The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 160

Gu Yan sits next to Gu Jiao with a black face.

Gu Jiao is funny: "what are you angry with?"

"Aren't you angry?" Gu Yan looks at her in a puzzled way.

This question is in vain. Is she angry? Can he not feel it?

Xiaojingkong is a child. She doesn't understand these twists and turns, but she should know. Gu Yan doesn't understand why she is not angry.

Gu Jiao leans lazily on the back of her chair: "what's so angry about this?"

She is not a person who lives under other people's eyes. Other people's views on her can't hurt her, and she doesn't live on other people's relief. Because she is strong enough, she can ignore all flashiness.

Gu Yan can't reach the level of his elder sister for the time being, but Gu Jiao's emotions are also affected by her inner strength and gradually settle down.

Xiaojingkong was very happy to eat. She was all over: "Jiaojiao, I'm eating dirty."

"It's OK. I brought you some clothes." Gu Jiao took xiaojingkong into the wing room, washed his face and hands, and took a small cotton padded jacket from the small basket to replace it for him.

Old lady Yao has a son and a daughter. Yao yuan is also a son and a daughter. Her daughter is Yao Xin and her son is Yao Fengyi.

Yao Yifeng is studying abroad. It is said that he will not come back this year.

When a large family sits at the table to eat, they are all their own, so there is no division between men and women.

Yao first took xiaojingkong to wash his hands, found that his shoes were wet in the snow, and carefully changed his foot clothes and tiger shoes.

To be fair, the little headroom is really beautiful. Old Mrs. Yao lived to this age and never saw a more beautiful child than him.

But no matter how beautiful she is, she is just an orphan without father and mother. She will have to rely on the Marquis's house in the future.

Just in front of Yao's face, Mrs. Yao was still loved by xiaojingkong.

Old lady Yao gave him the biggest chicken leg.

Xiaojingkong said politely, "thank you, grandma, but I can't eat meat now."

He can grow up, said the aunt, when he is old, meat will be willing to give him to eat!

"Then eat this." Mrs. Yao put the egg soup in front of xiaojingkong.

This egg soup is very beautiful with lily.

Small clearance index finger big move, happy to eat up.

A nice meal.

After dinner, Mrs. Yao asked Yao Xin to take Gu Jiao and her three friends to the garden for a walk.

Gu Yan grabs a blanket.

After walking for a while, Xiao Jingkong rubbed his eyes.

"Sleepy?" Gu Jiao asked.

Xiaojingkong shook his head: "I'm not sleepy! I just ate a little too much. "

Gu Jiao laughingly picked him up.

Small clearance glasses stare big: "I'm really not sleepy, I don't want to sleep at all!"

Head a slant, lie prone to sleep in Gu Jiao's arms.

Yao Xin doesn't understand why Gu Yan grabs a blanket in his hand. When she sees Gu Yan putting a blanket on xiaojingkong, she knows everything.

This cousin is very careful.

"Cousin, when will cousin Jinyu come?" She asked with a smile.

Gu Yan said: "you ask her, how can I know?"

Yao Xin choked a little, a little embarrassed, and said: "I heard that cousin Jinyu entered the female school, isn't it true?"

Gu Yan is so tired of Gu Jinyu that the cousin asks her, is her sister blind here?

"I'm sleepy, too. I'm going to bed!" After that, he took Gu Jiao's head and left without looking back.

There's a reason why old lady Yao gave up her three children. She winked at he. He said to Yao, "sister, mother is tired. Let her have a rest and go to my room to talk."

Yao didn't like his sister-in-law very much, but she couldn't refuse, so she had to go to he's room.

If he didn't let Yao down, he dug a hole for Yao after three or two greetings: "sister, did Jinyu say goodbye?"

With Yao's understanding of he, she would never care about this for no reason.

Yao is suspicious.

Does he want to talk to Jinyu and Yao Fengyi?

Yao said quietly: "not yet. Her marriage is decided by the old lady and the marquis. I don't worry about it."

He said with a smile: "Jinyu is a promising girl. Her future marriage will not be bad. However, she has already reached the hairpin. You as a mother should pay more attention."

"Well." Yao's more confused, not in Jinyu's idea, that is what?

He said with a smile: "sister Xin is about to get married. She is not as capable as Jinyu. I'm thinking about making a decision on her marriage as early as possible. Otherwise, it's not easy for me to get married when I'm older."

Yao Shi looked at her one eye: "elder sister-in-law is to want me to help Xin sister-in-law say a marriage?"

It's not hard.

After aunt Ling was robbed of her reward, Mrs. Gu was too busy to take care of many things. She is preparing new year's gifts for her family. You can take this opportunity to help her pay attention.

He's smiling and speechless.

Yao's heart a clap Deng: "you won't take a fancy to Hou Fu's several CHILDES?"? There's no way

He originally wanted to say that the prince of Hou's residence, seeing that Yao's reaction was so big, he gave Yao a smile, pulled Yao's hand and said, "sister, I'm doing it for you. Xinjie married. Our two families are close. If Xinjie goes to Houfu to help you, you can live a more comfortable life, can't you? It's better to solve the problem than to get married. If sister Xin marries her, you're not the problem. You're a mother and son! "

Yao did not know how he could say this?

She and Yan'er are about to be bullied to death by the three stepsons, but her sister-in-law wants her to marry her own niece?

What is the solution?

She will never reconcile with the three of them in her life!

Yao said, "do you think I'm not selling enough, and you want to sell xinjieer again?"

He said, "sister Xin is willing to do it by herself."

Yao's angry smile: "her aunt has been bullied like this, she has to hurry to marry the person who bullied her aunt, sister-in-law, this is the child you taught!"

On hearing this, he's face is not very good: "sister, this is her own developed, regardless of her mother's life and death. If we hadn't married you into the Marquis's residence, where would you have come from? You don't care about your mother's family for more than ten years, and we haven't said you're not! Where is such a good family in the world? Now that your niece is going to discuss marriage, you'd rather take advantage of an outsider than marry her! Yes? Is my sister's family better off than you? "

Yao sneered: "how does my sister-in-law know that she will live better than me when she marries into the mansion?"

He raised her chin and said, "our Xin sister is clever and sensible. She will be a good person. She will make her husband and old lady like her."

In the past, Yao might argue with her and count the reasons in detail, but later she gradually understood that some people are unreasonable.

She only knows her own reason.

She doesn't care how much Yao has suffered in Hou Fu these years. To put it bluntly, she is selfish.

Yao got up and left.

Seeing that Yao was angry, he quickly grabbed her and apologized: "Oh, sister-in-law doesn't mean that. Don't get me wrong. My sister-in-law has said something wrong. You have a large number of adults. Don't have the same opinion as my sister-in-law. "

Yao said, "I can't tell you about Hou's family."

They don't like it.

He Shi: "you are so kind as to take Xin's sister to your house. Who will take a fancy to them

Yao: "who do you expect to see? My son? "

He said with a smile: "if Shizi can take a fancy to him, of course it's the best..."

Yao was confused.

She wants to marry Yao Xin to the son of the Marquis?

It's a dream!

He Shi looked at Yao Shi's face and said: "second young master is OK... Third young master, third young master is OK?"

Yao's cold voice way: "Ding an hou mansion's childe when turn Yao family's girl to pick?"

It's not that she wants to speak for her three stepsons, but it's wrong that the two families are not in charge of each other. She just goes to make a steproom for others, which is rejected by Mrs. Gu in every way, but Yao Xin wants to be a proper wife?

Is this helping her, or is it trying to make old lady Gu hate her?

He's temper came up again: "isn't my sister married into Hou's house? My sister was still engaged! Where is our Xin sister innocent! The Marquis was able to take a fancy to his younger sister. Why didn't he take a fancy to our sister Xin? Isn't it all a face? Is Xin's face worse than her sister's? "

She is not innocent. She serves people with her face. She voluntarily marries into the Marquis's house

Good, good, very good!

Yao took a deep breath and asked, "do these words mean sister-in-law or mother?"

He's speechless.

Of course, she and her mother-in-law share the same meaning, but her mother-in-law won't let her say it.

Yao understood everything.


It's her innocence.

Originally, he went back to the mansion after dinner, but Yao couldn't stay any longer.

"Jiaojiao, let's go back to the house." Yao's into the wing said to Gu Jiao.

"Good." Gu Jiao did not ask why, Gu Yan did not ask.

With the help of the servants, old lady Yao chased out and yelled at he. She told Yao not to worry about her, and she took out the gifts she had prepared for several children.

Gu Yan sneers and knocks over Gu Jiao's gift in front of everyone.

It was also a snack, but a red envelope rolled out of Gu Yan's box.

Gu Jiao has nothing.

There is no small clearance.

The box that Yao brought to Gu Jinyu also had a red envelope.

After reading the presents of the four children, Yao's face turned white with anger.

When xiaojingkong fell asleep, Gu Yan was too lazy to whitewash peace.

He took the gift of little clearance and threw it into the river!

Gu Jinyu's, he also threw it.

Flatter yourself. Don't dirty their hands!


On the carriage back to the mansion, Gu Yan also fell asleep.

He was lying on Yao's leg and xiaojingkong was lying in Gu Jiao's arms. Both of them were snoring.

Yao said nothing.

She tries not to bring her emotions to Gu Jiao, but Gu Jiao can still feel them.

"Sorry, Jiaojiao, you shouldn't be here today." She said with guilt.

"I think it's very good," Gu said

"Well?" Yao's tiny Leng.

Xiaojingkong kicked the blanket, Gu Jiao pulled it over to cover it and said, "I know where my wife used to live. I used to be very curious."

Yao looked at Gu Jiao and said, "Jiao Jiao... Why are you curious?"

Gu Jiao thought, "I don't know. I'm just curious. I want to know my wife's past and how she is doing every day."

Yao covered his mouth and couldn't believe what he heard.

Is her Jiao Jiao beginning to care about her?


"Do you regret it, madam? Regret marrying Marquis Gu? "

When Yao and he quarreled, Gu Jiao was not far away in the garden. With her ear power, she heard something.

Yao did not hesitate, shook his head: "no regret."

"Why?" Gu Jiao asked.

Yao lowered his head and stroked Gu Yan's cheek, then looked at Gu Jiao fondly: "because if you don't marry the Marquis, there will be no you and Yan'er. You are the most precious gift in my mother's life."

Gu Jiao did not understand such feelings.

The experience of her childhood made her shut down her emotional system early, which is a self-protection mechanism to prevent her from collapsing in the harm brought by her parents.

But at the same time, it also made her lose the ability to treat feelings dialectically.

In her world, like is like, hate is hate, black or white.

But Yao's experience is more like a gray area - and do not want to marry the life of a very wanted child.

Looking at his daughter's face, Yao chuckled.

Her daughter is so sweet and lovely.

Yao's unhappiness was gone.

Yao first sent Gu Jiao back to Bishui Hutong, and then returned to the mansion.

Gu Jinyu spent the whole day with Shufei in the Imperial Palace, and returned to Houfu in the dark.


It's less than ten days before New Year's Eve. Qinghe academy is off. There is one day's class in Guozijian and three days' class in Liutang.

Early in the morning, Gu Jiao went to the hospital.

The old lady and several neighbors were pushing Pai Gow in the house. The old man stood by with a black face and paid for tea!

Gu Xiaoshun is tinkling on wood in the backyard.

Gu Yan quietly came to the front yard, first looked around the door, and then came to the hutongkou.

The end of the Hutong connects Chang'an Avenue.

People come and go, stream, shops are pasted with window flowers and couplets, a jubilant atmosphere.

He looked forward to it, and suddenly a tall shadow enveloped him.

"What are you doing?"

It's Gu Changqing.

He was dressed in a thousand gold fur, sitting on a high horse, valiant.

Gu Yan was so shocked that he turned around and said, "I'm not waiting for you anyway!"

Gu Changqing

Gu Changqing saw him with his hands on his back and asked, "what are you holding in your hands?"

Gu Yan hesitated for a moment. He took his hand out from behind and handed it to him: "here you are."

Gu Changqing takes it.

It's a wood carving.

Carved things... It's a bit hard to say.

Gu Changqing: "monkey?"

Gu Yan said: "what monkey? Open your eyes and see! Is there such a beautiful monkey in the world? "

Bai blind, he and Gu Xiaoshun studied for several days and nights, and his hands were blistered!

This guy doesn't know the goods!

Say he's a monkey!