The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 192

Liu Yisheng: "bet on what?"

Gu Jiao: "I'll call you Liu Xiang one day."

"Liu Xiang? Do you like me? " Liu Yisheng himself laughs. He lives like a dog and is trampled on by others. It's lucky that he won't die.

He smiles, "and there is no prime minister in Zhaoguo."

Gu Jiao looks at him with her cheek.

Don't believe it.

Not long after Liu Yisheng finished taking the medicine, Yao also came to the hospital.

Yesterday, in order to better interrogate Marquis Gu, Mrs. Gu sent her away. It was in the morning that she went to greet Mrs. Gu that she heard about Gu Chenglin.

Ling aunt usually the most painful is this "little son", who can expect that she will stab in Gu Chenglin's heart.

Old lady Gu fainted when she heard the news.

Yao naturally felt very surprised, but not too surprised.

Aunt Ling never really took Gu Changqing's three brothers as her own son, otherwise she would not use Gu Chenglin to deal with her. But aunt Ling was so crazy that she made Yao feel sorry.

"It's said that she was given a bowl of Juezi medicine by old lady Ling in front of her door, and she was given a bowl of Juezi medicine by old lady Gu that night. She hates it in her heart!" On the carriage, Mammy Fang told Yao what she had heard.

Yao did not know whether the news was true or false, but aunt Ling had not been pregnant for many years.

Yao didn't come to see Gu Chenglin, but Gu Jiao.

It's said that Gu Chenglin's accident happened in the middle of the night. Gu Changqing takes people out to find a doctor, and comes back at dawn.

Miao Shou Tang is Gu Jiao's hospital. I want to know who was the doctor who rescued Gu Chenglin last night.

Yao cooked chicken soup for Gu Jiao.

The top layer of grease has been removed by her, the soup is thick but not greasy, salty, delicious and smooth.

Gu Jiao drank a few mouthfuls in the wing room of her small courtyard, and the taste was good.

"Ma'am, too." She said to Yao.

"I've had it." Yao put the bowl Gu jiaosheng gave her in front of her and said, "drink it."

Gu Jiao worked hard for half a night. She was sleepy in the morning and fell asleep. Then she treated Liu Yisheng again. Now she remembers that she hasn't eaten much.

I'm hungry.

Yao was both pleased and distressed to see her eating well.

Yao doesn't ask Gu Jiao why she treats Gu Chenglin. Yao believes that her daughter has her own consideration and unshakable position in everything she does. She won't persuade her daughter to do anything to Gu Chenglin, but she won't stop her daughter from making any decisions.

Besides, she did owe Gu Changqing.

Whether it's for her or for the heart of the doctor, there's nothing wrong with it.

Gu Jiao drank all the chicken soup, ate the chicken, and her stomach was full.

Fearing that she would be bored, Yao peeled her another grapefruit.

Grapefruit is moderately sweet and sour, and it's the best way to relieve greasiness.

Gu Jiao is very comfortable.

Yao looked at her brow tired, distressed to say: "go to sleep."

Gu Jiao yawned a little. She wanted to sleep when she was full.

But for the time being, she can't sleep. She has to see how Gu Chenglin is.

Gu Chenglin was placed in a wing room of the back cover room, next to the rescue room, close to Gu Jiao's courtyard.

Gu Chenglin lay quietly on the bed.

Marquis Gu goes to the work department. Gu Changqing goes back to the house to ask aunt Ling and clean up Gu Chenglin's clothes. Gu Chengfeng stays here to take care of him.

But Gu Chengfeng is not here at the moment. After asking doctor song, he knows that Gu Chenglin just woke up. Gu Chengfeng went to buy food for him.

"How's the temperature?" Gu Jiao asked.

Song said: "just measured, normal."

Under Gu Jiao's careful instruction, Dr. Song has already skillfully used the thermometer, sphygmomanometer and stethoscope.

Gu Jiao nodded and said, "when did he wake up? How long did you wake up? What about consciousness? "

Dr. Song carefully recalled: "I woke up two quarters of an hour ago. I didn't speak when I woke up. I didn't answer when I asked him. I was as dumb as a fool. Mr. Gu said to buy food for him, but as soon as he left, he closed his eyes and went to sleep again. "

The operation itself is no problem, blood donors are close relatives, blood recipients have a certain probability of rejection. But Gu Jiao used a disposable white blood filter, and the white blood cells that easily cause rejection have been successfully filtered out, so it is not a problem of blood transfusion.

So Gu Chenglin's anomaly should be mostly from the psychological blow.

Ling aunt this knife, stabbing not only his heart, but also his soul, his faith.

All the beliefs seemed to collapse overnight. He was not sure whether the world was real or not.

"Yes, Miss Gu." Doctor song is used to this title, but she doesn't change her words. Gu Jiao also likes this title more. "Shopkeeper Wang just came here. He asked me to ask you about the diagnosis of gold..."

Now they already know that Gu Chengfeng is Gu Jiao's half brother. He's one of his own, so——

Gu Jiao is not at all objectionable: "how should collect, operation fee 12 Liang, medicine fee 12 Liang, examination fee 12 Liang, in addition, he belongs to intensive care, three Liang a day!"

Doctor song pinched a cold sweat. Is it so expensive?

After a while, Gu Chengfeng came back with a big food box: "third brother, I bought your favorite crispy duck and red bean cake!"

Doctor song looked at Gu Chenglin on the doctor's bed in embarrassment, and then looked at Gu Jiao on one side: "you can't eat such greasy food because of the injury?"

Gu Jiao didn't stop her.

Soon, doctor song understood why Gu Jiao didn't stop her.

Gu Chenglin doesn't eat anything at all. He doesn't even drink water.

When he woke up, he only opened his eyes wide and looked at the beam stupidly. He told him that he didn't respond, nor did he respond to the spoon.

It was not easy to break his mouth and feed it, and it all flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

Gu Chengfeng anxiously looked back at Gu Jiao and doctor song: "you think of a way!"

Gu Jiao light ground sees to him: "this kind of thing I can't help."

Gu Chengfeng grits his teeth. Although he is unwilling, he also understands that Gu Jiao's words are true. Gu Chenglin has no will to survive. Even if his injury is cured, his heart is dead.

This kind of attack is more unexpected than aunt Ling's betrayal. Gu Chenglin never thought that this domineering, arrogant and heartless younger brother would become like this one day.

The people of Songhe courtyard also arrived. They were old lady Gu's confidant Mammy and two smart little servant girls.

My confidant, whose surname was GUI, burst into tears when she saw that her son had become like this: "kill a thousand knives! The white blind old lady is in love with her. Look at what she's doing. Is it human affairs

Gu Chengfeng didn't speak.

He can't say it anymore.

Mother GUI said to Gu Chengfeng, "the second young master hasn't closed his eyes all night. Go back to the house. There are maidservants watching. They will take good care of the third young master."

Gu Chengfeng forbeared: "I won't go, I'll wait for my third brother to wake up."

Wake up completely, not as if someone had emptied his soul.

Mother GUI couldn't persuade him. She said to him, "let's have something to eat."

Gu Chengfeng had no appetite, but he nodded.

Mother GUI opened the food box, which contained two bowls of millet porridge, a bowl of pig blood tofu soup, a plate of radish stewed crucian carp, a cage of steamed ribs, and several stir fried dishes.

When Gu Chengfeng saw the pig blood and ribs in the bowl, he suddenly had a picture in his mind. Gu Chenglin's blood splashed three feet, his flesh was opened, washed and sewed up, and every detail could not be removed!

"Take it away!"

He can't eat it!

Mother GUI was confused: "what's the matter, second son? Are these dishes not good? It's all tonic. The third young master lost too much blood. The fresh pig's blood that the slave girl specially asked someone to buy was killed and released now. It was still hot when he bought it back. "

She didn't say it was ok, but Gu Chengfeng couldn't stand it any more.

In the end, he just took a bowl of millet porridge and couldn't eat it any more.

On the other hand, Gu Jinyu also heard about Gu Chenglin's injury. The girl school was next door, and she came directly to the hospital after school.

Gu Chengfeng breathes in the backyard. As soon as he sees her, he frowns: "what are you doing here?"

Gu Jinyu said in a low voice: "I heard that the third brother was injured. I came to see him. How is the third brother? Are you out of danger? "

Gu Chengfeng doesn't like Gu Jinyu, but he doesn't dislike her. Today, unfortunately, he was in a bad mood. Gu Jinyu bumped into his gun.

"What are you doing?" He said in a sullen voice.

Gu Jinyu choked.

Second brother is not so fierce on weekdays.

Gu Jinyu said: "second brother, I don't mean anything else. I'm just worried about third brother."

Gu Chengfeng sneered: "worried about him? I think you are having fun in your heart! Don't think I don't know. All of you, mother and son, are looking forward to his death! "

Gu Jinyu was wronged: "I didn't!"

Gu Chengfeng is too lazy to pay attention to her. He turns and enters the room. He closes the door and forbids her to come in.

Gu Jinyu is wronged for lying on his gun. Yao, Gu Jiao and Gu Yan really don't like to see Gu Chenglin, but she really hopes Gu Chenglin can get better!

Gu Jinyu bites her lips and plans to leave unhappily. However, she accidentally catches a glimpse of Gu Changqing coming out of the warehouse with a basket of herbs in her arms.

eldest brother?

She was about to say hello when she saw Gu Jiao coming out of the warehouse with another basket of herbs in her hand.

"Just leave it and I'll move it." Gu Changqing put the herbs on the shelf and turned to take the basket in Gu's arms. "How many more baskets are there?"

"Five baskets." Gu Jiao said.

Gu Changqing turned to the warehouse and moved out all the five baskets of medicinal materials. Then they sun dried the medicinal materials together.

Gu Changqing is still that pair of unsmiling appearance, maybe even he didn't find, his eyebrows did not have the past fierce, and Gu Jiao get along with even a little bit of intimacy between brothers and sisters.

When Gu Jiao passes under the shelf, Gu Changqing will put her hand under the shelf to prevent Gu Jiao from hitting her head.

Gu Jinyu's heart suddenly overturned the Schisandra bottle.

Why did she put in so much effort that her elder brother refused to say a word to her?

And this wild girl from the countryside, but because of the medicine boy in this hospital, is she so popular with elder brother?

She didn't cure the third brother!

She's just a medicine boy!

Gu Jinyu tugged on her handkerchief and was about to leave when she saw Yao come out of the yard.

Gu Jinyu is a little surprised, is mother also here?

She looked at Gu Jiao and Gu Changqing not far away. Suddenly, she felt a burst of pleasure. She hated their association with the eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother. She found out. What should she do!

"Jiaojiao, are you drying herbs again?" Yao Shi walked over, "you go to have a rest, I'll get it."

"It's almost ready." Gu Jiao said.

Gu Changqing and Yao looked at each other. Gu Changqing leaned slightly and Yao nodded.

No extra words, very polite and alienated.

This is not the reaction in Gu Jinyu's imagination. Shouldn't Niang take Gu Jiao away and scold her so that she doesn't get involved with her three brothers?

Why can't she talk to big brother, but Gu Jiao can?

Yao went in without waiting for a while.

Gu Changqing said to Gu Jiao, "wait for me."

He went to the stable, took out a small box from the bag hanging on the saddle and handed it to Gu Jiao: "here you are."

"What is this?" Gu Jiao asked.

"Open it up." Gu Changqing said.

Gu Jiao opened the box and found that there were four little people in it, a little jade man, a little golden man, a little wooden man and a little iron man.

You don't have to guess. Xiaoyuren is for Gu Yan, xiaojinren is for xiaojingkong, and xiaomuren is for Gu Xiaoshun. Why does Mao become a little iron man when he comes here?

Gu Jiao

This is a handicraft from the state of Liang, which is not available on the market.

It's not because Gu Jiao cured Gu Chenglin that she wanted to give it to her. As early as the last time she won the soft hand in playing the leaf card, Gu Changqing found out this set of handicrafts and planned to take them to Bishui Hutong next time.

Gu Changqing explained: "there is a pair of leaf cards under the box."

Gu Jiao: so you just want to play cards?