The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 165

When Gu Jiao came out of the house, Xiao LIULANG had not come yet.

Just across the street is a shop selling sugar water and ice sugar gourd. It was here that she saw Gu Yan and Gu Changqing last time.

The sugar gourd they bought back is beautiful and clean, and there are many kinds.

Gu Jiao went over: "boss, give me three strings of sugar gourd, a string of sugar orange, a string of sugar yam eggs."

Rock sugar yam egg is a favorite of xiaojingkong. It's round and glutinous, and there's no need to spit out the core.

The boss said with a smile: "OK, girl, a total of 100 Wen."

Prices are really high in the capital.

In the county town, a bunch of sugar gourd costs only three or four Wen, while the roadside stall in the capital costs ten Wen, and this shop has doubled.

But the sugar gourd in the capital is quite large, and it's near the end of the new year. Gu Jiao is relieved to think about it.

She paid and wrapped the sugar gourd in paper and put it in her own basket.

Gu Jiao thinks it's good to wait for Xiao LIULANG here. As soon as the thought flashed, she realized that someone was staring at her.

If you can't find it after being monitored, you will have died 800 times.

Gu Jiao turned her head, the other side obviously didn't expect that Gu Jiao's intuition was so sensitive that she had no time to hide her body, so she had to quickly submerge into the crowd.

Gu Jiao thinks he's gone and ignores him. Xiao LIULANG may come at any time. She doesn't want to miss him.

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't give up. After a while, he opened the second floor window of an inn and aimed at Gu Jiao.

Even the bow and arrow.

It seems that I have made up my mind to die.

Gu Jiao told the boss of the sugar gourd shop, "boss, if a good-looking boy comes to me later, the best one, you ask him to wait for me here."

The best, the best?

The boss is a little confused.

Girl, you have a big voice.

I've been running a shop here for more than 20 years, and I've met my relatives. Who is the best looking person? Is it better than the royal family?

Zhao's royal blood is very good. First of all, the emperor's appearance is very high. All the concubines who marry into the palace are beautiful. Can the born Prince and Princess not look good?

The boss didn't take it too seriously. After all, someone came to inquire about her later, and he told her the truth.

Gu Jiao enters the inn opposite.

"Miss, are you eating or staying?" A small two came up.

Gu Jiao ignored him and stepped up to the second floor.

The shape of this inn is a bit complicated, and it's very complicated.

But Gu Jiao's sense of space is excellent, but in a flash, it is the third room in the East corridor.

Gu Jiao enters the room.

The man slipped so fast that he climbed up the roof from the window.

Gu Jiao will half of the body out of the window, looking up, a hand to grasp the window frame, up a somersault on the roof.

This time, she finally saw the other side's general appearance.

It's a man.

Dressed in black.

Gu Jiao pointed her foot, picked up a tile, raised her leg, and kicked the tile towards her opponent.

The man didn't expect that Gu Jiao could make such a move when she ran after others. She couldn't escape and was knocked down on the roof by the huge impact of tiles.

Gu Jiao heard a crash of crisp sound, like something iron hit the roof tiles.

It's the man's face.

The man is wearing an iron mask!

Gu Jiao has guessed who he is.

Feishuang, the biggest thief in Beijing.

Gu Jiao squinted, three or two steps to catch up.

It seemed too late to get up and run again. The man's eyes swept, his body rolled and chased down from the edge of the roof.


A little bit of a brain.

It's much worse than those drunkards in the martial arts school.

For a long time did not meet with her to give up the second move of the opponent, Gu Jiao evil hook lip angle.

Below is the courtyard of a music hall.

Gu Jiao jumped down.

The sound of silk and bamboo pipe music in the music hall conceals the sound of each other's footsteps and breathing. It is difficult for ordinary people to determine the specific location of each other, but Gu Jiao is the first agent of the organization who can accurately identify the footsteps from more than 100 sounds.

When she passed a small compartment with a curtain hanging down, she suddenly reached out and pulled a dark shadow out of the compartment and fell to the ground!

The man snorted and felt that his brain was almost scattered.

What's the origin of this girl? My skill has improved a lot!

But he is not a vegetarian after all. He was careless just now, but not now.

He spilled out a bag of powder and ran into the aisle by the cover of powder.

There are few people who have escaped from Gu Jiao again and again. It seems that they have not recovered to the strength of their previous lives.

Gu Jiao chased him all the way into a dark basement.

The man seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.


Where are the people?

Besides, isn't this a music hall?

Why is there such a big basement?

Storage or storage——

Think, the direction of the entrance came footsteps, Gu Jiao flash to a big cabinet.

Someone came in with an oil lamp. Gu Jiaocai saw the scene clearly with the weak light of the oil lamp.

This is not an ordinary basement. There are two rooms in total. The one outside seems to be a place for visitors, and the place I am standing now is really like a storeroom.

There are two young women.

One of them held the lamp, the other opened the curtain and looked at the storage room, as if it were a routine inspection. However, he knew that there would be no one in the storage room, so he did not go deep.

She put down the curtain and said to another man, "please wait, and tea will be served."

"Good." The man lit the light.

Because the light outside is very bright, it seems more and more Gu Jiao, here is very dark, more convenient for her to hide.

After they had arranged the tea room properly, they came in a woman wearing a light cyan screen fence and a white dress.

The woman's appearance was covered, but her body was long and graceful. Her jade hands were delicate and delicate. At first sight, she was the daughter of a rich family.

After she entered the room, she made a sign to the two maids, and they stepped down wisely.

She was the only one left in the big teahouse.

Gu Jiao is hesitating whether she wants to go out aboveboard, but a man in heavy purple Golden Fox Fur comes in.

From Gu Jiao's point of view, the man was too tall. His eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth were covered by the door frame of the storage room, showing only a delicate chin.

The man sat down opposite the woman.

Now Gu Jiao can't see him. The other side of the table is Gu Jiao's blind spot.

The only thing Gu Jiao could see was the woman wearing the curtain fence.

But there is a veil, and all her things are hidden.

"Have you returned to Beijing? Is your royal highness good?" The woman spoke.

Can't see her expression, but Gu Jiao also heard her tone of respect.

This woman's voice, if put in the previous life, I'm afraid it can be regarded as the sound of nature.

The man opposite him opened his mouth, not anxious and slow, deep and introverted: "everything is well with her, thank you for your concern."

Your highness? a queen?

It seems that these two people are not small.

Meeting again in such a place, I'm afraid the whereabouts can't be known by outsiders.

Gu Jiao: so are you waiting for her here? All the hard work to bring her here is to let her collide with two big people, so as to kill her by the big people's hand?

I don't know where that guy is hiding at this time.

The woman spoke again: "princess is well, I am relieved."

The man said: "the lady asked me to come out, but what's the matter?"

The woman sighed and said, "it's strange to listen to your mother. You'd better call me Lin Lang as before."

Man way: "minister, dare not."

Gu Jiao heart way, say dare not words, but his momentum is obviously higher than the sky than the sea wide.

The woman did not continue to force, but pushed a burden on the table in front of the man: "in fact, there is nothing else, that is, new year's Eve is coming, and it is not convenient for me to worship him now. Please help me burn these paper money and incense to him."

"The lady has a heart." There was no emotion in the man's voice.

The woman looked at him: "do you blame me?"

Man: "the empress is worried too much."

The woman was sad and said, "I'm sorry I didn't call you father in my life. I'm also sorry. But in my heart, you are the same as my father, and I respect you even more. "

Man: "Niang Niang is serious."

Most afraid of the sudden embarrassment of the air, men do not seem to like talking, women do not speak, the room will be quiet.

Suddenly, the woman bowed her head and coughed.

The man finally took the initiative to open a mouth: "is the empress where uncomfortable?"

The woman shook her head: "no problem, just a little cold."

The man said, "take care of your body."

The woman nodded, "I will."

Gu Jiao is still aware of men's concern for women.

"When it comes to body, I think of one thing." The woman said thoughtfully, "since the return of your majesty and the eldest prince from their southern tour, they will not step into the back palace. It's said that on the way to the south, I met an immortal Taoist priest. The Taoist priest taught His Majesty the art of immortality. He asked his majesty to burn incense every day and pray for two years. Even his mother hasn't seen his majesty for a long time. "

Man: "Niang Niang means..."

Woman: "I suspect that Taoist priest was arranged by the Grand Prince. This southern tour is not easy."

Man: "I see. I'll ask someone to investigate the Taoist priest. It's getting late. If there's nothing else to do, I'll leave first. "

The woman stood up and saluted the man.

Men return to the courtesies of kings and ministers.

After that, the man left the underground tea room.

The woman sat down in the teahouse for a while and planned to leave.

At this point, however, something unexpected happened.

There was a loud noise, and the roof of the basement cracked and collapsed!

"Crown Princess"

With the scream of the maid on the ground, the crown princess was buried under the ruins, and Gu Jiao was buried with her in the storage room.