The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 161


Gu Yan turned his back!

He was so angry that a handful of hair on his head was curled up, and he was telling his unhappiness in the cold wind!

Gu Changqing gave a low smile.

His voice is cold and magnetic, and his smile has an irresistible charm.

Gu Yan's small eyes tried to glance back.

Then he began to walk back.

Just took a step, Gu Changqing noticed something wrong: "what's wrong with your leg?"

Gu Yan pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "it's nothing. I just twisted it."

Their family lives in the middle of the Hutong. It's not far from here. It's not near. Most people must go back, but this is Gu Yan.

Gu Changqing looked at his thin and weak body, and sighed helplessly: "come up."

"Well?" Gu Yan looked back at him with a smart and silly expression, which was very contradictory.

Gu Changqing thought of the foolish roe deer in the forest again, but this time it was a bit arrogant.

Gu Changqing stretched out a generous and powerful palm, grasped Gu Yan's shoulder, gently lifted him up and sat on his saddle.

"Don't you usually eat?"

So thin.

Gu Yan sits in front of him and wants to say where I don't eat? You don't eat!

But as soon as he leaned against his hard and broad chest, Gu Yan could not speak.

Does this man eat ten barrels of rice a day?

Why are you so strong?

"Hold on." Gu Changqing reminds.

The reins are pulled by Gu Changqing, and Gu Yan can only pull the saddle.

Originally, Gu Changqing was quite satisfied with his saddle. After all, he was the son of the Marquis's family. His servants would not prepare too bad things for him.

But Gu Yan put his white fingers on it, and immediately the saddle was lined with rotten wood.

The saddle needs to be changed.

Gu Changqing thought.

"I'll take you back." He said.

"I'm not going back." Gu Yan said.

Gu Changqing looked at him strangely: "why?"

Gu Yan: "I want to eat."

Gu Changqing: "what do you want to eat?"

Gu Yan: "stir fried chestnuts with sugar."

There are people selling fried chestnuts with sugar on Chang'an Street. Just in the direction where they came, Gu Changqing turned his horse's head, and the chestnut shop raced past.

Considering Gu Yan's body, he didn't let the horse run too fast, but it was enough to stimulate him.

It's the first time I've raced a horse!

Gu Yan was so excited that he couldn't find a place on the saddle.

"Drive, drive!"

Although he spoke in a low voice, Gu Changqing's ear power was amazing, even the petty voice of the Wulin overlord who unified the river and lake was heard completely.

Gu Changqing couldn't help but hook the corners of his lips and quickened his pace a little.

Gu Yan is so happy!

Gu Yan wanted to ride a horse for a long time, but he had been sick for 14 years in his 15 year life. He had never played or had no playmates.

Xiaojingkong and Gu Xiaoshun are both smaller than him. He wants to play with someone bigger than himself.

Gu Jiao can make Gu Yan stable, but Gu Jiao can't.

Gu Changqing's appearance just made up for this vacancy.

Gu Yan was very happy on horseback. When he sold out the fried chestnuts with sugar, he was still full of meaning.

Gu Yan took the fried chestnut with sugar and said, "I didn't bring any money. I'll pay you back when I go back."

"No Gu Changqing said.

"That..." Gu Yan opened his mouth, "did I spend all your money?"


"Oh." Gu Yan quietly nibbled a fried chestnut with sugar, "I want to eat roast chicken!"

Gu Changqing took him to buy roast chicken. He didn't want roast chicken from ordinary shops. He had to go around half the capital to buy Huji.

Gu Yan looked at the roast chicken in his hand and opened his mouth.

"What else would you like to eat?" Gu Changqing asked.

Gu Yan blinked and said, "crab roe crisp is from sanyuange."

Sanyuan Pavilion is in Lingnan!

Is this guy going to elope with him?

Gu Changqing looked at him coldly.

Gu Yan angrily pinched the saddle: "well, let's eat a bunch of sugar gourd. If you don't choose shops, the roadside stall looks very cheap and dirty. If you eat it, you will have diarrhea and get sick."

Gu Changqing

There is a sugar water shop on Zhuque street. By the way, it sells sugar gourd. It's expensive, but it's absolutely not bad.

Gu Changqing took Gu Yan to buy some sugar gourds.

Gu Yan can't hold it in his arms. He can't buy it any more. He can only go home.

On the way back, there was a wind, which made Gu Yan shiver.

Gu Changqing covered him with a thousand gold fur, and Gu Yan was wrapped in his thousand gold fur, revealing only a hairy head.

But to be fair, only a spoon in the back of the head is more lovely than the two younger brothers at home.

Gu Changqing took a deep breath.

He is afraid that he is not in the evil

When he got home, Gu Changqing turned over and got off the horse first, then took Gu Yan down, took all the things in Gu Yan's arms and put them on the stone table in the front yard.

"I'm going." He walked out.

Gu Yan looked at him expectantly: "do you want to stay for dinner? My sister's cooking is delicious. "

The girl who is colder than the killer?

It's hard for Gu Changqing to imagine what her cooking would be like.

He looked at the kitchen after the hall. There was a trace of desire in his eyes, but he finally held back: "no, it's time for me to go home."

"Oh." Gu Yan is disappointed.

Gu Changqing got on his horse and looked at Gu Yan: "go in."

"Well." Gu Yan nodded, but didn't move. He watched him disappear at the end of the alley. Then he stepped around and jumped into the room.

you 're right.

What sprain?

No, no!


"Well, your feet are OK. Stay in bed these days. I'll come to your door to remove the stitches in seven days." In a house on Zhuque street, Gu Jiao sews up a wound for a little girl and ends her first visit to the capital.

The sky began to snow again.

Goose feather like snowflakes, in full swing, gather scattered, soon the street will be blocked.

It's not too far from Bishui Hutong. Gu Jiao decides to walk back.

Not long after she got out of the carriage, she felt someone following her.

She didn't enter Bishui Hutong, but passed by the entrance of Hutong and entered another Hutong.

She took the silver needle in her hand without any trace.

Finally, the other party moved.

Two masked men came down from the sky with knives and stopped her.

However, without waiting for them, Gu Jiao stabbed the silver needle into their chest.

They fainted on the spot.

Almost at the same time, a cold arrow came from behind her.

She stepped forward, put her foot on the wall, turned around in the air and kicked the cold arrow away!

But the other side obviously more than these tricks, a big net from the roof, Gu Jiao pulled out the waist of the dagger, the big net across the air split.

Can be in this instant, a hook I do not know from where shot over, hook her small basket, swish hook away!

"Little medicine box!"

Gu Jiao's eyes are cold, and she looks towards the roof.

I saw a man in black, wearing a black mask holding her small basket, looking down at her.

With a scornful sneer, he disappeared on the other side of the roof.

Gu Jiao catches up.

Gu Jiao seems to return to the previous life in the organization of the day of murder, blood all over the boiling up.

She can feel the other side's skill is not simple, the other side repeatedly want to plot against her, she has been avoided.

Finally, Gu Jiao chases her to a seemingly deserted courtyard.

The other party has already hidden it.

Gu Jiao across the threshold of the moment, a row of sharp arrows toward her.

She had escaped the gun in her previous life, and this speed could not defeat her.

Seemingly fast arrow in Gu Jiao's eyes, but like a slow motion, Gu Jiao easily avoid.

There was a cold hum in the yard: "I didn't expect that you could catch up with me here. I really have some ability."

The sound comes from behind the mask, slightly different from the original sound.

Gu Jiao listen to his tone, like a special trip to her.

Gu Jiao walked into the courtyard and saw her partner on the steps under the corridor: "who are you?"

The man in black sneered: "I should ask you this. Who are you?"

Gu Jiao Oh a: "you don't even know who I am, dare to rob me?"

The man in Black said, "it's said that you are a village girl from a small county. You grew up in the village when you were young. You got a silly disease and recovered a year ago. But I don't think you look like a country girl at all

Gu Jiao did not feel guilty and said, "so what? Is it in your way? "

The man walked down the steps slowly, his face covered tightly by the whole mask, only showing a pair of extremely sinister eyes.

He stared at Gu Jiao coldly: "where is the real Miss Gu?"

It seems that it's not the opposite of the hospital, it's the person related to her.

Gu Jiao looked at the basket in his hand calmly: "give it back to me."

The man took a step forward and said haughtily, "tell me where you've got the real Miss Gu, and I'll consider giving you back your things."

Gu Jiao fidgetily frowned: "nonsense does not say much, want to hit hit, don't Niang chirp."

The man has been in the capital for many years. He has a bad reputation. He is fierce and domineering. For the first time, he was scolded by a woman. His face is black!

Gu Jiao really doesn't have much time to talk with him. She has to go home to cook.

Gu Jiao raised her hand to greet each other.

Men's body than Gu Jiao imagine strange, a few rounds down, Gu Jiao did not take advantage in his hands.

However, it is obviously not so easy for him to control Gu Jiao.

He frowned.

If he makes a move, he will defeat the enemy in three moves.

This girl has survived more than ten imperial edicts.

When they were shaking, there was a sound of horse hooves in the alley, followed by Gu Changqing's sharp drink: "who?"

The man's body is a meal.

Taking advantage of the situation, Gu Jiao splits down with a knife and takes back her little basket. Then she raises her other hand, palm down, and the dagger flies out of her sleeve. Turning in her palm, she waves it out with great strength.

The man couldn't avoid it. He scratched his left arm and dropped a concealed weapon that he didn't shoot in time.

He looked back at the direction of the eye door, gritted his teeth, used his lightness skills and left through the back door!

"It's you?"

As soon as the man left, Gu Changqing went into the yard. He was surprised to see Gu Jiao, "are you fighting with someone just now?"

Gu Jiao shook his little basket: "someone robbed me."

"Who?" Gu Changqing asked.

Gu Jiao shook her head: "did not see, wearing a mask."

Gu Changqing looked around and found the secret weapon on the ground. He picked it up and frowned: "is it him?"

Gu Jiao murmured: "do you know him?"

Gu Changqing said: "the first thief in the capital is frost. This kind of frost dart is his unique secret weapon."

Feishuang is a headache for the government. Dali temple, Jingzhao mansion and the Ministry of punishment were all poisoned by him, and many secret files were stolen. They are the top robbers in the imperial court's arrest list.

It's a pity that he's haunted. He's never been caught.

No one has ever seen him.

Gu Changqing asked, "how could he steal from you?"

Do you want to lose face? Stealing a girl's belongings?

Gu Jiao thought of those conversations with her partner and said, "he seems to know me."

"Feishuang... Know you?" Gu Changqing was confused.

It snowed more and more at night.

Gu Fu is shrouded in a sea of snow.

Gu Chenglin can barely get to the ground now, but he can't walk too far. He usually sits in a wheelchair. He asks him to push the wheelchair out of his room and go to his second brother.

The children of Houfu all have their own courtyard, and Gu Chenglin also has. But he is used to living with his second brother, and he is not in a hurry to move out.

"Second brother, second brother!" He clapped on the door.

Gu Chengfeng came over from the other side of the corridor, looked at him and said, "what's the matter?"

Gu Chenglin said, "second brother, where have you been? I look for you everywhere

Gu Chengfeng said, "what can I do for you?"

Gu Chenglin did not rush to answer, but looked up at him: "are you uncomfortable? You look so pale

"I just went to the warehouse to find something. It's freezing. It's a little cold."

"Oh." Gu Chenglin did not doubt that there was him, "second brother, do you know where my top has gone? I can't find the one your highness five gave me! "

Gu Chengfeng said: "it's not in the third cabinet on the right side of duobaoge for you?"

"Look for it!" Gu Chenglin orders the boy pushing the wheelchair.

The boy went busily, and would not come over with a delicate top: "it's really there!"

Gu Chenglin took the top and stood up in surprise: "second brother, you are really good. You remember where I put my things!"

He said, happily patted the second brother's arm, heard the second brother a dull hum.

He was stunned: "second brother, what's the matter with you? Do I hurt you? "

Gu Chengfeng quietly put his hand behind him and said in the same tone: "no, I'm ok. You go to play. I'll go back to my room first."

Gu Chenglin: "Oh."

Second brother is strange today!