao and Xiao Wu have already done it."

Zhuang Guifei said: "that's not what you just said. Didn't you say Xiao Wu thought of it yesterday?"

"I..." Shufei did mention that the fifth Prince mentioned this practice with her only last night.

Zhuang Guifei then said, "could it be that Xiao Wu and Xiao Qi mentioned that Xiao Qi taught the child, but the child lied that his family taught him?"

Empress Xiao said: "last night, Xiao Qi came back from the Imperial College and stayed here. Your Majesty was there. Then your majesty sent Xiao Qi to the east palace. How does Xiao Qi meet Xiao Wu? Why did little five tell little seven about it? "

The age gap between them is so big that they are not close at ordinary times. It is impossible for the fifth prince to tell Qin Chuyu about this.

Qin Chuyu is a child. What does he know?

Zhuang imperial concubine owes owe body: "it is minister concubine to break a promise."

Concubine Zhuang was not talking for her, and empress Xiao understood.

The emperor's eyes became more complicated.

To be honest, the emperor dotes on Shufei. There are always new people coming and going in the palace, but Shufei is always the most favored one. There is no other reason. The lady is charming and beautiful. She can also make people laugh. She is a rare flower of explanation.

However, today's events touch the bottom line of the emperor.

The emperor was very angry about Gu Jinyu's claim of credit, but there was no evidence. The most annoying thing was the person who robbed the credit!

Of course, the emperor is essentially a man of evidence.

The emperor said, "do you have any evidence to prove when Xiao Wu first made this mortar?"

The lady was dumb.

The emperor then said, "he is not imaginary. You have to do it before you believe it?"

Shufei was completely speechless.

The emperor called Duke Wei: "go and ask the child when his family first made this?"

"Yes Duke Wei took a small step to go. In a short time, he came back and said to the emperor, "tell your majesty that many of the walls of their neighbors are made of this kind of mortar. They were built last month."

The Emperor gave Duke Wei a wink. Duke Wei agreed and asked some experts to go to Bishui Hutong.

The concubines came to see the emperor, but now they are busy watching the concubines.

Shufei has been in the palace for many years, but she has never been so embarrassed.

Gu Jinyu, Gu Jinyu, you really have ruined our palace!

After a while, the master of the Imperial Palace went back to the palace, and one of them said to the emperor, "I tell your majesty that there is indeed the same mortar."

The evidence is solid. The mortar was made by the child's family first.

So the question is, how does the fifth Prince know? Did he come up with his own idea, or did he steal his teacher from others?

Empress Xiao couldn't help but say, "lady, what's the matter?"

Shufei regrets very much. If she had known this, she would not have been taken by Gu Jinyu and won't take the credit. How can she tell a lie now?

If it's not the fifth prince, it's the fifth prince.

Zhuang Guifei faint smile: "why don't you call the fifth prince to ask?"

"No!" She hasn't made a good confession with Xiao Wu yet!

This section of bone on the eyes of the small five called, is not to help her in situ?

But what the lady was afraid of came——

"Why? Father? Mother's wife? What are you doing here? "

It was the fifth prince who came back to the palace. He came here with a big stride. "Mother, I hear you have something urgent to find me!"

He went into the pavilion, saw the empress Xiao and others on the seat, and called one by one.

"Mother, you look so ugly." The fifth Prince looked at Shufei strangely. Everyone was sitting. Only Shufei stood in the middle of the pavilion, looking like she was being interrogated. The fifth Prince frowned, "what's the matter?"

The lady winked at him.

Empress Xiao pointed to a bucket of mortar and asked, "Xiao Wu, do you know this?"

Shufei winked at him desperately!

The fifth Prince didn't see it. He looked at the mortar and asked, "what's this dirty thing?"

A dirty thing, what else do people not understand?

He doesn't even know mortar!

Zhuang Guifei hid her face and laughed: "Xiao Wu, Shufei said that you made this thing?"

The fifth prince was disgusted: "how can I make such dirty things?"

Concubine Zhuang chuckled.

The rest of the concubines covered their mouths with handkerchiefs.

Empress Xiao is carrying the airs of the mother of a country, but she is not laughing.

Shufei had the heart to die.

What about the mother and son? Can there be some tacit understanding?

"You step back first." The emperor said to the fifth prince, it seems that he has nothing to do with it, and the emperor will not be angry with him for the time being.

The fifth Prince didn't know why, but the Emperor gave an order, so he had to retreat in silence.

The emperor's cold eyes fell on Shufei's face: "what's the matter? I'm not honest yet? "

There are all kinds of human and material evidence. It's impossible for Shufei to excuse herself. After entering the palace for so many years, she was beaten in public for the first time, one of whom was her son.

Shufei choked to death. She said with red eyes: "Your Majesty, I didn't mean to... I did it for a reason."

The princess said that she was going to see Gu Jinyu in the prison. Of course, she didn't say that Gu Jinyu wanted to give her credit. Instead, she said: "the princess knows that she has annoyed your majesty, for fear that your majesty won't believe her method. That's why I lied that it was Xiao Wu who thought it out. She said that she hopes to serve your majesty again. Where do I know she's stealing from others? "

It's Gu Jinyu again!

Plagiarize from the little doctor again!

Well, he was worried about the bellows and couldn't find any evidence, so he sent the evidence to the door.

The emperor looked at Shufei and said, "in this way, Shufei was also deceived. From the beginning to the end, she was the only one who committed the crime of deceiving you?"

What can Shufei do? Admit that you almost cheated?

In order to protect herself, she had to admit that Gu Jinyu had deceived her husband.

Shufei bit her lip, knelt down in public, kowtowed her head and said, "my niece has made a big mistake. I'll teach you. Please punish me!"

The emperor said: "Princess Hui embezzles other people's achievements, pretends to take credit, and deceives the emperor. If you want to ask the lady for her favor, you can deprive the princess of her position and take back her title."

Shufei is confused. Is it still for her sake? Not even a princess!

In fact, it is very difficult to convict the crime of Deceiving a monarch strictly. For example, Qin Chuyu always lies that he did not steal sugar, and the third prince will lie that he did his homework well... All these are deceiving a monarch, but generally he will not be convicted, and will only be punished if he has caused great consequences.

It is obvious that the mortar incident did not cause great consequences. The reason why her majesty deprived her of her title and the position of Princess seems to be playing on the pretext of the title.

People can't help but think of the explosion accident of the Ministry of work and the rumor in the palace that the bellows was not invented by Gu Jinyu.

If it's because of the bellows, it makes sense.

Shufei, Shufei, it turns out that your niece is not as powerful as you said. She knows nothing about it. She plagiarizes other people's achievements and remoulds herself, which leads to great disaster.

If you don't punish your niece, who will?

At this time, the empresses' eyes changed.

The most complacent woman finally fell down.

Shufei was fined for one year by the emperor and banned for one month.

Shufei's face is green. What's slapping face? That's it.

The whole harem has seen her jokes. From now on, her black history will not be erased!

The emperor frowned at her: "what? You're not leaving yet? Are you not satisfied with my punishment? "

"I dare not, I will leave." Shufei stood up in embarrassment and saluted the emperor. With the help of the maids, she staggered away.

Just walked a few steps, the emperor suddenly called her: "Shufei."

Shufei was very happy. She looked back with tears in her eyes, expecting the emperor to comfort her. After all, she was also involved. Unexpectedly, the Emperor just said coldly, "let Xiao Wu come to the imperial study. I want to test him."

Shufei immediately froze!