The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 179

Xiao LIULANG is not so easy to be fooled by a little guy.

The main reason is that the monthly rent of xiaojingkong is given to Gu Jiao for safekeeping. Although he can use it at any time, Gu Jiao has gone through every detail.

If which month does not pay rent, Gu Jiao can immediately detect two people's insincere.

So I like to squeeze my bad brother-in-law's little clearance, and even give him rent free. How much trouble did it bring to him?

Gu Jiaocai is not stupid, she is not easy to fool.

Xiao LIULANG resolutely refused the bribe of xiaojingkong.

Xiaojingkong doesn't know that the bad brother-in-law's heart is deeper than the sea. He really thinks that he is upright and upright. His heart is troubled and his face is ashamed.

He anxiously waited for Jiaojiao to come to the Imperial College to pick him up from school. He wanted to see Jiaojiao, but he was afraid to face Jiaojiao. He had never been so contradictory.

Gu Jiao is on a big event. She comes down from the sky, falls into the carriage and presses people down.

She was confused for a long time and finally recovered. She quickly got up from each other's back and looked at each other seriously: "uncle, are you ok?"

Can Xuanping be ok?

He's choking to death.

He was the Marquis of Zhao state. He fought countless battles in his life. He killed many enemies like oxen and horses. He made great contributions. He didn't want to live a great life and died a glorious death. But at least he didn't want to die like this.

I think about how the history books will record his death experience in the future -- Yipin Marquis Xiao Ji, choking to death, how old he was.


Xuanping Hou scolded Chang Jing a hundred times in his heart. Then he felt a light hand coming from his back and passing under his arms. He picked him up, clamped his abdomen with his arms and pressed him up.

He only felt a breath gushing in his chest, and the winter jujube stuck in his throat was vomited out by him.

At the same time, Chang Jing also finally squatted on the ground, after turning over the roof of the canopy, he found his concealed weapon bullet!

Chang Jing put away the marbles, grabbed the roof of the canopy, turned around, and was about to install the carriage. As a result, he saw Xuanping Hou Tieqing looking at himself.

There is a little girl beside Xuanping marquis.

Chang Jing: Well... What just happened?

Xuanping Hou's mouth is almost apoplectic.

Chang Jing blinked and realized that he might have made the Marquis angry again. He said, "I'm looking for a bullet."

Xuanping Marquis: Laozi in your heart is not as good as a bead!

Chang Jing slowly and carefully put the top of the canopy back on the carriage, and did not forget the intimate reminder: "mind your head."

Marquis Xuanping: Oh, this society cares about people. Did it die just now?!

On the other side, four experts came after us.

Xuanping marquis is entrusted by his sister empress Xiao to pick up his little nephew Qin Chuyu in the Imperial College. It is said that Qin Chuyu has something to do with the Imperial College. Empress Xiao is inconvenient to go out of the palace, and the crown princess is forbidden again. So he asked his brother.

Xuanping Marquis did not put on the show, took a humble carriage, coachman is Chang Jing.

So none of the four recognized it as Xuanping Marquis's carriage.

They came all the way, the girl suddenly disappeared, most likely hiding in the carriage.

The four didn't ask if there was anyone else in the car, so they went directly to catch people.

Chang Jing's murderous air flashed and soared up, kicking all four out!

Gu Jiao across the curtain, a sound, skill so good!

Wait, this guy looks familiar.

Gu Jiao did meet Chang Jing when she was buried under the ruins of the music hall. At that time, it was Chang Jing who took the guard of Xuanping Marquis's house to move the big stone slab away.

It's a pity that Gu Jiao just glanced at her and didn't see her face.

The four masters were beaten to the ground for a while, and the fourth Prince rode over.

Others don't know Xuanping Marquis's carriage, but he can't recognize it, especially Chang Jing, the first master of Xuanping Marquis, standing in front of the carriage.

Chang Jing doesn't often appear in the light. He was originally a dark guard. Recently, he didn't cover up his identity.

The fourth Prince immediately guessed who was sitting in the carriage. He turned over and dismounted, came to the carriage, arched his hand and said with a smile, "uncle."

Xuanping marquis is the Queen's brother, and the queen is the mother and queen of all the princes. It's right to infer that the fourth Prince called his uncle.

As for whether Xuanping Hou should recognize his nephew is another matter.

There was no response in the carriage.

The fourth Prince is the king, Xuanping marquis is the minister, is the fourth Prince's close uncle saw him to have a line of monarch and minister's ceremony.

But Xuanping was not arrogant for a day or two. Let alone a fourth prince, even the prince had to be called his uncle respectfully in front of him.

The fourth Prince's face was a little hot, but he didn't dare to take the prince's identity to crush Xuanping marquis. He looked at the four masters on the ground and Chang Jing with disdain on his face. He bit his teeth and arched his hand and said, "just now my man didn't have eyes. He bumped into my uncle and asked him to forgive me."

There was a specious sigh in the carriage, and then the curtains were lifted.

Xuanping Hou Bing cold and proud eyes fell on the fourth Prince's face: "watch your dog, or I will kill you."

Having said that, he did not wait for the fourth prince to come down and coldly put down the curtain!

The fourth Prince pinched his fingers, bowed his hands and said, "yes, my nephew wrote it down."

"Why don't you go now?" Chang Jing urged.

The fourth Prince frowned and left with four seriously injured experts.

Others are far away, but they look back, indignant at the motionless carriage.

Xuanping Marquis, you'd better sit high all your life, don't fall down!

After the fourth Prince left, Xuanping looked at the little girl beside him in his spare time.

It's a surprise to look.

He first saw the right face, beautiful, and then her left face turned over, he almost emerged in situ!

Xuanping Hou: "often walk on the roof?"

Gu Jiao: "occasionally."

The chief culprit of this matter today is Chang Jing. Marquis Xuanping won't take her out. Besides, he can also guess why she flies over the wall.

"Medical girl?" Xuanping asked.

"Doctor." Gu Jiao corrected him.

Xuanping Hou sneered: "that is the medical woman."

"No Gu Jiao said seriously, "medical women only treat women, but I just treated you."

So, are you a woman?

Xuanping Marquis

Xuanping Hou tooth pain!

He's not very good-looking, but he's very clever.

Xuanping Hou took out his money bag and scratched it for a long time. He pulled out the smallest silver naked son. He was not satisfied with it. He had a painful look on his face: "here you are, diagnosis gold!"

Now it's Gu Jiao's turn to have a toothache.

It's the first time I've been in the capital for such a long time that I've seen the imperial family pay such a small fee. Gu Jiao suddenly feels that the fourth Prince's uncle is not fake.

Xuanping Hou hehe said: "how? Too little? Aren't you a doctor? It's not a bandit. Just now, how much money do you want to collect? "

Gu Yiyi was successfully attacked once, and there was nothing to say.

She collected the silver in silence.

There is some bitterness in the small appearance.

She got out of the carriage.

Xuanping marquis will not regard Gu Jiao as her life-saving benefactor because of this. Since she is a doctor, it is her duty to save the dying and heal the wounded.

She just did her part as a doctor, and he also paid for a patient.

Both the money and the goods are paid.

Xuanping Hou man said carelessly: "well, go to the Imperial College. Isn't my little nephew in trouble? Don't make him cry to death. "


Steward Liu had been waiting outside for a long time. Together with him was su Gonggong, who was beside empress Xiao.

Su Gonggong persistent dust, a face anxious: "Liu Guanshi, Hou ye, how he has not come?"

Liu Guanshi said: "it should be delayed by something."

When Duke Su went to Xuanping to find someone, Duke Xuanping was not in his house. Steward Liu asked a bodyguard to inform the Duke, and he and Duke Su came to the Imperial College first.

"Oh, dear." Duke Su was a little worried. "It's not a small thing to say. It's not a big thing to say. It's mainly because the empress is worried about the safety of her seventh highness. Since his birth, his seventh Highness has never left his mother. He was suddenly sent to such a place, and he didn't let his seventh highness reveal his identity... I'm afraid that steward Liu didn't know. On the first day of his schooling, his seventh highness was bullied. "

In fact, two children accidentally bumped into each other, but people always take sides with their own children and unconsciously distort the truth.

"And this?" Manager Liu was surprised.

Mr. Su sighed, "isn't it? The empress said that her Majesty was hard hearted and asked her highness seven to go to school as a prince. But her majesty said that she knew he was a prince. What's the significance of his going to the Imperial College? It's not like there is no teacher in the upper study of the imperial palace! "

Liu Guanshi is a human spirit. He probably realized that Duke Su was dissatisfied with Xuanping's late arrival, but he didn't have the courage to complain, so he had to read it in other ways.

He echoed two sentences.

Before Xuanping Marquis came, Duke Su said anxiously, "Alas, your Highness's schooling is not going well at all. He was hit by someone when he entered school. He got acne again a few days later and has been on vacation till now. But I didn't expect that on my first day of happiness, something happened again! "

Isn't the acne rash first infected by your highness seven? Then it passed on to the children in the class.

Manager Liu knows about it.

The prince's illness was a major event, and Xuanping went to the palace to visit his seven Highnesses.

Su Gong said: "I, I'd better go to see it first. Please take charge of Liu to wait for the Marquis for me."

Manager Liu arched his hand and said politely, "where is Mr. Su? If you have any orders, just go ahead. When the Marquis comes, I'll tell him that you have been waiting for him

Su Gong entered the Imperial College.

His Royal Highness has been changed by two maids in waiting. He is staying in a classroom of elementary school. Next door is Xiao LIULANG and Xiao Jingkong.

The little maid tried to calm Qin Chuyu's mood, but Qin Chuyu didn't listen to it. Her cry was louder than the thunder.

Sun Fu Zi's new official ran into such a thorny accident. He was so flustered that he couldn't hold the scene, so he asked someone to inform Zheng Si Ye.

Zheng Siye was originally lying in the room sulking, but when he heard about it, he suddenly sat up from the bed.

"Sir, what's the matter with you?" Asked the housekeeper.

Zheng Siye's eyes turned: "something happened to your highness again."

The housekeeper didn't understand and said, "then... What are you happy about?"

Zheng Siye was surprised and said, "Your Highness is the emperor's son and the nephew of Xuanping marquis. What do you think if I sell Xuanping Marquis and the queen at this time?"

The housekeeper hesitated: "I'm afraid Zhuang Taifu will not be happy?"

Zheng Siye said sarcastically, "it's none of my business whether he's happy or not? I can't even win a place of sacrificial wine for my official. I don't think that's the case with Tang Tang Tai Fu! Why don't I take this opportunity to take refuge in Xuanping Marquis, and maybe I can survive? "

Housekeeper: "this..."

Zheng Siye sneered: "also, it's Xiao LIULANG's children who make trouble again. Aren't Zhuang Taifu and the king of an County trying to protect him? I'm going to kill him! One can surrender to Xuanping Marquis, and the other can vent my hatred! "

His eyesore is Xiao LIULANG, and his Highness's eyesore is Xiao LIULANG's children. They even have the same eyesore. It's God's arrangement!

"Zhuang Taifu, you can't give me anything, so I have to ask Xuanping for it!"

Zheng Siye said that he would do as soon as he could, and went to the Imperial College without stopping.

Although he has not been canonized as sacrificial wine, his majesty has not yet canonized others as sacrificial wine, so he is still the highest official of the Imperial Academy.

What's more, he wants to see if Xiao LIULANG can move out of the country!

Zheng Siye was so excited that he almost lost his mind. He didn't even have the Qiao family in charge of Liu standing at the door. Of course, he didn't know him even if he saw him.

He rushed into the elementary school: "where are Xiao LIULANG and the child?"

Sun Fu Zi just came over from Xiao LIULANG and Xiao Jingkong. When he saw him, he arched his hand and said, "it's in the classroom at the east end."

Zheng Siye was not happy to hear this: "still in the classroom? Shouldn't this kind of person be locked up? Sun Fu Zi, I didn't say you, you are too irresponsible! You were transferred to elementary school because you were more capable than Mr. Jiang! But you can't even do this little thing? "

Sun Fu Zi's nature was not bad either, but he knew better than Jiang Fu Zi to protect himself.

One side is the Queen's legitimate son, and the other is two poor orphans from a small county. Anyone can guess what the result is.