The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 191

Xiaojingkong put on his clothes, hugged his trousers, and jumped on the bed. He continued to show off: "it's Jiaojiao who brought me here!"

Xiao LIULANG: ah.

Xiaojingkong raised her chin: "Jiaojiao, it's so sweet to bring my clothes back to me."

Xiao LIULANG: ha ha.

Xiao Jingkong got out of bed and began to look for Gu Jiao everywhere: "where's Jiao Jiao?"

"She went to the hospital." Xiao LIULANG said.

Small clearance disappointed: "Oh."

I can't see Jiaojiao in the morning, and I'm not in a beautiful mood.

He looked at the bad brother-in-law: "I sleep with Jiaojiao! You didn't! "

It's beautiful to show off your mood!

Xiao LIULANG swears that if the little monk dares to fart for the third time, he will tell him the truth!

Fortunately, the small clearance small head a swing, to find someone else to stink.

Because Gu Jiao is away, Xiao LIULANG made breakfast.

The whole family lost their appetite when they looked at the big black thing in the bowl.

It's rare for the old lady to get up early in the morning. As a result, you give me this?!

Xiaojingkong's face is wrinkled. He is not a picky child, but he doesn't take poison either!

"Why not?" Asked Xiao LIULANG.

Everyone's mouth a smoke, gave him a small squint eyes: why not eat your heart did not count it? You should have a bite to show us!

Xiao LIULANG's heart also refused.

Adhering to the principle of no waste, the whole family still eat the indistinct food in the bowl. The craftsmanship of others is getting better and better, and Xiao LIULANG is making more and more Vietnamese dishes.

Gu Yan was so disgusted that he rolled his eyes: I have to take two more heart medicines!

After an unspeakable breakfast, the family held a small meeting without Xiao LIULANG.

Xiaojingkong vomits his tongue: "no bad brother-in-law is allowed to enter the kitchen any more! If I faint in class today, I must be poisoned by his breakfast! "

Gu Yan, Gu Xiaoshun and the old lady all nodded their heads and unanimously decided to put Xiao LIULANG on the blacklist of the kitchen. As long as he didn't starve to death in his life, he would not be allowed to enter the kitchen again!

After missing Xue Ningxiang, the family began to miss the old sacrificial wine. Even the old lady, who was so angry when she saw the old sacrificial wine, felt that the guy's cooking skills were reliable at least.

Lao Jijiu is very busy these days, playing hide and seek with his majesty.

He could not really let his majesty find out the blue water Hutong, so he moved out of the Inn and rented a small courtyard in the suburbs.

The other courtyard was signed by the guarantor and registered in the Yamen. Your majesty found it in a few days.

On the first day, the old sacrificial wine was not there.

The next day, the old sacrificial wine was still not there.

On the third day, the fourth day... And on the fifth day, the two eunuchs who were stationed nearby finally waited for the old sacrifice wine.

One eunuch is responsible for dragging the old sacrificial wine, and the other goes back to the palace to report to his majesty.

In this way, on an ordinary afternoon, his majesty saw the old sacrificial wine that had been away for three years.

The old sacrificial wine seems to have gone through a lot more vicissitudes than it did three years ago.

Nonsense, on the way to deliberately blowing half an hour of cold wind, hair messy, mouth also to blow ladle.

"Your majesty The old toaster stepped out of the carriage and bowed to his majesty.

He looked like this. His Majesty was not willing to give him a salute. He quickly held him with both hands: "Ai Qing, please get up quickly!"

The old sacrificial wine played his hall level acting skills, his eyes were red and his tears flashed: "I'm not a minister of the central government. I'm so sorry for you

"It's windy outside. Ai Qing needs to take good care of herself. Let's talk in the room." The truth is that your majesty himself has been waiting here for a quarter of an hour, and his teeth tremble with cold!

The two entered the room.

The house was very simple, but Liu Quan cleaned it up.

Your majesty thought it would be warmer after entering the room, but he thought too much. There was no charcoal basin in the room, which was almost the same temperature as outside.

His majesty shivered with cold, and he felt that the past few years had not been easy.

The old man's reaction was very calm, as if he was used to this bad living environment. He said gently, "Your Majesty hasn't drunk my tea for a long time. Liu Quan, boil a pot of water."

"Yes Liu Quan went to the kitchen to boil a pot of water.

Lao Jijiu made a pot of Longjing tea himself.

Your majesty is used to the good tea in the palace. If you drink this kind of old tea again, it's just like sour water.

He finally couldn't help asking: "Ai Qing, why are you so poor?"

Even if the old sacrificial wine was an honest official and only took the salary of the imperial court, he would not be in such a predicament.

An ordinary official's family needs to raise a huge back house, but his wife died early and he didn't have a son. His salary is enough for him to live a very rich life.

Old wine heart road, that is not to be robbed by your mother?

Forget it. It's not my own.

Speaking of his Majesty's life experience, his mother was just a little maid in the palace. By chance, she was favored by the late emperor and was pregnant.

In the imperial palace of Zhao state, the concubines below Sanpin were not qualified to raise the emperor's descendants. After he was born, he was sent to the imperial palace of Jingfei and raised by Jingfei.

The old toaster laughed and said, "I think this kind of simple life is very good. It makes people feel peaceful. The court hall has been floating and sinking for so many years. There are few times when it is so quiet. "

When he said that, his majesty really felt something.

He is the king of a country. From the court hall to the back palace, he has never had a quiet day?

Just in the cold wind waiting for the old wine, the bottom of my heart is the least.

Sitting in the room at the moment, you don't have to worry about the current situation of the court. It's really a half day's leisure.

His majesty suddenly felt that this room was not so intolerable: "Ai Qing, this time back to Beijing, is to see feng Lao?"

He also heard the news of old Feng's death. He was very sorry. It was a pity that he was such an excellent talent.

The old man nodded: "it's for the sake of fenglao, and I want to see your majesty."

His majesty sighed: "I have reopened the Imperial College, but without the Imperial College of Ai Qing, I always feel that something is missing."

The old toaster said, "there are many talented people in Zhao state. Your majesty will find a suitable person to take over the Imperial Academy."

His majesty sighed again: "Ai Qing, I'm afraid I haven't heard about Guozijian."

"What's the matter with Guozijian?" he said

His majesty said some of Zheng Siye's muddled accounts: "he not only embezzles and accepts bribes, but also changes the results of the supervisor without authorization. How can such a person dare to hand over the Imperial College to him? I really want to drive him out of the country

The old man quickly said, "Your Majesty, please calm down. Who can be faultless if you are not a saint? Zheng Siye took bribes a few years ago. Now that he has reformed, why don't you give him a chance? As for the change of supervisor's performance, I believe Zheng Siye will not be so confused. Maybe there is some misunderstanding. "

Are you kidding?

Without the black and bad of Zheng Siye, where can he get the white of this white lotus?

The old sacrifice wine said a few good words about Zheng Siye, and finally let his majesty give up the idea of abandoning the other party.

After that, his majesty talked to Lao Jijiu about asking him to return to Guozijian.

"The Guozijian has not been opened for a long time, people are lax, and all major forces are infiltrating into it. Zhuang Taifu's direct grandson, Prince an, came back from the state of Chen. He was admitted to the Imperial College with the first place. " When his majesty finished, he looked affectionately at the old man and said, "I'm at the time of employing people. I hope that Aiqing can come back to me and help me to stabilize the country of Zhao."

The old man didn't agree immediately.

His Majesty's eyes fell on the complicated look of the old sacrificial wine and asked, "Ai Qing... Are you still sad about ah Heng? Ai Qing didn't want to go back to the Imperial College because it was where ah Heng had an accident? "

The old wine was silent.

His majesty didn't force him to leave. When he got to the door, he suddenly turned his head: "ah Heng, the spirit of heaven, must also hope to see the sacrifice wine coming back."

The look of the old sacrificial wine was more sad.

His majesty left with a sigh.

Make sure the carriage goes far away, the old wine man changes his face in a second: "Liu Quan, take out the drumsticks! I'm starving


Gu Jiao didn't sleep well last night. There was nothing wrong with the hospital in the daytime. She went back to her own hospital to have a rest.

After less than an hour's sleep, she was awakened by a knock at the door.

"Miss Gu! Miss Gu! Come out for a second

It was xiaosanzi's eager and cautious voice.

Gu Jiao is also angry to get up. She tugs at her little ear impatiently and opens the door to the third son with a black face.

Xiaosanzi was stunned by her terrible aura: "Gu, girl..."

"What's the matter?" Gu Jiao asked.

"That man came last time," he said

"Who?" Gu Jiao black face asked him.

Small three son swallowed to swallow saliva, the heart way you can not so black a face? I feel like I'm dying at any time

Xiao Sanzi said boldly, "that's Liu Yisheng! He's here again! In the absence of the second owner, shopkeeper Wang does not dare to prescribe medicine for him. He is trying to get rid of him. "

Gu Jiao remembered that the patient with chronic cholecystitis was beautiful and unforgettable.

Gu Jiao said, "I know. You take him to my clinic."

Xiaosanzi said with a smile: "good!"

It's a warm-hearted one.

Gu Jiao is thirsty. She goes back to the room and drinks a few water before she goes to the clinic.

The first time Gu Jiao asked him to enter the consulting room, he refused. This time, she agreed very readily.

He was still wearing the same clothes as before, but there was one more patch on the sleeve.

His face was no longer sallow and ruddy, and he looked more beautiful than before.

Seeing Gu Jiao coming in, he got up and said, "Miss Gu."

"Sit down." Gu Jiao sat down opposite him.

He sat down, too.

Gu Jiao observed his look: "how do you feel?"

Liu Yisheng touched his right upper abdomen and said, "I feel much better. It doesn't hurt so much here."

On the first day when he took the medicine back, he didn't have much hope. It sounds contradictory. He knew that no doctor in the capital would take the right medicine to treat him, but he always expected a miracle.

Maybe he was disappointed too many times, so he told himself that the medicine would not work this time, as if he would not be disappointed.

On the night of taking the medicine, he didn't feel obvious. The next day, he had a better appetite at dinner. On the third night, he hardly felt pain and had a good sleep.

After that, he got better day by day. Up to now, he only occasionally felt a faint pain.

His curative effect is in Gu Jiao's expectation, Gu Jiao pointed to the pulse pillow on the table: "put your hand on it."

Liu Yisheng is still not used to the female doctor's pulse diagnosis for him. He hesitates for a moment and slowly puts his hand on it.

Gu Jiao's cold fingertips touch his pulse.

If you are not polite, Liu Yisheng dropped his eyes.

His pulse is steady, except that he is a little fast.

Gu Jiao took back her hand and opened his eyelids with her fingers.

This action made her body lean towards him.

The girl's breath is everywhere, like grass after rain, clean and fresh.

Liu Yisheng's eyelashes trembled.

Gu Jiao let go of him and said with satisfaction: "yes, take the medicine, and I'll give you some medicine to protect the liver."

Liu Yisheng opened his mouth.

Gu Jiao said in time: "no more money."

"Oh." Liu Yisheng was relieved.

Last time, the medicine was 100 Wen. Today, he only brought 100 Wen.

Gu Jiao opened the prescription, she wrote the prescription with a charcoal pen, the handwriting is OK, it is the gesture of holding the pen that makes Liu Yisheng curious.

Is there anyone else with a pen like this?

"It's seven days this time." Gu Jiao said.

Liu Yisheng said, "but I only brought the money for five pairs of medicines."

Gu Jiaotou also did not lift a way: "that owes first, next time again."

Liu Yisheng suddenly sneered: "aren't you afraid I won't come if I have a prescription?"

Gu Jiao said: "in addition to the magic hand hall, where else in the capital dare to give you the right medicine?"

Liu Yisheng laughed again. This time, it was self mockery. He looked at Gu Jiao: "but girl, are you really not afraid to get into trouble?"

Gu Jiao handed the prescription to him: "it's my business. You are a patient. Don't worry."

Liu Yisheng took the prescription, not too beautiful handwriting, but vigorous and powerful.

He squeezed the prescription tightly and said indifferently, "if you are really in trouble for treating me, I will stand by and watch."

Gu Jiao: "good."

Liu Yisheng was surprised by this answer.

He looked at Gu Jiao.

Although not for the first time, but really look at her now, her face looks only 14 or 15 years old, between the eyebrows with her age does not match the calm temperament.

Her left face has an eye-catching red birthmark. If an ordinary woman grows up like this, she is afraid to stay at home and dare not go out, but she is half timid.

She... Has a very unique aura.

"Any questions?" Gu Jiao looks at him.

Liu Yisheng looked away and said, "no, I just hope you don't regret it. If you think I'm the Liu family and want to bet on me, then I advise you to give up early. The Liu family will never be able to make a comeback, so don't send charcoal in the snow. It's fruitless. "

Gu Jiao: "Oh."

He said all that should be said, and she couldn't help it if she didn't believe him.

Liu Yisheng turns to leave.

The moment she was about to cross the threshold, Gu Jiao said quietly, "do you want to make a bet?"