The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 180

Zheng Siye went to the classroom where Xiao LIULANG and Xiao Jingkong were.

Xiao Jingkong was sleepy, and he had fallen asleep in Xiao LIULANG's arms.

When Zheng Siye stepped into the door, he saw that the little criminal who had committed a felony was still in the mood to sleep. He was just about to scold him.

Xiao LIULANG's cold eyes hit him!

Zheng Siye swore that he had never seen such a terrible look in his life, as if he was going to swallow him alive!

Zheng Siye's voice immediately stuck in his throat.

Xiao LIULANG put the small clearance on the two assembled benches, took his small cloak to cover him, and then stepped out of the classroom.

He closed the door of the classroom.

Zheng Siye suddenly regained his mind, and his sweat exploded: "Xiao Liu --"

"Say something over there." Xiao LIULANG lightly interrupts his words, then no matter whether he is willing or not, he goes to the opposite classroom.

The elementary school was over, and the classrooms were empty. Xiao LIULANG found a place by the window, where he could see the movement of the small clearance.

Xiaojingkong sleeps sweetly. Xiaoxiaoying nests beside him obediently. Each bird absorbs warmth from the other.

Sun Fu Zi was afraid that they would fight, so he came in. But he didn't dare to interrupt. He just looked at Xiao LIULANG and Zheng Siye.

Zheng Siye had absolute confidence in coming here today. He straightened up and said, "Xiao LIULANG, what else do you have to say this time? This time, it will not be the nonsense of two children bumping into each other again

Last time, two children didn't have eyes. What about this time?

Did anyone force him to bring a raptor like eagle to the Imperial Academy?

Xiao LIULANG didn't take Zheng Siye's words, but looked at him faintly: "so what are you going to do? Is it the false use of public power for private purposes? "

Zheng Siye was angry and said, "how do you speak? Anyway, I'm a secretary, an official of the Imperial College, and also your master! I haven't talked to you yet, but you're so eloquent! Hum, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. Students like you can't afford it! "

Sun Fu Zi suddenly changed color.

No matter how Qin Chuyu humiliated him, he did not bring the Raptor to the Imperial College, which seriously violated the rules of the Imperial College.

But it is far fetched to say that he will be expelled because of this.

And he's not the only one who's fired.

What mistakes did Xiao LIULANG make?

It's not the same whether we can raise a father or a son.

Xiao LIULANG didn't show any fear because of Zheng Siye's words. He looked at him for a moment: "which regulation of the Imperial College allows you to expel students?"

In the sixth Hall of Guozijian, only those who commit fraud in imperial examination, criminal law and so on will be expelled.

And you can't be expelled from elementary school.

Only the children prodigy class was not assigned to the regular class.

The Raptor from xiaojingkong came to Guozijian for the first time and did not cause any personal injury. According to Guozijian, it should be criticized by recording demerits. There can be no more.

So the dismissal is totally untenable.

Zheng Siye knew that he would say so, and he had already figured out the Countermeasures on his way here.

The rules of Guozijian deal with ordinary people, but is Qin Chuyu an ordinary person?

He is the prince!

It's a capital crime to intimidate the prince!

Zheng Siye sneered: "do you know who that child is? You can be scared to death if you say your identity! He is the prince of the palace! Do you know what kind of crime your children have committed now? I'm helping you out by driving you both out! Otherwise, the punishment will be light and the people in the palace will not be satisfied. If you blame them, you will lose your head! "

Xiao LIULANG is from the countryside. Zheng Siye is sure that he has never seen the world and will be intimidated by his own words.

Xiao LIULANG scoffed: "OK, then go to your majesty and let's see how your majesty will decide this matter."

Zheng Siye choked.

What's the matter with this boy? Can't you scare me?

Can he speak to your majesty?

It's not that your majesty won't give up on the seventh prince, but if he can't solve this trivial matter, how can you let your majesty rest assured to give the Imperial Academy to him?

Zheng Siye said arrogantly, "Oh, it's useless for you to say anything. I've made up my mind. Today you two must get out of the country!"

For the sake of his great cause of offering sacrifices to wine, he has already come up with a safe way!

Does it matter whether Xiao LIULANG agrees or not?

My name removal documents have been written, and the official seal of Guozijian has also been sealed. It's enough to only use the signature of the teacher in the class of two!

Zheng Siye took out the document from his sleeve, dusted it, and said, "Master Sun, take the pen and inkpad."

Sun Fu Zi hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "yes."

Master Sun has gone.

Soon he had a set of ink and clay in his hand.

"Sign, draw." Zheng Siye handed him the delisting document.

This one is small clearance.

Sun Fu Zi hesitated again.

To be honest, he couldn't bear it.

Xiaojingkong is a little bit skinny this time, but he is very good in most cases, and he has the best performance, and his plasticity is very high in the future.

Who doesn't like a smart kid who always comes first in the exam?

But this time it was the seventh prince.

It's a pity.

Sun Fu Zi signed the painting with a stiff head.

After signing, there is no room for maneuver.

Xiao LIULANG said lightly: "Master Sun, you think clearly that you are helping the tyrant. You'd better not regret it."

In Sun Fu Zi's mind, heaven and man are at war.

"Write quickly!" Zheng Siye urged.

Sun Fu Zi gritted his teeth to pick up his pen, and wrote down his name on the document. Just after he had finished writing, when he was about to come to draw, there was a shrill cry from the door: "Oh, marquis! Here you are


Zheng Siye's eyebrows beat hard. Is it Xuanping Marquis?

Did he come to the Imperial College in person?

Zheng Siye quickly helped the official hat on his head, straightened his skirt, went out of the classroom, came to the corridor and saluted respectfully: "Weichen, meet Xuanping Marquis!"

Xuanping didn't look at him. He asked the Duke of Su, "where's Xiao Qi?"

Su Gong hurriedly pointed to a classroom and said, "in it, I'm eating snacks."

I can still eat snacks. It seems that it's OK.

Xuanping Hou stepped forward, but Zheng Siye crushed his head to get together with him: "master Hou! I've dealt with the culprit who hurt his highness seven! This is their delisting document! One has already been signed, and I'll do the other right away! "

Xuanping Hou frowned and said, "don't you mean there is only one child?"

Zheng Siye said, "his brother-in-law is also studying in Guozijian. He confuses right and wrong, and is unreasonable. I can't compliment him for his character! I removed him from the list at the same time! We, the National Academy of education, are determined not to accept students with bad conduct! "

Xuanping Hou said faintly that he didn't care much about these flattery routines.

He went to Qin Chuyu's classroom with Su Gong.

Qin Chuyu was crying. He was coaxed by Duke Su with a piece of goat milk cake. Now he was eating well.

See Xuanping Hou, his little fat man is a shake, the hand of goat milk cake almost scared.

Xuanping Hou looked at him, slightly narrowed his eyes: "this is what you said, something big happened?"

From head to toe, there's not a hair missing.

Two maids saluted him.

The two people Qin Chuyu was most afraid of were his father emperor and his uncle Xuanping marquis.

Xuanping Marquis had never attacked him, but somehow, he was afraid when he saw him!

He didn't dare to eat the goat milk cake. He threw it to the maid in waiting, stood up straight, and called politely, "uncle!"

Xuanping Hou looked at him in disgust: "I heard you peed your pants?"

Qin Chuyu blushed and lowered his head: "it has been changed."

Su Gong said with a smile: "the seventh highness is still small. It's the child who put an eagle to peck the seventh highness..."

Xuanping Hou reprimanded: "an eagle frightens you like this, virtue!"

Qin Chuyu's chubby body shook.

Duke Su also kept silent.

Xuanping Hou turned out of the classroom, looked back at him and said, "don't you go now?"

Qin Chuyu was unwilling to go out.

Xuanping Hou walked slowly with red eyes and said in a deep voice, "are you still wronged?"

Qin Chuyu nose acid, tears fell down: "I was bullied, you do not help me! Are you still not my uncle? I almost became a father-in-law today -- "

Xuanping Hou said in a cold voice: "do you have the face to say? I was bullied. Don't you know how to bully me back? How did the queen give birth to such a hateful thing as you

Xuanping Hou grew up in the military camp when he was young. He didn't read much. He spent all his time fighting with a group of rough old men. He was an elegant and gentle man, and he couldn't listen to him.

Qin Chuyu was scolded egg, more aggrieved, wow cry!

Xuanping Marquis


The most annoying children cry!

Su Gong was so scared that his liver and gall trembled that he quickly squatted down to coax him.

Qin Chuyu cried more and more fiercely: "I don't want my uncle - I want my mother's Queen - Wuwuwuwu - I want my mother's Queen --"

Xuanping Hou's skull hurts!

"Chang Jing!"

He a fierce drink, Chang Jing fell from the sky, caught the little fat Qin Chuyu, flew out of the Imperial College.

Xuanpinghou also plans to leave.

However, when he passed the classroom where Xiao LIULANG had just been, his eyebrows suddenly frowned.

Zheng Siye came over with the two signed documents of delisting, panting: "Mr. Hou, you --"

With that, xuanpinghou turned and pushed the door open.

The classroom is empty and there is no one.

The other side of the window is wide open, the window is full of green bamboo.

"Are you looking for that boy? Strange. It's still here. Where's it? So fast? " Zheng Siye was puzzled and murmured.

Xuanping Hou frowned, took the door of the classroom and walked away with a cold look.

"Mr. Hou - do you want to see the delisting document? Mr. Hou - Mr. Hou"

The cry of Zheng Siye and the footstep of Xuanping Marquis gradually diverged.

Xiao LIULANG came out from behind a few green bamboos.

The windowsill is not high. Although it is not good at walking, it can be turned in.

He walked towards the gate with his crutch.

As soon as he opened the door of the classroom, he saw Xuanping blocked at the door.