The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 213

Qin Chuyu took his little companion to the palace with the consent of the princess's sister-in-law, who had helped him to do everything, and would not reveal his identity.

There are three main doors in the palace, the largest and the highest in the middle. Generally, only the empress dowager, the empress dowager, the prince and his wife are qualified to enter and leave the middle door. Ministers go to court through the side doors on both sides.

Qin Chuyu is the younger brother of the prince and the crown prince. He can also go to the middle gate.

Xu Cong is one year younger than Qin Chuyu. He is seven years old this year. He has never been to the Imperial Palace, but he knows that his father goes to court every day and goes through the side door.

When he entered through the middle gate, he felt that he could go back to play with his father.

Xiaojingkong doesn't know this. He just thinks that the palace is so big, even the door is so big, like a huge monster. They open their mouths and enter the belly of the monster.

It's strange.

The carriage drove all the way in and stopped outside the east palace.

The East Palace is the prince's bedroom, ordinary Prince is not qualified to live in the East Palace, but who let Qin Chuyu small? He lived where he liked, and the Emperor didn't take the rules very seriously.

Qin Chuyu took the lead in jumping out of the carriage, and then the two little friends also jumped out of the carriage.

Qin Chuyu had planned this trip with the help of the princess's sister-in-law long before she went to pick up her little friend. The empress's bedroom is not allowed to go, but the prince's brother's east palace is free to play. Then they can go to the royal garden to hide and go boating in Taiye pool.

People have been instructed that if they can't get out of the way, they can't get out of the way.

Qin Chuyu took the lead on the trail of the East Palace and said with pride, "how about it? My house... Cough! Is the palace big? This is the East Palace, where the prince lives, but the seventh prince, the smartest, loveliest and smartest of Zhao, also lives here. "

It's me, Qin Chuyu!

Not far away, the palace man who is doing sweeping has a puff on his mouth. Your highness, you didn't stink like that before. Who did you let go?

"Sneeze!" Xiaojingkong sneezed.

The East Palace is very big, with a main hall, two side halls, and several small courtyards. One of the small courtyards is Qin Chuyu's exclusive small world. The Crown Princess asked people to make swing frames, rockeries and Trojan horses for him.

Qin Chuyu himself is tired of playing with it, and Xu Cong's family also has these, and even has more patterns than Qin Chuyu's. The truth is that in order not to let the prince lose his mind by playing with things, there are fewer toys in the palace than in the folk.

Xu Cong is not greedy.

Small clearance is even less greedy. All the swings that master made for him in the temple swing from one end of the mountain to the other! And mountain climbing, he and Jiaojiao climb are real mountains, a small rockery with hair to climb?

"Let's make a house!" Small Clearway.

Recently, small clearance is very obsessed with architecture.

Xu Cong nodded. Although he was seven years old, he wanted to play with mud.

In fact, Qin Chuyu wanted to take his friends to drill a fake Cave: "OK!"

Qin Chuyu went to the small firewood house to get three buckets and three small shovels, and happily went to dig mud!

Palace People's mouth a puff, Tangtang a prince to dig mud with people really good?

"Why don't you tell the queen? That's ridiculous. " Said a little maid.

The little eunuch thought about it. The princess asked them not to interfere with the seven princes, but they dug up the mud... It was really a bit of mischief. When the queen came back to blame, the princess was ok, but they were going to suffer.

At this point, the eunuch decided to go to Kunning palace.

But she said that when she returned to the palace from the prison of the Ministry of punishment, she immediately called several eunuchs and asked them to cook a pot of thick glutinous rice soup and a bag of mortar used to repair the wall.

After mixing the two, Shufei ordered someone to take some green bricks and paste them with glutinous rice mortar.

In order to contrast the effect, Shufei also let people paste several green bricks with ordinary mortar.

"It's going to be dry in a moment. Try it with a hammer." Shufei said to the palace people.

"Yes Two small eunuchs should be next, busy each took hammer to come over, after waiting for the mortar in the green brick to dry, swung the hammer is a smash.

The result is that glutinous rice mortar is more durable than ordinary mortar.

Whether it has more and more long-term effects is not clear, but in terms of firmness, sticky rice mortar is far better than ordinary mortar.

Shufei is not a boudoir after all. She has been floating in Shengong for so many years. How can she not understand how much happiness this mortar will bring to Zhaoguo once it comes out?

Not to mention the distance, we can say that the border has been restless recently. The reason is that the wall of the border has suffered a rainstorm, and several parts of the wall have collapsed.

The walls of Zhao state are so fragile that they have to be rebuilt every few years. Rao is so fragile that it is still easy to collapse.

Turks covetous, several times posing as equine invaders, in the long run, the border is bound to fall into a greater crisis.

Zhao is not a powerful military country. As early as a few years ago, the first war with Chen had greatly damaged the vitality of Zhao. At this time, if we fight again, it will be costly.

The imperial court is discussing how to repair the city wall as soon as possible. If we have this special mortar, won't we worry about the collapse of the city wall any more?

The credit is no less than the bellows!

The bottom of Shufei's heart rose faintly. There was an excited fireworks. She couldn't wait: "where's your highness five? Haven't you found it yet? What did he do? "

A eunuch said, "Your Highness five is out of the palace. He said that he made an appointment with a friend to recite poems. He thought that he would come back in the evening. At this moment, father-in-law Li has gone out to find his highness five. I don't know. "

I don't know if I can find it.

His fifth highness is the master. He can't explain his whereabouts to others. Mr. Li can only take his chance according to his usual route.

Shufei thought about it. It's the same whether he's here or not. After all, it's him.

"Where is your majesty?" Asked the lady.

Eunuch way: "in Tai liquid pool."

Shufei helped the fringes on her bun: "Oh, your majesty, why didn't you go to the queen today?"

The eunuch said with a smile, "Xu is tired of staying in the Queen's palace. Come out to breathe. Your majesty can stay here."

Shufei is the most favored concubine in the harem. She has never lost her favor since she entered the harem. That is to say, her majesty is addicted to alchemy after coming back from the south of the Yangtze River. In a short period of time, she is not close to women. In the past, her majesty stayed in her palace five or six days a month.

Lady Wen Yan light smile: "OK, let's go."

"Yes The eunuch winked at his servants and took a bucket of sticky rice mortar to the Taiye pool.

The weather is fine.

When Shufei arrived at the pavilion of Taiye pool, other empresses also came.

It's no surprise that your majesty hasn't come to the harem for such a long time. Suddenly, who doesn't look like a fly staring at the crack of the egg?

Just to Shufei's surprise, the empress and concubine Zhuang were also there.

These two people don't need to compete for favor in the harem. Besides, her majesty has gone to the Queen's Kunning palace these days. Why does she have to go out to share the emperor with her concubines at this time?

Shufei didn't come to compete for favor today, but she didn't mind that there were too many people.

She stepped forward and saluted the emperor and empress Xiao: "Your Majesty, empress."

Empress Xiao seems to be in a good mood. She looks at her with a smile.

The emperor raised his hand: "flat body."

Shufei and Zhuang Guifei met again.

Concubine Zhuang got up and gave a little return.

After that, Yufei and other concubines all saluted Shufei.

Yufei automatically gives her position out, and Duke Wei brings another chair to Yufei.

Shufei was not anxious to sit down, but stood in front of the emperor and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, I have something for you."

"Oh?" The emperor drinks tea.

Shufei asked the eunuch to take up several pieces of green bricks.

All the people looked at the green bricks with a look of surprise.

The emperor's face was inexplicable: "lady... Is she going to offer bricks to me?"

Shufei covered her face with a handkerchief and laughed: "it's not the brick, it's the mortar in the brick."

She explained how the fifth Prince invented the glutinous rice mortar.

With that, she stood in the same place, waiting for the emperor's praise.

But the emperor did not.

The pavilion suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Everyone, including empress Xiao and your concubines, changed their eyes when they looked at her.

Shufei didn't understand what happened. She looked at empress Xiao, concubine Zhuang and others: "what's the matter with you

Empress Xiao frowned slightly.

But Zhuang Guifei covered her face with a handkerchief and chuckled.

Shufei looked at Zhuang Guifei solemnly: "what does your concubine laugh at?"

Zhuang could not help laughing, pointed to a bucket at Yufei's feet and said, "are you talking about this kind of mortar?"

Shufei was stunned.

That color is glutinous rice mortar!

How could that be?

She looked back at the eunuch she had brought. That's right. The bucket of mortar was in his hand. Where did this bucket of mortar come from?

As soon as my thoughts flashed, I heard a little voice.

She looked back and found that on the bridge deck of Taiye pool, three peas were squatting on the wooden bridge and (HU) mortar!

Three people play hard, did not know that he was surrounded by the emperor and the empresses.

The cause of the incident has to start with the eunuch of the East Palace secretly reporting to empress Xiao that Qin Chuyu was playing with mud.

When she heard that her baby son was squatting on the ground and rubbing mud like a wild child in the countryside, empress Xiao almost didn't breathe.

She angrily went to find her son. Unexpectedly, the three were no longer in the east palace. It took her a long time to find him near the qinzheng hall.

At that time, Qin Chuyu and his friends were carrying buckets to the emperor to paste the wall.

Empress Xiao looked at the wall of Panlong stone in qinzheng hall, which was plastered in a mess. She almost didn't collapse on the spot: "what are you doing?"

Xiaojingkong was pasting the wall with a small brush. She turned back and said to her, "the wall is cracked. Paste it."

Gu Jiao always mends a roof or pastes a wall for her neighbors. She's itching for her small clearance.

But there are no walls to paste at home.

There are many broken walls here. He wants to paste them.

Empress Xiao: it's not cracked! It's the grain! It's a historical relic! It's the rock handed down by Emperor Taizu, who is said to have blocked a landslide for him!

So it is also called Panlong stone!

What's more sad is that they not only pasted the Panlong stone wall, but also the emperor's lookout wall. All the way, three people saw the wall and pasted it all the way.

All rely on the small clearance of the face value to support, empress Xiao just didn't faint on the spot.

Empress Xiao doesn't care to teach her son and his playmate any more. She quickly asks someone to pick the mortar off the stone.

In fact, mortar is very easy to pick. You can pry it down with a dagger or shovel. However, I don't know what happened to the mortar this time. I can't pry it down.

Empress Xiao realized that her son had caused a great disaster. She thought for a while that she couldn't find someone to answer the charge. Unexpectedly, the emperor came.

Three people have been arrested!

Empress Xiao is scared to death!

But the Emperor didn't punish the three children.

Little doctor's brother, of course, the emperor is not willing to punish, although he looked at the paste off the dragon stone, also dragon egg pain to death.

But he soon found out that there was something wrong with the mortar. Strictly speaking, it was not simple.

How can there be such a strong mortar?

Xiao Qi didn't have this brain. The emperor jumped over Qin Chuyu and asked Xu conghou, the young son of Xiao Jingkong and the Minister of the Ministry of War: "where did you get your mortar?"

Small clear space slants cerebellar pouch way: "we do it ourselves!"

The emperor was surprised: "will you still do this?"

Xiaojingkong said seriously: "Jiaojiao often does it! I've learned it all! "

The emperor looked at the small clearance and the pasted Panlong stone, and suddenly laughed like a fool.

Empress Xiao seriously suspected that he was crazy.

After that is now.

The mortar of the three peas is used up, and they come here to make new ones.

The thick soup of glutinous rice was asked by Qin Chuyu to find the imperial dining room. They just mixed this thing into the mortar, which was basically the same as what Shufei said.