The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 181

Xiao LIULANG looks at Xuanping Marquis, Xuanping Marquis also looks at Xiao LIULANG.

Both of them were shocked.

Xiao LIULANG didn't expect that he would come back, and he was waiting for himself here.

Xuanping Marquis did not expect that he would be blocked by such a young man.

He just had the same feeling as he had at the post station.

The difference is that this time it's more intense, and he's convinced that the other person is hiding nearby.

He deliberately went away to make the other side relax their vigilance, and then quietly turned back - the usual tactics in the battlefield, he knew martial arts, and it was not difficult to implement.

The hard part is now.

He looked at the face, his eyes couldn't hide.

"Hou, Hou ye, you are walking too fast..." the cauliflower here is going to be cold, and the steward Liu arrived in a hurry, "eh? What about your highness seven? Not with you? "

He took another road, which was staggered with Su Gong and his party.

When he finished, he found that his Marquis didn't pay attention to him. He stood motionless at the door of the classroom and looked inside.

He came over oddly and looked into the classroom.

Don't see don't know, wow, a look scared!

He stares big eye son way: "young master?"

Zheng Siye just chased Xuanping Marquis out. Halfway through, Xuanping Marquis quickly turned back. The speed was so fast that he could hardly catch up with him. Now he arrived.

He was a little confused by this young master?

What's going on?

Is it not that Xuanping Marquis himself is here, and so is your son? And into their classroom?

Xuanping Hou looked at Liu Guanshi deeply: "what do you call him?"

"Young master," said Liu

"Which young master?" Xuanping Hou asked Liu Guanshi, but his eyes fell back on Xiao LIULANG's face.

Caught off guard, the surprise of meeting had disappeared from his face. Xiao LIULANG's look was very calm.

Liu Guanshi said, "it's the young master who studied in Guozijian, yunniang's son."

Xiao LIULANG's mother, surnamed Chen, is called Chen yunniang, and her neighbors call her shisan Niang.

"Yes? Is that him Xuanping Hou looked at Xiao LIULANG for a moment. His eyes seemed calm, but there was an endless undercurrent.

All of a sudden, he took out a hand in his warm hand and touched Xiao LIULANG's face. He rubbed his thumb hard under his right eye, but he didn't wipe anything after a while.

His aura began to become violent: "where's your mole? Where's the mole? Well

Liu Guanshi is at a loss.

What mole?

Have you seen this son?

Before Xiao LIULANG was born, the Marquis left yunniang and returned to the capital!

Four years ago, in the winter, Xiao LIULANG and his brother came to the capital. Unfortunately, they didn't see the marquis.

So why is this side effect?

Xiao LIULANG didn't move. He let Xuanping Marquis wipe the cheek under his right eye to make it red and swollen. At last, he looked at Xuanping Marquis with cold eyes, which seemed to be mixed with a little anger that he didn't know how to vent.

"You have the wrong person." He said calmly and coolly, "I never have moles here."

Xuanping Hou put down his hand and pulled it coldly into a fist.

"The results." Xiao LIULANG didn't pay any attention to him any more. He walked past him on crutches.

Xuanping Hou looked at his limping figure, and there was another storm in his eyes!

Xiao LIULANG went to the opposite classroom, put the baby eagle into xiaojingkong's book bag, hung it on his arm, and picked xiaojingkong up again.

Xiaojingkong was confused and opened his eyes. Seeing that it was Xiao LIULANG, he put his head on his shoulder and went to sleep peacefully.

Children who don't take a nap can't afford to be hurt.

Holding him in one hand and crutches in the other, Xiao LIULANG went out of the Guozijian elementary school under the complicated gaze of Xuanping marquis.

"That's him! It's the two of them Zheng Siye wants to tell Xiao LIULANG about Xiao Jingkong. But when he opens his mouth, he finds that the atmosphere is not right. Xuanping Marquis's aura is so terrible that he seems to kill people at any time. He quickly closes his mouth.

After Xiao LIULANG's figure completely disappeared, Xuanping Marquis also left the Imperial College.

Zheng Siye looked at the classroom strangely: "eh? No one. Who is the name of Duke Xuanping just now? "

Sun Fu Zi, who had been waiting in the corridor all the time and had the privilege of witnessing the whole process, said in a cold sweat: "OK, it seems that he is the supervisor of the straightforward hall."

Zheng Siye sneered: "do you say Xiao LIULANG? Ha, come on, how can he be the young master of Xuanping Marquis's mansion? It's not age. "

The only right one is the young Marquis, but he is dead.

"It's not the illegitimate son of Xuanping Marquis, is it? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Xuanping went out of the Imperial College and got into the carriage.

Chang Jing holds Qin Chuyu, who is frightened by the flying eaves and walls: "Hou ye, what can he do?"

Xuanping Marquis was in a state of confusion: "send it back to the palace!"

Chang Jing thought, "Oh."

Marquis did not say how to send back, so Chang Jing and Qin Chuyu began a new round of flying.

Qin Chuyu can't cry!

Uncle's punishment is terrible!

He'll never make trouble again!

After he got into the carriage, xuanpinghou could not calm down for a long time. His eyes were cold and his fingers trembled: "what's the matter?"

It's about manager Liu.

Manager Liu opened the curtain and got on the carriage. He said in a friendly way, "what does the Lord want to know?"

"Is He Yun Niang's son?"


"How do you find him? Tell me in detail!"

"... yes!" Liu Guanshi explained his experience of looking for Xiao LIULANG in detail, "it's as early as four years ago."

Xiao LIULANG and his elder brother came to the capital to meet Xuanping marquis. At first, he didn't say who he was. He just said that he was Xuanping Marquis's old friend and had something to give to Xuanping marquis.

There are too many people who come to the door. Xiao LIULANG's clothes are shabby and he doesn't look like a noble man. The boy who guards the door doesn't take it seriously.

It happened that there were several homicide cases in the capital during that period. The Ministry of punishment and Dali Temple failed to solve the cases. His majesty handed the cases to Xuanping marquis.

Xuanping marquis is very busy.

After he solved the case, something happened again.

In a word, when Xuanping Marquis got the news, Xiao LIULANG had already left the capital.

Xuanping Hou said in a deep voice: "I know these things, but I told you. I asked you about how you went to the county to find him!"

Steward Liu was transferred back in the past two years.

Liu Guanshi said: "I went to the county first and found out that he was a student of Tianxiang academy, so I went to the academy to find him, but he didn't admit it. I didn't give up, and then... Cough, I thought of a way. Both hard and soft, but this young master is worthy of the Marquis's seed. How hard the bone is! Of course, it's true that he is good at learning. He won the first place in Youzhou high school and was recommended to the Imperial College. "

Xuanping Hou's eyes began to flow with countless storms: "what's the matter with his legs?"

Liu Guanshi said: "I've inquired about this. I heard it was more than a year ago. I was injured in order to save a classmate, and then I became lame."

Xuanpinghou: "no treatment?"

Liu Guanshi: "it's cured, but somehow, it doesn't get better."

Back at the Marquis's house, Xuanping entered the study and took out a picture from the dark grid.

The portrait shows a 13-4-year-old boy, warm as jade, with a teardrop under his right eye.

If he lives to be eighteen

The image of Xiao LIULANG flashed through Xuanping's mind.


Xiaojingkong sleeps all the way and wakes up when he comes home. It's the lively trumpeter again!

The first thing he did was to find Xiao Jiu. He was relieved to see that Xiao Jiu was living in the bird cage.

"Don't be happy too soon." Xiao LIULANG said behind him, "is it your own initiative to confess, or I'll tell Jiaojiao?"

The small clearance is wilting in an instant.

In the end, xiaojingkong chose to take the initiative to confess. Jiaojiao said that confession should be lenient and resistance should be strict!

As soon as Gu Jiao came back, xiaojingkong took the initiative to take Xiaoying to Guozijian to compete with her classmates. As a result, she told her classmates that she was scared to pee her pants.

Gu Jiao did not immediately blame him, but asked why he did it.

Xiaojingkong was very sad: "because they always laugh at me for being small, for not growing up, and for being a baby."

He is not as big as them, but his bird must be the biggest!

He often walks chickens in hutongs. Of course, now he also walks dogs and eagles. He has seen many old people walking birds. Their thrush, magpie and myna are not as big as his little nine!

It was for fighting birds, not to scare people.

"But why did he take off his pants?" Xiaojingkong looks puzzled.

After the adult's confused behavior, there is another child's confused behavior in the knowledge blind area of small clearance.

Gu Jiao almost choked.

This... I'm afraid that the one-and-a-half-year-old dog kids all know, but Xiao Jingkong grew up in the mountains, and no one has ever come across such a grounded word.

Gu Jiao didn't talk to him about popular science in the end. She touched his cerebellar pouch and said, "how are the achievements of those who laugh at you? Can I get a grade every time? "

Xiaojingkong said with pride, "no! They often make mistakes! Only I am right! "

Gu Jiao said softly, "isn't that it? They can make mistakes when they do questions, and they may not be right when they say you are not tall, but they are wrong. You are still young now. When you grow up, you will be taller than them

Xiaojingkong thinks about it seriously and is convinced by Gu Jiao.

He can study so well, there's no reason why he won't grow up!

Small clearance to regain confidence in life, is also a small clearance full of fighting spirit!

Gu Jiao then said, "is it your fault?"

"Yes." Xiaojingkong said honestly, "I shouldn't take Xiaojiu to Guozijian. I won't do it in the future."

Gu Jiao nodded happily: "go."

"Well!" Xiaojingkong turns away with the baby eagle in his arms. As soon as he enters the hall, he pokes his head out again, "but why does he take off his pants?"

Gu Jiao

The old sacrificial wine went out, and the dinner was made by Gu Jiao.

Xiao LIULANG comes in as usual to help her add firewood. Gu Jiao feels that his state is not right.

Gu Jiao made his favorite pastry recently, but he ate half a bowl less rice than usual.

After dinner, he checked xiaojingkong's homework as usual. Xiaojingkong went to check his two brothers' homework. He went back to his room to study, but he didn't open his books for a long time.

Gu Jiao knocked on the door: "it's me."

The door was ajar.

After a pause, Xiao LIULANG brought a book lying upside down on the table and said to the door, "come in."

Gu Jiao pushed open the door and came in with a bowl of lotus seed soup. She put it on his desk: "just made it. Try it while it's hot."

Xiao LIULANG looked at her hands, which should not have suffered from these hardships, and sighed: "how did you make food again?"

"You don't have much supper." Gu Jiao said.

Xiao LIULANG dropped his eyes.

Gu Jiao sat down on the chair opposite him.

The dim yellow candle light fell on his beautiful face. His eyelashes were long, and the soft trembling shadows fell on both sides of his nose.

Gu Jiao looked at him with her hands: "don't you eat?"

Xiao LIULANG has no appetite, but he still takes a spoon to taste it.

It's sweet.

Even the heart seems not so bitter.

Xiao LIULANG slowly eats up a bowl of lotus seed soup and looks up at her.

She's looking at him, too.

work in just ways.

When she was caught by him, there was no embarrassment. Her eyes were shining like stars.

Xiao LIULANG's heart seems to be slowly filled with something, and his unhappy mood is forced out.

He took the lead in looking away, clearing his throat and saying, "I'll do the dishes."

"No, I'll do it!" Gu Jiao stood up, first he took the bowl, "you are ready for Chunwei, I also want to be a Gongshi Niang!"

"Oh." Xiao LIULANG was disappointed.

Just the Gongshi lady? There are Jinshi on top of the Gongshi, and after the Jinshi is finished, there are also top ranking scholars.

But that name——

Xiao xiaoaojiao LIULANG: "return to your mother..."

Gu Jiao: "you call me?"

Did he read aloud? Xiao LIULANG was in a hurry: "no, I..."

Gu Jiao looked back with a smile: "ah!"