The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 212


A list of apricots was sent to Zhuang Taifu and the king of Anjun.

Zhuang Taifu had known the top two results for a long time. In addition to an Junwang, there were no outstanding candidates in the dealer's faction this time, so the apricot list was put aside by Zhuang Taifu.

Neither did the king of onjun.

He has absolute confidence that he will be the first in the exam.

He just asked: "is there one named Xiao LIULANG on the list?"

Wu Yang said: "yes, I'm tied with the princess for the first place."

"Oh?" The king of onjun looked slightly sideways.

Wu Yang handed back the list.

An Jun Wang's vision falls on Xiao LIULANG's name, lightly picked to pick eyebrow: "this Xiao LIULANG, pour is a little beyond my expectation."

Wu Yang was about to open his mouth when the maid outside said, "master, are you here?"

Wu Yang quickly pushed aside and gave a salute to Zhuang Taifu, who stepped into the room.

Zhuang Taifu waved his hand, and Wu Yang stepped down respectfully.

Princess an stood up and said, "grandfather!" with a kind face

"Well." Zhuang Taifu answered with a deep voice.

Prince an bypassed the desk and waited for Zhuang Taifu to take a seat in the official hat chair before sitting down in another chair next to him.

A servant girl offered tea and then walked out.

The room was so quiet that there was only the sound of Zhuang Taifu sipping tea.

Princess an asked, "grandfather, why don't you rest so late?"

"Come and see you." Zhuang Taifu put down his hot tea and looked at him with a smile. "Have you seen the apricot list?"

"Well." Princess an nodded, "I just saw it."

Zhuang Taifu said, "is that Xiao LIULANG your classmate in the Imperial College?"

"Yes." Princess Ann nodded again.

Zhuang Taifu has been in officialdom for many years. He can recognize amazing information with one look. He looks at his direct grandson suspiciously: "do you know him?"

The king of an County laughed and said, "grandfather, do you remember why I must advise you to re-establish the national prison?"

Zhuang Taifu frowned: "you say that the Empress Dowager lives in a candidate's home. As long as that candidate studies in the Imperial College, the Empress Dowager will also come to the capital... Is it this person?"

"Yes, that's him," said the prince

Zhuang Taifu's eyes were cold.

"Don't worry, grandfather. He doesn't know the identity of his aunt. I guess my aunt fainted in front of his house when she was exiled to that village. Someone in his family knew the medical skills and recognized my aunt's leprosy. Afraid of being sent to leprosy mountain, they hid my aunt secretly and cured her. "

"Can you cure leprosy?" Zhuang Taifu expressed doubt.

"I've met my aunt. She's really recovered from leprosy," said the king of onjun

Zhuang Taifu didn't believe that there was anyone in the world who could cure leprosy. Compared with this, he was more willing to believe that the original information was wrong: "maybe what the Empress Dowager got was not leprosy at all, it just looked like it."

The king of an County didn't refute Zhuang Taifu's conjecture. It doesn't matter any more. The Empress Dowager has recovered. Only when they deploy the situation in the capital and the Empress Dowager recovers her memory, their makers will be at their best again.

Zhuang Taifu pondered: "this examinee is not simple."

The king of an County didn't care much and said, "it's just Huiyuan. My grandfather doesn't have to worry too much. Originally, I didn't use a few distractions in this exam."

It's true. He didn't work hard.

Xiao LIULANG must have done his best. Rao is so good. It's Xiao LIULANG's ability to be tied for the first place with him.

From childhood to adulthood, Princess an never met anyone who was superior to him.

Although the young Marquis of zhaodu is famous enough, in his opinion, it's just because he didn't meet him. If he didn't go to Chen to work as a proton for nearly ten years, who would be the first day of zhaodu.

"I'm going to take this man for my own use and ask my grandfather not to touch him," she said

Of course, it's best to take it for his own use. After all, he knows too much. If he takes refuge in other camps, it's not good for the whole dealer.

Zhuang Taifu said: "if you want to say that, I can not touch him for the time being. But you must understand that you must not lose to him in the palace examination. "

What the makers want is not any Jinshi, but the first Jinshi in the first class!

"I understand." The king of an County was sure to win. He said with a faint smile, "palace examination, I will do my best."

Zhuang Taifu had said all that should be said, and this direct grandson always made him worry, so he didn't say much, so he got up and left.

Suddenly thinking of something, he turned around again. In the dark, his muddy eyes showed the shrewdness and sharpness that young people can't match: "do you have a sweetheart?"

An Jun Wang a Zheng: "grandfather how to say this?"

Zhuang Taifu said, "you are not young. Your aunt said it's time to choose a marriage for you."

An Jun Wang Mou Guang slightly trembled: "I haven't reached the crown yet, urgent what?"

The man of Zhaoguo was only twenty years old, and then he was regarded as an adult man. Most of the rich families got married after twenty years old.

Zhuang Taifu said: "I don't want you to get married now. I'll choose first. I originally intended to marry Princess Hui for you, but when something happened to her, your aunt stopped thinking about it. If you have a woman of your heart, who is well matched and good-looking, tell your aunt. "

An Jun Wang's brain flashed a small figure in green with a basket on his back. He said, "No."

Zhuang Taifu turned and left the room.

Princess an sighed.

a marriage between families of equal social rank?

Marquis Ding'an seems to be neutral, but the old Marquis and Xuanping Marquis are the emperor's right arm, she and he will never be equal.

As for appearance.

He didn't care about her appearance, but his aunt wouldn't allow him to marry a girl who was disabled and married.

"Oh." Princess an laughed at himself, "what's the use of asking me?"


The whole capital is immersed in the great impact of Xingbang, but Gu Jinyu of the Ministry of punishment has no news from the outside world.

She was trapped in the interrogation room and couldn't eat well or sleep well.

His majesty seems to have made up his mind to destroy her will, never to be forced to confess to her, but he will not answer her.

She's lonely, more and more unable to hold on.

She hasn't bathed for many days. Unlike Gu Jiao, she grew up in the countryside. It doesn't matter if she doesn't bathe for ten days and a half months. She loves to be clean!

Fortunately, mother Qi came by the side of Shufei.

At the sight of mother Qi, Gu Jinyu immediately began to cry wrongly.

"Well, don't cry, princess. Let the empress know it's time to feel sorry." Mammy Qi wanted to hug her and comfort her, but the smell of Gu Jinyu was too much for her.

Mammy Qi cleared her throat and finally just stood beside Gu Jinyu and handed her a clean handkerchief.

Gu Jinyu took the handkerchief and choked: "thank you for coming to see me."

"Mother Qi said:" let me ask you, what's the matter with you? Did you really break the seal or... Did you do something else to offend your majesty? "

Gu Jinyu's eyes flashed when he heard the words: "Niang Niang... Did you hear any gossip?"

Mammy Qi came here to make things clear, so she opened the window and said, "someone in the palace is saying that you didn't invent the bellows, it's someone else."

"Others... Who are they?" Gu Jinyu asked carefully.

"I don't know who it is," she thought

Gu Jinyu bowed her head with a guilty heart.

Who is the source of the rumor? Your majesty is old fellow Smith and carpenter? Don't all three of them know the girl?

Gu Jinyu didn't understand what was going on. She calmed down and asked, "does the empress believe that?"

Mammy Qi said, "can you believe me?"

Gu Jinyu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, her efforts over the years have not been in vain.

Mammy Qi sighed: "but these messages are strange. If you think about it carefully, who has touched your drawing, or with whom have you mentioned the bellows?"

It seems that my father hasn't told my father that she and Gu Jiao have "invented" the bellows. If I haven't said that for so long, I won't say it.

Gu Jinyu hesitated whether to tell Gu Jiao by herself.

Shufei has a bad impression on Gu Jiao. First, Shufei doesn't like Yao, and she doesn't like her children. The main reason why she has a good face in front of her is that she is so talented and helpful to the fifth prince.

Second, Gu Jiao didn't go back to the Marquis's house, didn't respect old lady Gu, and didn't respect the aunt Shufei.

According to reason, she returned to the capital, how should also go to see the lady, but the girl did not.

Gu Jinyu did not dare to gamble that Shufei would trust herself like her father.

If Shufei wants to go to Gu Jiao for proof, and if Shufei knows that her majesty is in favor of Gu Jiao, can she stand out for herself?

After a trade-off, Gu Jinyu finally gave up the idea that Gu Jiao embezzled her own inspiration.

She shook her head. "I don't know. I didn't mention it to anyone."

Mammy Qi looked at Gu Jinyu for a moment: "then you tell Mammy, did you really invent the bellows?"

So aunt still doesn't believe her?

After I helped the fifth prince to do so much homework and become a surrogate exam?

Gu Jinyu laughed at himself, but said wrongly: "Mammy, do you not believe me, or does your aunt not believe me? I swear to God that I invented the bellows. If I tell a lie, I will be struck by thunder and lightning. "

Mammy Qi quickly took a handkerchief to cover her mouth and said angrily, "you can't say this nonsense! The empress believes you. I'm a talker. You don't have to worry about it. "

Gu Jinyu soft voice way: "mammy is also for the sake of aunt good, I understand."

Mammy Qi sighed again: "the empress has checked it. The jade seal has been broken for a long time. Her Majesty is angry with you. I'm afraid she still believes those rumors and thinks that someone else invented the bellows. The most urgent task is to prove that you are Allah. Unfortunately, the empress can't help it... "

This is to wake up Gu Jinyu, she has no way to make use of the bellows, but she can use other things.

She thought of what she saw in Bishui Hutong that day.

Gu Jinyu narrowed her eyes: "Mammy, the wind box has been a long time, I didn't leave a heart at the beginning, leaving more solid drawings, which is probably not clear, but I have more than one ability."

Mammy Qi was immediately surprised: "you, what else do you have? Why didn't you bring it out earlier? "

Gu Jinyu said with a smile: "it's just these days that I thought of being locked up here. I didn't abandon myself. Instead, I let myself settle down and ask myself what else I could do for the imperial court. Then, I thought of something I had done unintentionally in Zhuangzi."

"What is it?" Asked mammy Qi excitedly.

"Sticky rice mortar." Gu Jinyu didn't actually witness its effect, but now she can't care about many of them, so she can only gamble. "The mortar made of glutinous rice soup is extremely strong, and it's the best building material. If mammy doesn't believe it, she can go back to the palace and have a try. If my aunt loves me, I should repay her. I'm willing to give this credit to her fifth highness. "

Mammy Qi went back to the palace without a stop and talked about the sticky rice mortar with Shufei, especially emphasizing that the credit could be given to the fifth prince.

Shufei was very cautious. She didn't rush to ask for credit from the emperor. Instead, she called the eunuch first and asked them to bring a bucket of ordinary mortar. She also asked the kitchenette to mix a bucket of sticky rice mortar according to Gu Jinyu's methods.

After the two kinds of mortar solidify, Shufei asks people to knock with a hammer. Ordinary mortar will be broken as soon as it is knocked, but glutinous rice mortar is as hard as rock.

Shufei was surprised and laughed: "where's your highness five? Come on! Go and call him back to our palace! This palace wants to face the holy


On the other hand, the Guozijian started school. Xiaojingkong finished his day's homework and came to the place agreed with his little partner.

Last time, Qin Chuyu promised to take his two little friends to visit the palace. After getting through the relationship between the princess and his sister-in-law, the princess finally agreed that he would take them into the palace.

If you are an adult, you should be curious about how he can enter the palace. Children will not.

Xu conghou and the servant who came to meet him said that the invitation of the prince, the servant knows the identity of Qin Chuyu, dare not disagree.

Xiaojingkong went to the hospital and told Gu Jiao that she was going out to play and would come back by Xu's carriage.

Gu Jiao has no problem.

Xu congee and Qin Chuyu also often come to the hospital to play.

The three happily got on Qin Chuyu's carriage.