The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 182

Xiao LIULANG wants to find a crack in the ground.

Gu Jiao left in a good mood. She was humming a ditty when she was washing the dishes.

The next day.

Xiao LIULANG and Xiao Jingkong go to the Imperial College.

Gu Xiaoshun ate fast, but Gu Yan ate little. They had already taken the book bag and went out.

Xiao LIULANG didn't pay attention to Zheng Siye's delisting document at all. He was too familiar with the rules of Guozijian. Zheng Siye's set of rules can frighten others, but others can't. the real delisting document must have a wine offering signature.

It is worth mentioning that after Zheng Siye made a case of bullying students and bribing the account books, his signature of offering wine was withdrawn by his majesty.

Zheng Siye's real plan should be to bluff Xiao LIULANG and let Xiao LIULANG and Xiao Jingkong leave by themselves. Later, when he reported it, he said that they dropped out of school on their own initiative.

Xiao LIULANG sent Xiao Jingkong to the door of elementary school: "no more trouble today."

Small clear eye bead son turned: "that tomorrow is OK?"


The bigger you are, the less you worry, right?

"Go to class!" Xiao LIULANG said seriously.

"Oh." Xiaojingkong went slowly with his book bag in his arms.

"Wait a minute." Xiao LIULANG called him, "hand over the stone in your pocket."

Xiaojingkong said solemnly, "Xiaoshi said that he wants to have a class today."

Xiao LIULANG's face is expressionless: "does that catapult also want to go up?"

How do you know I have a catapult? I hide so well!

Xiao LIULANG: hehe, can you fool me once, and let me fool you for a second time?

In the end, Xiao LIULANG successfully took away the small clearance equipment.

Xiaojingkong holds the book bag and walks forward with his head down, sighing as he walks.


... is very difficult.

Xiao LIULANG looked at the catapult in his hand and drew his mouth. The bigger he was, the more ghost ideas he had.

First, he was angry with his majesty, and then he was scared by Xuanping marquis. Zheng Siye really fell ill. At least for a month, he would never come out to be a demon.

The snow in January is less than that in December, but the weather is not completely warmer.

Yao sits in the warm Pavilion and makes clothes for Gu Jiao. Gu Jiao has grown up again. I don't know if she used to be malnourished, but now she has begun to grow up.

Yao doesn't like to make too big clothes for her daughter. They all fit just right. As a result, she can't wear the clothes for a month or two.

"Where is the gold thread sent by the old lady?" Yao asked mammy Fang.

Recently, Yao is very proud of her in front of Mrs. Gu. Mrs. Gu has given her daughter-in-law a lot of good things.

Mrs. Gu did this not because she liked Yao, but because she enjoyed Yao's obedience in front of her, especially Yao's hand massage was really good, and the snacks were delicious.

"Well? I remember putting it in the basket Mother Fang is looking in the embroidery basket.

Yao said, "if you can't find it, use silver thread first. I'll embroider the cloud pattern first."

I'm old and I don't have a good memory. Mammy Fang has been forgetful recently.

Mammy Fang handed the silver thread to Yao.

Yao put on the needle and thread, and was about to put on the needle. The little servant girl outside the door closed the curtain: "madam, the old lady asked you to go to the pine and crane yard."

Yao put down the needle and thread in his hand: "I know. Go back and say I'll come right away."

"Yes The little maid has gone.

Mammy Fang loves her: "just came from Songhe courtyard, it's too hard."

Yao's faint smile: "what's the trouble? I'm just a filial daughter-in-law in front of her. Whose daughter-in-law didn't come here like this? When it comes to hardship, how can you have half of it? "

Mammy Fang was unable to refute.

The eldest lady is really hard-working. In the first few years, she got a silly illness and was bullied by that son of a bitch in her hometown. Although she recovered from the silly illness, her husband in the family wanted to study. Now she is studying all four. She doesn't take a coin from the Hou family. She earned it all by herself.

"Well, go to songheyuan. Don't let the old lady wait for a long time." Yao collected half of the clothes he had made for his daughter, put on a cloak and went to the pine and crane yard.

When I got to Songhe yard, I found that Aunt Ling was also there.

Aunt Ling doesn't look well.

"Mother." Yao saluted old lady Gu.

Aunt Ling stood up with a smile and gave Yao a gift: "madam."

Yao nodded.

Old lady Gu saw that Yao gave aunt Ling such face. She was very helpful and asked people to give Yao tea.

Yao sat down, and the maid brought hot tea.

Yao took a drink and asked Gu: "mother asked me to come here, but what's the matter?"

Mrs. Gu looked at Aunt Ling.

Aunt Ling laughed and said, "actually, I'm looking for my wife. I want to ask her something."

Yao looked at her suspiciously: "what's the matter?"

Aunt Ling pinched the handkerchief, covered her mouth, coughed a few times, panted and said, "isn't this the first month? The day after tomorrow is the death day of my late wife. Originally, I was in charge of all this. But I was caught in a cold a few days ago, and I didn't get better. I don't mind if I'm sick. I'm afraid I'll screw up my late wife's worship. "

Yao said, "so you want me to go?"

Aunt Ling coughed a few times and said, "my wife is good friends with my sister before she married into the mansion. I think if I give it to my wife, my sister will not blame me for it."

Yao almost laughed.

Does aunt Ling not know what kind of reputation she has been carrying these years? I'm afraid the first lady thinks she killed her, right?

Let her go to worship the first lady. Aren't you afraid that the coffin of the first lady suddenly turns over?

I don't know what she thought that the old lady would agree.

Ling aunt a face surprised way: "Madam can't be not willing to go to worship elder sister?"

Yao said: "how can it be? I'm just worried that my wife doesn't want to see me. The three little CHILDES come to her grave and cry about my cruel stepmother, right? She must be very resentful of me. I'm afraid I'll go and make it hard for her to rest in the spring. "

Mrs. Gu frowned.

Aunt Ling looked at the old lady and said to Yao with a smile, "it's because of some misunderstanding that my wife wants to go to her sister's grave and explain to her sister."

It's like my wife can really hear me.

Old lady Gu didn't say a word of disapproval from the beginning to the end. It seems that Aunt Ling has convinced her first step, so it's meaningless to insist on it.

Yao leaned slightly on the chair, bowed to Mrs. Gu and said, "if my mother doesn't object, then my daughter-in-law will do it. But the first time my daughter-in-law worships my wife, she only has one and a half days to prepare. My daughter-in-law is worried that there will be omissions. She also asks my mother to let aunt Ling give me more advice."

This posture is low enough to make Mrs. Gu feel comfortable.

And the daughter-in-law is right, there are less than two days left.

Mrs. Gu couldn't help looking at Aunt Ling: "it's not one or two days since you were ill. Why did you go there early! We shouldn't have made preparations early! "

Aunt Ling did not expect that Yao's words were so light that she was dissatisfied with old lady Gu.

If something goes wrong, it's not easy for Yao to carry the pot on his own.

But fortunately.


Aunt Ling picked up her tea cup and took a sip of tea with her eyes drooping. "Madam, why don't you come to my room and I'll tell you something about the worship."

Yao stood up.

Mammy Fang whispered, "madam, how dare you go?"

Yao said in a low voice: "she took me away from under the old lady's eyes. It's really her responsibility that something really happened."

Mammy Fang thought so.

Yao went to Aunt Ling.

Mrs. Gu was not at ease. She was worried that Aunt Ling was ill and confused. She could not understand her words and let her confidant mammy follow her.

Mrs. Gu just hated Yao and tried to learn from her, but she didn't hurt Yao. So she had her confidant, and Yao didn't worry about Aunt Ling's cheating.

But Yao still had a heart, she did not believe that Ling aunt would be so generous.

Aunt Ling took out a box: "here is the key to the warehouse. I've put all the sacrifices in it. I've got the carriage and hands ready. The day after tomorrow, my wife just goes."

"Do the three of them agree?" Yao refers to the three CHILDES of the Gu family.

Aunt Ling nodded with a smile: "yes, I have discussed with them."

This is even more strange.

The three always thought that she had killed their mother. They wanted to kill her. How could they agree that she should worship their mother?

At night, she asked mammy Fang to take someone to check all the things that Aunt Ling gave her. There was no poison in the sacrifice, no paper money, good wheels, and the coachman was an honest man in the house.

There is nothing wrong with everything.

Is it because she's oversensitive? Is aunt Ling really so kind?