The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 167

"Now the officials are all afraid to move. They have sent someone to our house to check with you."

Liu is in a daze.

Is this the head of Marquis Xuanping? Which student is so bold? How could it be that Xuanping Marquis was buried underground?

Is he not afraid of Xuanping's killing his family?

The last one who dared to cheat by the name of Xuanping Marquis, now the grass on the grave is two meters high!

Xuanping Hou chuckled: "interesting, interesting. Chang Jing

A Xuanyi bodyguard rode over: "Marquis!"

Xuanping Hou: "to save people."

Manager Liu wondered: "Lord Hou, who can I save?"

Xuanping Hou ninjun said: "isn't this Marquis buried under the ruins? Why don't you go and help me

Chang Jing answered solemnly: "yes!"

Xuanpinghou: "by the way, see who that boy is."

Chang Jing takes three bodyguards to the direction of the music hall.

Steward Liu didn't quite understand what the Marquis did: "you are worried that the crown princess can't last that long before you let them go to save people?"

Chang Jing is the most skillful bodyguard under Lord Hou. When Lord Hou asks him to help, he doesn't mean to save only one person. Lord Hou wants Chang Jing to save all the people, including the scholar who swaggers in the name of Lord Hou.

Liu Guanshi said: "Mr. Hou, that man is too brave to say that you are the one under the stone? Oh, is it a curse that you can't turn over? "

Xuanping Hou sneered: "is this Hou a person who can't turn over when he is cursed? Eleven of the ten old men in the imperial court want to die. "

Liu Guanshi: "ah... It's not so exaggerated."

Just seven or eight or nine!

The main reason is that Xuanping Marquis was too arrogant in the court, and he never restrained his own edge because of his Majesty's esteem.

He also offered bribes to his Majesty in public. His majesty reprimanded him.

After all, Xuanping marquis is a great hero of Zhao state. He won the battle with Chen state a few years ago. He turned the situation of Zhao state into a prisoner.

Today, there is still a Chen in the imperial palace.

How did the state of Chen treat Prince an harshly at the beginning? Now they give him back twice as much.

"But on the one hand they want to die, on the other hand they can only pretend to be grandchildren in front of him." Xuanping Marquis looked at the endless stream of people, "these days, not many people dare to openly offend me, I'm as lonely as snow..."

Liu Guanshi

"But if the news about your meeting with the crown princess is spread out..." this is what steward Liu is most worried about.

Xuanping Marquis arrogantly said: "wariness is a choice, not a necessity."

Chang Jing arrived at the music hall with his bodyguard.

The guards didn't know them, but they couldn't stop them at all.

All of them didn't know what was going on. Chang Jing's four people sacrificed a glittering iron chain to tie the two ends of the big stone slab. At the same time, the four people soared up in the air and lifted the stone slab up with all their strength!

The officer's eyes were almost startled.

Niang Er, where is this master from?

Chang Jing put the stone slab on a safe open space, and then began to clean up the collapse site.

It's easy to collapse twice here. Chang Jing was very careful.

On the other side, Xiao LIULANG also goes through many obstacles and climbs to Gu Jiao's side.

Gu Jiao's condition is not very good. The stone slab on the top is too heavy. The two stone slabs that form the horns are pressed down, and her chest is squeezed hard to breathe.

Xiao LIULANG listened to the familiar breath, his heart was tight: "Jiaojiao, is that you?"


That's nice.

Gu Jiao is speechless.

Xiao LIULANG did not dare to move the slate at will. He touched her sleeve in the dark. He grabbed her hand: "don't be afraid."


I am not afraid.

Gu Jiao took his hand back.

She lay under the slate, and he knelt outside, holding her hand all the time.

In the dark, someone took her hand. It was a good feeling.

I do not know how long, the top of the big stone was finally removed, dazzling light down.

Xiao LIULANG finds the right angle, holds the small stone slab on the left with one hand, and pulls the stone slab on the right with the other hand.

Gu Jiao was finally able to breathe smoothly, and she gasped.

Looking at her breathing, Xiao LIULANG's heart in his throat finally came back to reality.

Chang Jing quickly removed the obstacles.

Xiao LIULANG helps Gu Jiao up and intends to take her away, but she suddenly turns her head, looks at the crushed wall behind her and gasps: "wait, there's another one."


Because of Chang Jing's intervention, the injured were quickly rescued. There were two girls and two men.

One of the men was the scholar who yelled "Marquis Xuanping was oppressed". The other man who was rescued had already been soiled by the ruins and became a native. Therefore, the officials and yamen servants were not sure whether he was Marquis Xuanping or not.

Anyway, it's fascinating.

The official wanted to make a statement with them, but all the parties left.

Those terrible masters are gone.

Official official: "I'm not sure."

What kind of day is this?


When Feishuang woke up, she was already lying on a clean and soft bed. The light in the room was very dark, and there was a faint smell of medicine.

Vertigo for a while, to determine that they are not in a dream, flying frost in the eyes of a trace of rapid vigilance.

He hurried to touch his concealed weapons, only to find that none of them were there.

He was so empty that even his clothes were cut.

He moved his body. There was a tearing pain in his left abdomen, and he took a cold breath.

Looking down, I saw that my stomach was covered with gauze and the wound was filled with medicine. The fragrance of medicine came from here.

He touched his face again.

The mask is still there.


The door was pushed open.

He frowned warily and became alert.

The second owner came in, looked at the bed and said, "Oh, are you awake? I woke up very fast. That's just right. Drink the medicine. Xiao Sanzi, get the medicine! "

Originally called Xiao Liuzi, Gu Jiao forced him to be Xiao Sanzi. Deng Deng went to take the medicine.

The medicine had been cooked long ago and kept warm on the stove.

"Second master, here you are!" Xiao Sanzi came into the room with a bowl of steaming medicine.

The second owner pointed to the cupboard at the head of the bed: "just put it there. Go out."

"Ah Xiaosanzi put down the medicine bowl and went out wisely, closing the door.

The second owner sat down on the stool opposite the bed, put one hand on the table and looked at him leisurely: "what? Do you want me to feed you? "

Fly frost saw the medicine on the eye low cabinet, didn't immediately start to take.

The second owner sighed: "don't worry, I won't smash my signboard without poison!"

Feishuang watched him warily: "who are you? Where is this? "

The second owner said, "this is miaozhou hall. I'm the second owner of miaozhou hall. Next door is the female school."

Miao Shou Tang is newly opened, and its popularity is not high. From time to time, the second owner rubs the enthusiasm of women's school.

When it comes to women's studies, Feishuang knows.

He thought for a moment, then said, "how can I be here?"

If he remembers correctly, he was crushed under the ruins of the music hall.

He also heard the officials and maids say that they wanted to save the princess and sacrifice the people in the storeroom.

Then he fainted.

He thought he was dead

The second owner complacently said, "of course, my little Gu rescued you!"

Because of the deep cooperation between them, calling Miss Gu was too much separated, and calling sister Gu seemed to take advantage of her, so the two owners had an idea and called Xiao Gu.

Feishuang frowned: "little... Gu?"

What do you care about?

Gu Jiao?

Yes, he heard that the girl worked as a medicine boy in the medical school next door to the girl school.

Isn't she under the big stone? How to save him?

And how could she have saved him?

"Why did he save me?" Feishuang asked.

"I want to know, too!" The second owner weighed the bag on the table, and the bag tinkled, all of which were the concealed weapons of Feishuang. "There are so many concealed weapons on your body, and it's not a good thing to see them!"

Feishuang did not deny it.

He's not a good man.

If it is, it will not be the biggest thief in Beijing.

So why on earth would she save him?

Whether she knew his identity or not, he counted on her today.

It was he who led her to the basement of Qingfeng music hall and let her break the princess's secret. Once the princess found her, she would die.

What he didn't expect was that the music hall collapsed.

At that time, he was hiding in the dark wall of the storeroom and was also crushed under the ruins.

He did not expect, she even guessed that he did not leave the storage room, and finally saved him.

Didn't he know that he had calculated her?

No, can you guess where her brain would be if he didn't leave the storeroom?

Feishuang hesitated: "my injury... Is also her..."

The second owner said: "you can pull it down. You are not qualified to let my little Gu treat you! It's doctor song! He sewed up the wound, too! "

For the first time, doctor song sewed someone up. Gu Jiao strongly encouraged him. Anyway, he was in a coma. What do you like.

As a result, the first time doctor song sewed it wrong, he quickly removed it and sewed it again.

It's pretty ugly.

Well, these two owners didn't disclose to the patients.

The second owner waved his hand and went to pick up the medicine and handed it to him: "OK, don't think about it. I've already asked Xiao Gu for you."

Feishuang Lengleng took the medicine in his hand: "ask... What?"

The second owner said, "why did she save you? Does she know you, or does she like you? "

Feishuang choked: "what are you talking about?"

"You know I'm bullshit. I warn you, don't think too much of her just because my little Gu saved you. She's not up to you!"

Feishuang sneer, Gao Pan that girl? He won't do it all his life!

Feishuang coldly looked at the second owner: "why did she save me?"

"When I asked her why she saved you, she gave you a look and said two words," the second owner recalled

Feishuang: "what?"

Second owner: "shoulder beat."


As the sky darkened, the lanterns of the Marquis's residence were gradually lit up.

Gu Chenglin sat in the corridor, peering toward the door.

One side of the small Si advised: "three childe, the wind is strong outside, you first room!"

Gu Chenglin said stubbornly, "no, I'll wait for my second brother!"

The boy sighed: "I'll wait for you. If you come back, I'll call you right away."

Gu Chenglin doesn't like it. He is the little overlord of the marquis. No one can really control him except the old Marquis and his son Gu Changqing.

The boy couldn't, so he had to take another Cape to put on his son.

"Go to the door and have a look. Has the second brother come back yet?" Gu Chenglin urged.

"Yes, yes, the little one is going now!" The boy shook his head. He didn't know how many times he had run to the gate of Hou's mansion.

What can he do?

He's desperate, too!

Fortunately, he didn't let him down this time. As soon as he came out of the yard, he saw Gu Chengfeng, the second young master. He saluted excitedly and said, "second young master, you are back. The third young master has been waiting for you all afternoon!"

"I see." Gu Chengfeng shouts and steps into the yard.

I scratch my head. Are you not happy today? How cold a face ah?

"Second brother!" Gu Chenglin finally met Gu Chengfeng and stood up happily from his wheelchair.

Although the hous are three brothers, Gu Chenglin and his second brother Gu Chengfeng play best. First, they are of the same age. Second, they live together all the time. Third, Gu Changqing is too strict. Gu Chenglin is afraid of him.

"Why are you sitting here blowing cold air?" Gu Chengfeng frowned.

"Isn't that waiting for you?" Gu Chenglin said, "where have you been all day? As soon as you have a holiday, you will be gone. Did you sneak out of the house to play? Don't take me with you

"Something happened." Gu Chengfeng said casually.

"What's the matter?" Gu Chenglin asked more seriously.

Gu Chengfeng opened his mouth and was thinking about how to make it round when he heard Gu Chenglin yell: "second brother! Why is your head so dirty? Ah! And your clothes! Your collar is full of dirt! What the hell are you doing? Have you had a fight? "

Gu Chengfeng's coat is not dirty. After all, he has changed it, but his inner and middle clothes are at home, so he didn't have time to change them.

Who can think of what this younger brother can do? He won the first place with sharp eyes.

"No Gu Chengfeng denied that he opened the door and entered the house.

Gu Chenglin to follow in, Gu Chengfeng blocked in the door: "I change clothes."

"You change it!" Gu Chenglin road.

Gu Chengfeng frowned: "you wait for me outside."

Gu Chenglin gave him a strange look. Why? He's not allowed to come into the house after changing his clothes?

Gu Chengfeng has always been very patient with his younger brother. However, today he is in a state of confusion and hurt himself. He really has no strength to break with him.

He closed the door and bolted it.

Gu Chenglin was stunned: "what are you doing? And bolt the door? "

Gu Chengfeng into the house, can no longer support, one hand supporting the table, one hand covering the chest.

After the efficacy of Mabei powder was over, severe pain came from his abdomen.

What quack sewed it for him? Why is it so painful?!


He gasped.

"Second brother, are you well? Grandma is waiting for us to have dinner Gu Chenglin urged at the door.

Gu Chengfeng held back the pain and took off his bloodstained inner garment. His tone was as usual and he said, "fast, don't rush me."

Gu Chenglin suddenly exclaimed, "eh? Big brother

Gu Chengfeng shook his hand.