The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 178

The weather is fine.

All the major academies in Beijing have opened, and Qinghe academy is no exception.

Early in the morning, Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun came to the Academy with a book bag to report.

On the first day, I didn't have much homework, mainly to collect my mind.

When they enter the courtyard with a book bag in their arms, they meet Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin, Hou's brothers who have been away for many days.

Gu Chenglin has been injured for two months. He can walk normally, but he has left a deep psychological shadow in his heart. He always feels that he will be injured if he takes a few steps.

The four met at the door, which was a bit awkward.

Gu Chenglin's eyes are still full of resentment, but there is more fear under the resentment.

As long as he saw Gu Yan, he would think of Gu Jiao's picture of him being shut up in a small dark room and being raped. He did not dare to fight Gu Yan any more easily.

He only looked forward to Gu Yan's own accident, so as to dispel his hatred!

Gu Xiaoshun stands in front of Gu Yan decisively and blocks their eyes back.

Are you kidding me? From a wooden carpenter to the No.1 bully in all the townships, it's just a chicken feather!

He, Gu Xiaoshun, is not easy to provoke!

"Gone." Gu Chengfeng has no intention of fighting with them in the Academy.

Gu Changqing had already given a death order, and if he made trouble outside, he would punish them to live in the ancestral hall for one year!

It doesn't matter if you can't live in the ancestral hall. The main reason is that you have to go out every night to pay off the debt because you're in debt. It's not convenient to go out when you're being watched by the elder brother's dark guard.

Gu Chenglin was pulled away by the second elder brother.

Gu Yan: hum

The four entered their respective classrooms.

On the other hand, Xiao LIULANG and Xiao Jingkong also came to the Imperial College.

Xiao LIULANG first sent Xiao Jingkong to the door of elementary school and said to him, "I'll pick you up for lunch."

"I see!" Xiaojingkong said carelessly, "I'm four years old, not a child!"

Xiao LIULANG doubted his age. He always felt that it was not impossible for the abbot to make his month bigger. After all, he was so young that he didn't look like a four-year-old Tuanzi at all.

"Well, go in." Xiao LIULANG said to him.

Xiaojingkong holds a book bag and goes to elementary school without love.

Why go to school?

Clearly he just wants to stay by Jiaojiao's side and become Jiaojiao's little tail?

In fact, the elementary school class has changed a lot, because children grow fast. After a year, everyone is either tall or fat. There is only a small space or a small ball. Sitting on a stool, you can almost block your head by a desk.

A little classmate began to laugh at him.

"Clearance, why are you still so small? How old are you

"Yes, yes! You don't eat? "

"You're not going to be a baby, are you?"

There is a bottle of milk that Gu Jiao filled for him in the small empty book bag, saying that if you drink more grandma, you can grow tall.

But now he refused to drink milk in front of the students!

He should not be laughed at by them.

Among these people, Qin Chuyu was the most arrogant.

Qin Chuyu had been asking for leave after suffering from pox and rash, so it took a year to come.

He is eight years old. He is not only a little fat, but also a little tall.

He reached out to touch the little empty scholar's cap: "little milk bag, do you want to eat sugar? I'll give it to you! "

Small clear space has no language ground to glance at him: "childish!"

Qin Chuyu

Soon, the master came.

Not Mr. Jiang, but Mr. Zheng.

Jiang Fu Zi was transferred to Guangye hall. From today on, Sun Fu Zi will take the place of the children prodigy class.

After sun introduced himself, he began to check the holiday homework of the child prodigy class.

Just now still laughing at the small clearance of the small students suddenly can not laugh out, the new year are playing crazy, where still remember to do homework ah?

In fact, there are not many parents like Xiao LIULANG who check their children's homework every day. They usually let them grow up savagely.

The results are predictable.

The whole class howled.

But in this piece of wailing, only the clear space small regiment son silently opened the schoolbag, took out own winter vacation work.

The atmosphere of today's Guozijian is unusual. The children in primary school are too young to notice such a change. However, as soon as Xiao LIULANG entered the Liuxing hall, he felt that the atmosphere was strange, serious and mixed with gossip.

"Well, have you heard? Zheng Siye is ill

"Why did he fall ill?"

"Not because of that?"

"What's the matter?"

"You haven't heard of it."


Classmates really never let Xiao LIULANG down, chirping between things will be explained.

It turned out that it had long been reported in the palace that his Majesty would canonize the eldest prince as the king of Ning and Zheng Siye as the son of the state.

Even Zheng Siye's ceremonial costumes were made to order, the banquet was ordered, and even the invitation cards were all ready, so they were handed out later.

But who ever thought that Cheng Yaojin had come on the way? His predecessor wrote a letter to his majesty, saying that he had returned to Beijing.

Your majesty can't sit still when you hear that. The old sacrificial wine has come back. Why do you need new sacrificial wine? His majesty put down the burden on the spot, and Zheng Siye turned green with anger.

Before going to court, Zheng Siye's waist was as straight as possible, but after going down to court, his head was as low as possible.

He lost all his face and became the laughing stock of the whole court.

Such important news was introduced into the Imperial College in only half an hour.

"Zheng Siye won't come today, and he said he would come to teach us." A classmate said.

"He didn't come to class, he came to listen to us call him to drink, did he?" Another classmate said.

After Xiao LIULANG's examination papers and his embezzlement of the account books, Zheng Siye tried to clean them up for a long time, but there were still many supervisors who were against him. Among the six halls, the supervisor of the straightforward hall was the least likely to cheat and had the lowest support for Zheng Siye.

After Xiao LIULANG entered the classroom, everyone stopped talking.

Xiao LIULANG has always been a maverick in the Zhixing hall. He always has a cold face. Strangers are not allowed to enter. He is obviously a poor scholar from a small county, but he always takes the first place in every exam.

He also has leg problems.

If it was in the former dynasty, he could not take part in the scientific examination at all.

Zheng Siye once targeted him.

I thought he would be forced to drop out of school, but I didn't expect him to leave. On the contrary, Zheng's career was not going well.

I don't know whether to say that Zheng Siye is unlucky or that this boy has a hard life.

Zheng Siye's affairs have not been discussed by the supervisors for a long time. After all, for them, what is more important is their studies and the Spring Festival next month.

People soon entered a state of learning.

Among the six halls of Guozijian, Guangye hall, Chongzhi hall and Zhengyi hall in the first grade are the most popular, followed by xiudao hall and Chengxin hall in the second grade, and in the third grade, few people speak aloud.

Liu Xing Tang is very quiet, of course, the atmosphere of preparing for the exam is also the most depressing.

It's not only this year's Ju Ren who participated in this year's Chunwei, but also the old Ju Ren who fell off the list in the last and last year will continue to return to the examination room in Chunwei.

So the competition is huge.

After class in the morning, the supervisors went to the canteen one by one.

Xiao LIULANG went to the elementary school to pick up Xiao Jingkong for dinner. He waited for Xiao Jingkong outside the elementary school for a long time.

"Did the master stay today?" He asked.

"No, I just have something to do." Said little clearance, raising her chin.

Do you have something else to do? I really think of myself as an adult.

Xiao LIULANG, angry and funny, went back to Bishui Hutong with him.

Their home is really close to the Imperial College. Xiao LIULANG seriously suspects that the little guy's master bought the house just to make it convenient for him to go to the Imperial College.

Lunch is made of old sacrificial wine, which is full of color, fragrance and flavor.

Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun have nothing to avoid. They eat in the canteen of the Academy.

After dinner, the old lady went back to her room to feel sleepy. Xiaojingkong went to brush her own bowls.

There are only two teachers and apprentices left on the table.

"Why do you do that?" Xiao LIULANG looked at the old wine and asked.

How could he not understand what his apprentice asked? He didn't want Xiao LIULANG to have any psychological burden, so he said, "make money and support the family."


Some tacit understanding in each other's heart, do not have to say.

There was darkness ahead of him, and he could not see the way out. Gu Jiao and Lao Jijiu illuminated his way out in their own way.

Xiaojingkong takes a nap every day after lunch, but today it doesn't.

Xiao LIULANG came out of the house and saw him sneaking in the backyard.

"What are you doing?" Asked Xiao LIULANG.

"Nothing!" Little clearance said as if nothing had happened.

He didn't take a nap, and he didn't turn into a trumpet. His behavior was very suspicious.

As the saying goes, a child is quiet and must be a demon.

Sure enough, Xiao LIULANG just had a class in the afternoon, and was invited to his parents by Xiao Jingkong's master.

The cause of the incident is that Xiao Jingkong came to school in the morning. Because he was small, he was ridiculed by his classmates. Among them, Qin Chuyu was the worst.

Xiaojingkong is not convinced. After class, he calls Qin Chuyu aside and says he wants to compare with him.

Qin Chuyu almost didn't laugh to death: "ha ha, where are you older than me?"

Xiaojingkong thought, "do you have any birds?"

Qin Chuyu choked on the spot.

He's eight years old, and he doesn't know what a bird is.

He blushed and became angry: "how do you talk? I'm a man! Of course I have birds! Don't you? "

"I have!" Xiaojingkong opened his eyes and said, "that's better than birds! Look whose bird is big! I came to you after dinner! Let's go to a place where nobody can see my bird! "

Xiaojingkong returned to Zijian after dinner, and really came to find Qin Chuyu.

Qin Chuyu embarrassed: "you, you really than that?"

He is the prince. He has rules and courtesy, which is too much.

What's more, how can a three - or four-year-old Tuanzi be older than him?

As Qin Chuyu walked, he looked down at his trousers and thought suspiciously, isn't he really bigger than me?

"Well, here it is!" Little clearance stopped under a big tree.

This is a small grass field for elementary school. Generally, no one will come here.

Small clearance around to the back of the tree, Qin Chuyu said: "come quickly! Have you got your bird with you? "

Qin Chuyu: what is that? It's natural. Do you still use it? He is not a eunuch!!!

Qin Chuyu black face also around the tree behind.

After thinking about it, he still felt that something was wrong: "really, really want to compare?"

Xiaojingkong looked at him: "are you afraid?"

Qin Chuyu couldn't be provoked. He stamped his foot and said, "what's the joke? How could you be afraid? Compare, compare! Come on! On the count of one, two, three, let's walk the birds together

Small clearance generous way: "OK, you count."

Qin Chuyu gritted his teeth: "one, two, three!"

Xiaojingkong hugs the biggest bird in the family -- xiaoxiaoying from the bulging schoolbag.

But Qin Chuyu Shua took off his pants!

Small clearance:

Little Eagle: --

Qin Chuyu

Hearing this, Xiao LIULANG's cold sweat came out: "however, and then?"

Sun Fu Zi's new official met with this kind of thing, which was more headache than Xiao LIULANG. He was afraid and said: "then the eagle rushed toward Chu Yu --"

Xiao LIULANG's tiger body was shocked: "rush to it - should it not?"

Master Sun waved his hand in a hurry: "no! Hold it! Clearance, hold it

But Qin Chuyu really thought that his younger brother was not safe, so he fell on the ground and peed his pants on the spot.

The prince of a country has peed his pants in the Imperial College. He's really dead.

But it's a matter of small clearance. It's easy to have an accident if you bring such a terrible Raptor to the Imperial Academy.

Xiao LIULANG: I think you won't make trouble if you are one year older. I'm naive!

Qin Chuyu's parents haven't come yet.

Xiao LIULANG and Xiao Jingkong are waiting in a separate classroom.

Xiaojingkong droops his head, and the whole person droops: "don't tell Jiaojiao." Looking at the little eagle in his arms, "don't send away little nine."

Xiao LIULANG looked at him seriously: "you think it's beautiful!"

Xiaojingkong thought about it and looked at him askew: "free one month's rent for you?"