The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 193

Gu Jinyu looked at the elder brother actually gave something to Gu Jiao, the bottom of his heart is more and more not taste.

She gave the elder brother so many gifts, in exchange for his thanks, don't think she doesn't know, her birthday gifts are all prepared by Aunt Ling, the elder brother doesn't even know what he gave.

From her point of view, although I can't see the things in the box, can my elder brother choose them by himself?

Gu Jinyu is not a rare object in the box. What she is rare about is her elder brother's mind.

A girl growing up in the countryside, who wants to have no appearance, talent and learning, but also has no talent and learning, can't help beating people. What does elder brother like about her?

Gu Jinyu didn't go to meet Yao. She went back to Hou's house alone.

On the other hand, the dispute between the Ministry of work and the Ministry of war has finally come to an end today. The Ministry of war has won completely, and the Minister of the Ministry of work has been scolded bloody by his majesty.

The Minister of the Ministry of work was very angry. When he returned to the yamen, he called Marquis Gu and asked him how he had done things at the beginning: "the Ministry of war said that he had come to you many times, but you didn't believe it?"

Marquis Gu retorted: "not many times. He didn't understand it at first. He only asked me to make a large number of weapons in a month. At that time, it was almost the end of the year, and there were so many things to do in the Ministry of work. I really couldn't make them."

Weapons manufacturing in the former dynasty was not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of industry. After the opening of the dynasty, the responsibilities of the six ministries were re divided, among which the Ministry of industry was the most changed.

There are a lot of bullshit in the Ministry of work, but the salary is not good, and the status is not good. It can be called the old yellow cattle in the six departments.

Of course, Zhao Shangshu understood that Marquis Gu had not lied. The Ministry of industry was in charge of all the major departments of Zhao state, such as tuntian, water conservancy, civil engineering, transportation, and official industry (including but not limited to weapons manufacturing).

At the end of the new year, it's so busy that one person has to break into three or four.

But what was he angry about?

It was Marquis Gu who insisted that there could not be more powerful blowing techniques in the folk than in the imperial court. As a result, the folk had them, and they were brought back by the Ministry of war!

Now their whole work department has to go to the war department to learn blast technology!

Is this a human thing?

Is there room for his old face?

On the way back from the imperial court, he was almost laughed to death by his colleagues!

"I don't know whether to call you stupid or arrogant!"

Zhao Shangshu's seven tips give birth to smoke!

Marquis Gu turned his lips and said, "if you were present, would you believe it?"

Zhao Shangshu choked.

I knew it was like this: "look, who dares to believe it?"

"Why can't I believe it?" Who won't? Zhao Shangshu said solemnly, "you didn't tell me at that time. I sent people to the county to invite them!"

Marquis Gu looked at the sky: you make it up, you make it up.

Zhao Shangshu

How did the Marquis Yingwu I give birth to such a simple son?

But then again, he couldn't believe it.

When Shang Shugang of the Ministry of war talked with him about the folk blowing technology, he still sniffed. The old man of the Secretary of the Ministry of war was also very bad. He didn't tell him that the piston bellows was on the way.

He thought that the weapon was blown by the Ministry of war. He did not hesitate to sneer at him and made a lot of cruel remarks. Now every sentence hit him in the face.

Zhao Shangshu asked: "I heard it was invented by a girl who was 14 or 15 years old. Weren't you in the county at that time? Have you ever heard of such a girl

There are so many girls in the county. There is one in his family!

"What's the matter? Do you know him? " Zhao Shangshu looked at Gu Hou Ye suddenly become dignified look, asked.

Marquis Gu waved his hand and said, "there are many 14-year-old girls. You can't just be that one.

Zhao Shangshu nodded: "that's true, but people in Tiepu said that she was a little peasant girl. Our work department has suffered a great loss this time. If we can find her, we will certainly save face in front of your majesty. "

The little peasant girl in the county?

Isn't it really that girl?

Soon Marquis Gu shook his head decisively.

That girl doesn't know a big word. She said that she could feed pigs and farm. She invented a piston bellows that could crush Liang Guoshui's drainage system? How is that possible?

Marquis Gu said: "my Lord, in my opinion, that girl must be a disciple or family member of an expert. She didn't want to join the world. That's why she didn't reveal her identity."

Zhao Shangshu thought about it and said, "ah, by the way, listen to the people in Tiepu, is she surnamed Lu... Or Gu?"

It's getting late, Gu Jiao finished a day's diagnosis and treatment, finally went to see Gu Chenglin's condition and was ready to go home.

"Well, you just left?" Gu Chengfeng didn't ask.

Gu Jiao looks at him lightly.

Gu Chengfeng straightened his face and said, "in case my brother is in any danger."

"There's doctor song." Gu Jiao said.

Gu Chengfeng wants to talk but stops.

This doctor song is a novice. He was injured in the collapse of the music hall. It was sewn by doctor song. It's so crooked and ugly! It hurt for a long time!

"If you are not satisfied, you can transfer to another hospital." Gu Jiao said carelessly, went to the door and handed over to Dr. Song, and looked at Dr. Song with encouragement, "this kind of severe patients with injury in the heart is very rare, you should cherish this opportunity to practice."

Doctor song is full of ambition: "I will!"

Gu Chengfeng has black lines on his face

Yao Shi and Gu Changqing have already left. Mother GUI always loves to wipe her tears. Gu Chengfeng has driven her away, leaving only a little boy who doesn't speak much.

At night, Gu Chengfeng and Xiao Si take care of Gu Chenglin.

Gu Jiao put the small medicine box into the small basket and turned to go out.

Gu Chengfeng called her: "that..."

Gu Jiao ignored him and left directly.

Gu Chengfeng, who has been ignored

Gu Chengfeng is actually asking Gu Jiao if there is any medicine that can make him stop thinking. Now as long as there is meat on the table, he will think of Gu Chenglin's operation scenes. The pictures are not too shocking!

"If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I don't have to be a monk! Ah

Gu Chengfeng is crazy!

Gu Jiao went home with a basket on her back.

Xiao LIULANG and his family all came back from Guozijian and Qinghe Academy. The yard was full of fireworks.

Gu Jiao didn't sleep all night. Xiao LIULANG didn't want her to cook when she came back, so he went to cook dinner by himself. As a result, he was unanimously opposed by the whole family.

It's enough to be poisoned by him one day, and they really can't meet the sun tomorrow.

Fortunately, the old sacrificial wine was at home today, and the old lady's kitchen knife turned people out.

Gu Jiao first put the basket back to the east room, and then went to the backyard.

"Jiao Jiao Jiao!" Xiaojingkong ran to Gu Jiao, raised her head and looked at her lovingly, "one day's absence is like three autumn. Jiaojiao, we haven't seen each other for three years. I miss you so much!"

Gu Jiao's mouth corners. Where is this local love affair?

"Jiao Jiao, do you want to miss me?" Small clearance continues to sprout.

"Yes." Gu Jiao looks at his little bald head.

Well, it's a little bit long.

Xiaojingkong pulled Gujiao's hand: "Jiaojiao, did you hold me last night? Do you miss me? "

Gu Jiao looked at Xiao LIULANG who was chopping firewood in the yard, nodded to Xiao Jingkong and said, "well, I miss you."

It's a pity that I didn't carry you.

Little clearance raised his chin triumphantly: "I knew it!" When he thought of something, he took Gu Jiao to a small basin, pointed to the fish in the basin and said, "Jiao Jiao, you see, my good friend gave it to me!"

"Do you still have good friends?" Gu jiaoting was surprised that xiaojingkong was not a very gregarious child. She never heard that he had any friends.

"It's from the next class. It's Xu congee! Porridge for porridge! " Small clearance said.

Gu Jiao was a little surprised when she made friends and went to the next class.

She and Xiao LIULANG have always worried that xiaojingkong is too precocious to play with her peers, and there is a thinking gap with adults. In the long run, they will inevitably fall into an isolated situation.

Small clearance shows off its small fish: "beautiful or not?"

Gu Jiao said without conscience: "beautiful, beautiful. What kind of fish?"

She has never seen such an ugly fish.

Xiaojingkong said seriously, "Xiaoxu said they are piranhas."

Gu Jiao trembled.

What kind of children are they? Are they so cruel?!

I thought you could make a normal child like a normal child. It was really naive of me——

Xiao Jingkong's aesthetic is different from that of normal people. His aesthetic is biased by his master, and then he biased all the little monks in the temple.

For example, the red birthmark, which is unacceptable to most people, happens to grow on the aesthetics of xiaojingkong and a few young monks.

It's the same with these fish.

To be honest, it's not ugly. The main reason is that she is too fierce and looks fierce. There is a golden fish scale on their heads, shining in the sun, and the small clearance is not necessary.

For the sake of these beautiful little fish, he took the initiative to chat up with children in Guozijian for the first time.

Of course, they're not piranhas. They're just children talking big. They're ordinary freshwater fish, but they're not from Zhaoguo. They've been transported from Liangguo for thousands of miles. They're very precious.

Of course, these children did not say Xu Cong, he did not understand.

"Jiaojiao, can I raise them?" Small clearance asked Gu Jiao.

He is a sensible and polite child. He always asks for Jiaojiao's permission before raising a pet.

Gu Jiao nodded: "yes, but you have to feed and change water by yourself. Besides, we don't have any experience in fish culture. We can't help you in this aspect. "

"Well!" Xiaojingkong nodded, "Jiaojiao, don't worry, I will ask Xiaoxu for more advice! I must fatten them up! So when I grow up, I can eat them

Gu Jiao: so you raise fish to eat fish?

In the yard, the little fowls were suddenly silent.

At night, Gu Yan, who worked for xiaojingkong, went to the chicken cage to feed seven chickens, only to find that they had a collective hunger strike!

Gu Yan: "eh?"

The dinner was six dishes and one soup. Several children in the family were at the age of growing up. The old sacrificial wine made enough portions, and still opened a small stove for the small clearance.

He eats a lot, but he doesn't grow.

I'm also worried about people.

Lao Jijiu's cooking skill successfully smoothed the shadow brought by Xiao LIULANG's breakfast, and the whole family was full.

After dinner, as usual, the old lady asked several people about their day. Gu Jiao and Xiao LIULANG didn't say anything about Gu Chenglin's visit. Neither of them realized that Gu Chenglin was worth their family discussion time at the dinner table.

Except Xiao Jingkong made a new friend in Guozijian, nothing new happened to the others.

But at the family meeting, Xiao LIULANG, who was always silent, said for the first time: "there is a carpenter near the Imperial College who wants to accept apprentices. Tomorrow, the Imperial College and Qinghe college will be closed for ten days. I'll take Xiaoshun there."

Gu Xiaoshun is addicted to wood carving. If he can find a reliable master to learn craftsmanship, it would be a good way.

"So I don't have to study?" Gu Xiaoshun asked excitedly.

Gu Jiao and Xiao LIULANG agreed: "don't even think about it!"

Gu Xiaoshun

Ordinary people's children do not need to go to school after they have skills, but Xiao LIULANG and Gu Jiao are very educational people. Their children can tutor after class and can't drop out of school to learn skills.

"Gu Yan will go with you." Xiao LIULANG said.

"Why do I have to go, too?" Gu Yan looks confused.

Xiao LIULANG: "you are idle."

Gu Yan

From now on, Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun will begin their hard life of having classes in the daytime and learning arts at night.

Xiaojingkong shook his head complacently: "I don't have to study art, I can play, just a little bit!"

Xiao LIULANG looked at him mercilessly: "starting tomorrow, add one more foreign language class."

Small clearance instant black face.