The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 166

"Thank you, brother Xiao. I can have a good new year at last. I'll see you next time." A supervisor of Guozijian sent Xiao LIULANG out of the house.

This person is Feng Lin's classmate, a grade lower than Xiao LIULANG. He is near the back door, and his literary talent is not very good. But during the Spring Festival, there are many relatives in the family, so they always call him to give a few sentences. With the poems written by Xiao LIULANG, he is not afraid that he can't answer them.

Xiao LIULANG's poems and essays are written according to his standard. They are neither too pompous nor too cheap.

"Hold on." Xiao LIULANG didn't let the other party send him far away, so he went out of the house.

The sky was overcast, as if it was colder.

Xiao LIULANG went to get on the carriage and went to the family where Gu Jiao was visiting.

When the woman saw him, she said to him, "that one has already left. She said to buy sugar gourd on the opposite side."

She said, pointing to the sugar shop diagonally opposite.

This is a time-honored sugar water shop. It's run by people from the south of the Yangtze River. Its business in the capital is surprisingly good. Xiao LIULANG used to come here when he was a child, but his family didn't sell sugar gourd at that time.

Xiao LIULANG comes to the shop and finds that he has changed his boss.

The former boss is old and enjoys happiness in the backyard. Now it's his son who comes out to do business.


Xiao LIULANG said hello. Just as he wanted to know if Gu Jiao had been here, he heard the other party shouting, "are you looking for someone?"

Xiao LIULANG was slightly surprised.

Does his face say he's looking for someone?

The boss hadn't paid attention to Gu Jiao's words before, but when he saw Xiao LIULANG's first sight, he couldn't help thinking of Gu Jiao's sentence: "if there is a very good-looking young man coming to me in a moment, the best kind, you ask him to wait for me here."

In a word, this is the "stranger like jade, the only one in the world" among the students.

It's really beautiful.

It's so good-looking that people think this person should only be in the sky.

"How do you know?" Asked Xiao LIULANG.

The boss said Gu Jiao's original words with a smile.

The best?

Did she say that about her own?

Xiao LIULANG's lips curled up a radian that he didn't even notice. In a moment, he looked at his boss and said, "what did she say to do?"

The boss shook his head: "I didn't say that."

"How long have you been walking?" Asked Xiao LIULANG.

The boss thought, "for a while, my sugar gourd is almost sold out."

Xiao LIULANG frowned slightly. They had known each other for such a long time that she had never asked him to wait. Xiao LIULANG couldn't figure out where she would go, what she was doing, and even didn't come back so late.

There was a faint uneasiness in his mind.

He looked at the boss and said, "can you tell me which direction she is going?"

The boss pointed: "it's like that inn."

Xiao LIULANG went to the inn.

As soon as I entered the lobby, I heard two diners talking.

"Did you hear that? There's something wrong with Qingfeng music hall. "

"Did you say that new music hall? What's the matter? "

"It's like the house collapsed. Well, it used to be a wine cellar. There were too many pits under the ground. I said it would collapse sooner or later! "

Xiao LIULANG's uneasiness became more and more obvious.

"Is anyone trapped in it?"

"Yes, I heard it's a woman!"

Xiao LIULANG had never heard of Qingfeng music hall before, but they told him that there was a wine cellar in this street. He changed hands many times and always sold wine.

I haven't seen you for several years. Has it become a music hall?

Xiao LIULANG walks to Qingfeng music hall.

From a long distance, he saw that the outside of the music hall was full of people. It seemed that something really happened, and it was a big event. Even the officials came.

Officials sealed off the scene, and the people had to stand on tiptoe.

There was chaos in the music hall, and all the guests were cleared out, leaving only the two maids of the crown princess, the officials of the Yamen and the owner of the music hall.

The owner knows that the person buried below is the princess, but the officials don't know.

After all, the crown princess today is a private person. If people know that she has come to a humble music hall, it will inevitably lead to speculation.

If anyone saw that one again, the princess would be even more speechless.

Although the two are not hostile camps, and there is no relationship between them that can't be seen, the monarch is the monarch and the minister is the minister.

Maid a said, "please help me! It's too dangerous down here! I can't keep my wife under me all the time! "

The official called the Librarian: "what's next?"

The owner said: "it was originally a wine cellar below, but I changed it into a basement behind. It's usually used for storage."

"Is there only one basement?" the official asked? What's that over there? "

The owner replied, "it's also a basement over there. It's very small. It's for storing sundries."

The official looked at the messy and mottled scene: "is there anyone in the small storeroom?"

How can there be people there

She checked it, okay?

Maid B pulled her sleeve and motioned for a slip of the tongue.

She coughed softly and said, "don't dawdle. My wife is so miserable under me that she can't say anything. Don't you hear me?"

The fact that she was almost speechless showed that she was able to speak.

Yes, she was buried under her head, but she was not injured, and she could move a little.

Gu Jiao in the small storeroom is much worse off than her. She is sandwiched in the middle of her horns by two stone plates, and the big stone plate is pressed on the top of her horns.

Because of the gravity of the slate, the two small slabs are squeezing to the side, and the horns are getting bigger. When it becomes a flat angle, the huge slab above will completely press on her body and press her out of her brain.

One end of this huge stone slab is on Gu Jiao's side, and the other end is on the princess's side.

It's too difficult and time-consuming to lift all of them. The best way is to lift one end to save the princess.

But in this way, the small storage room over there will be completely destroyed.

The official said, "if you're sure there's no one, you'll start to hang the slate."


Xiao LIULANG came in clutching a cane.

The official frowned: "who let him in?"

The guard was helpless. They didn't pay much attention to him when they saw that he was lame. Unexpectedly, he came in by himself in the blink of an eye.

"There are still people below," said Xiao

The maid said, "you are talking nonsense! There is no one

Xiao LIULANG said coldly, "I don't believe you."

The official signaled everyone to be quiet.

He squatted down and attached his ear to the ground. After listening, there was a sound of Ding Ding Dong Dong, which was like knocking a small stone on the wall. It was very weak.

The official hesitated.

Since there are people below, this method is to exchange one life for another. It's too cruel.

The maid said, "what are you waiting for? Help

It's getting late. If we delay any longer, the palace will be suspicious, not to mention that the Crown Princess may be injured.

"The official sighed:" girl, it's not that we don't want to save people, it's that there are two people below. If the trade rescues rashly, one of them may be crushed to death

The two maids exchanged glances.

That small storeroom is so secret that there should be no talent. If there is, it must be the spy who is crouching there to deal with the princess!

This kind of person, it's good to be crushed to death!

Don't go out and ruin the reputation of the crown princess!

Maid a said: "who said that there must be people below? What kind of cat and dog is it? I don't believe you asked the librarian, "has anyone been to that little storeroom?"

Naturally, the owner said no.

The official is in trouble.

Judging from the regular knocking sound, it's not likely to be a cat or a dog, it's mostly a person, or a person in a critical situation.

"Do you have a better way?" Asked maid a.

It's harder to be an official.

Of course... No.

Maid a pinches her finger, discusses with her companion in a low voice, and finally decides to show the identity of Donggong.

She took out the token.

When the official saw the token, he was so scared that he knelt down on the ground.

Maid a said: "to tell you the truth, the people in the East Palace are under pressure. If you dare to let her have an accident in your hands, I promise you that the prince will let all of you bury her with her!"

Listen to this tone, the other party's status in the East Palace is not low, may be a concubine, may also be a lover, and even may——

Officials dare not think about it.

One is the little master of the East Palace, and the other is the common people. It is self-evident who should be saved.

The official told people to prepare a rope to hang the stone slab at the other end of the crown princess.

Xiao LIULANG's eyes were cold: "what are you going to do? No matter what happened to the other person? "

In fact, he is not sure whether Gu Jiao is under pressure.

What if it is?

He didn't dare to gamble on that one in case.

"Little brother, I know you are kind-hearted, but what's pressing over there is... It's from the Tian family. I can't afford to pay for the life of my family. "

Xiao LIULANG heard such words more than once, but it was at this moment that he realized the importance of status.

Sometimes it's not that you can be quiet without fighting.

Because he didn't stand high enough, no one heard him.

Because he didn't stand high enough, Gu Jiao's life was not as important as the people in Donggong.

Xiao LIULANG clenched his fist little by little.

His eyes were red and his heart was cold.

There's a rope over there, ready to lift the slate.

Xiao LIULANG suddenly threw away his crutch and jumped down from the crack of the stone slab.

The official was surprised: "what do you do? You are crazy! It's dangerous down there! You come up here! You all stop, stop! Stop first

The Yamen officers who were hanging the flagstones stopped.

The maid a was angry: "stop what? Who told you to stop? He's going to die himself! What do you care about him! Doesn't he know it's dangerous? They're colluding. Okay! They want to kill the prince! Are you also in collusion with them? "

With such a big hat down, who can manage the lives of two ordinary people?

But Xiao LIULANG looked back at the official from the gap and said a word coldly. Everyone froze.


On the flowing street, a seemingly unimportant carriage is running slowly.

In the carriage sat Xuanping Marquis and Liu Guanshi.

Liu steward also just met his own Marquis and got on the other side's carriage.

Xuanping Hou lightly said: "how is the matter going?"

Liu Guanshi gave a guilty smile.

When he left the capital, he boasted that Haikou would take the illegitimate son back to his home for the Chinese New Year. This is good. It's new year's Eve, but the illegitimate son is not willing to admit his identity.

Xuanping Hou man said, "if you fail, just say it."

Liu Guanshi said: "I know the person, but young master, he... May be worried about what happened and won't come back."

"Well." Xuanping Marquis faintly eh a, can't hear joy and anger, "don't return to calculate."

Xuanping Marquis doesn't like to force others into difficulties.

Liu steward pinched a cold sweat, fortunately, fortunately, did not punish him.

Generally speaking, Xuanping Marquis does not punish his subordinates. People who come to his house for the first time will think that this marquis is not the same as the rumor. He is very generous and does not take pride in his subordinates.

That's because all the people who made the Marquis angry died.

Those who survive have never offended the marquis.

In fact, the Marquis is a little moody.

He can talk and laugh with people one second before, and then he can chop the man the next.

Of course, the Marquis is very tolerant in most things.

After all, without that measure and pattern, he would not be able to sit in his present position.


A bodyguard came on horseback.

Xuanping's eyes lifted lightly.

Manager Liu understood and stopped the carriage.

Xuanping Hou opened the curtain: "what's the matter?"

"The princess has an accident. Shortly after you left, the basement of the music hall collapsed. The princess was buried under her. In addition, there was another person buried in the storage room inside."

There are people in the storeroom, which is a very important message.

It shows that the meeting between Xuanping Marquis and the Crown Princess may have been broken by the other party.

Xuanping's face remained unchanged.

On one side, Liu Guanshi was worried.

Pro Wei then said: "two people are pressed by the same big stone board. The officials can't lift it. They have to lift the stone board up. To save one, they have to kill the other. The maid of the Crown Princess shows her identity as the east palace. The official decides to save the crown princess. At this time, a scholar jumps down and says to the official... "

Speaking of this, the pro guard took a look at Xuanping Marquis, and wanted to say nothing.

Xuanping Marquis man said: "how? This matter has something to do with me? "

"The scholar said that the other person buried in the ground... Is you, marquis!" he said