The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 162

On the other side, Gu Changqing leads the horse and sends Gu Jiao back to Bishui Hutong.

He couldn't figure out why Feishuang, the biggest thief in Beijing, knew Gu Jiao. Maybe Gu Jiao thought too much.

What Feishuang steals are all valuable things, or treasures, or court secrets. The most valuable thing in her little basket is the small medicine box.

Even if it's a box of top-level herbs, it can't get into the eye of frost.

Is it really for her?

But Gu Changqing doesn't think Gu Jiao has any problems.

Or... Is Feishuang eyeing Ding'an Marquis's mansion?

"Here we are."

Gu Jiao's voice brings back Gu Changqing's thoughts.

Gu Changqing looked at the house behind Gu Jiao. It was really a house smaller than his yard, but there was a different atmosphere in the house, and he couldn't tell what it was. In a word, it was yearning.

"Do you want to go in and sit down?" Gu Jiao asked.

"No, I have to go home." Gu Changqing said.

It's long time to go back to the mansion. After sending Gu Yan to the mansion, he met a fight. Then he took a look at her and sent her back the same way.

It's really late.

Gu Jiao's clear eyes looked at him: "thank you."

"I didn't do anything." When he got there, Feishuang had left. He thought, even if he didn't show up, the girl wouldn't have anything to do with it.

Of course, Gu Jiao will be fine, but she won't take back the small medicine box so smoothly.

Of course, this is not what Gu Jiao wants to thank.

Gu Jiao bent her lips: "thank you for taking Gu Yan out. He is very happy."

She just went out to see Gu Yan sitting on Gu Changqing's horse, holding a few strings of crystal clear sugar gourd, with a small expression.

In fact, Gu Yan lacked the role of father in his growing up years. Marquis Gu didn't give it to him, but Gu Changqing gave it to him.

Gu Jiao had never seen Gu Yan so angry.

Some stability can be given by Gu Jiao, but some courage can be given by her father and brother.

That bucket of water can not carry the little sick Jiao, to gradually begin to grow their own wings.

"Ah, you see that." Gu Changqing cleared his throat. "When I left, I didn't think I would go to so many places. I forgot to say hello to your family, and I don't know if they were worried."

Gu Jiao said with a smile: "my aunt knows."

Don't look at the old lady who doesn't work all day long, but her eyes are fixed on several children.

Gu Yan is waiting at the entrance of the lane. Seven little fat chickens, a little eagle and Gu Yan's dog all lie motionless on the threshold.

He really goes away with strangers. They'll scream.

"That's good." Gu Changqing was relieved.

"I'm in." Gu Jiao said.

"Well." Gu Changqing nodded, thought of what, suddenly called her, "by the way, did you give me more of the acne medicine last time?"


"What? "The golden sore medicine?"

The next day, after listening to Gu Jiao's words, the second owner of the hospital was so surprised that his eyes were wide open, "you just said, how much do they want?"

"More than a thousand bottles." Gu Jiao said quietly.

The second owner fell on the chair, pinching people, pinching, pinching, pinching!

Finally, I woke myself up this time.

This is a thousand bottles of Jinchuang medicine. How much money do you really earn?

The second owner rubbed his hands: "is the price low?"

Gu Jiao Oh a: "no price, sell others how much, sell them how much."

The two owners were all fascinated: "no, it's the retail price to sell to others. Do they want 1000 bottles at the same price? Who is so imperious? "

Gu Jiao: "barracks."

Two the family finally fainted in the middle of the crowd once again.

How can they do business in barracks? What kind of pie in the sky?

There are medical officers from the imperial court in the military camp, and the medical materials used should be allocated by the imperial court. I really haven't done private business, but there are some that the imperial court can't get. It's also the best big medical center in the capital.

For example, the rejuvenation Hall of the Hu family.

This business is not in a hurry. It will be delivered in a few years' time. Now Gu Jiao asks the second owner to collect medicinal materials, and only with medicinal materials can it be mass produced.

Once the business is good, the hospital is short of staff. When the second owner wakes up, he immediately asks someone to contact the doctors in Beijing to see if they are willing to go to their wonderful hand clinic.

Gu Jiao and her two masters are busy with their own affairs. Towards noon, an acquaintance, Du Xiaoyun, came to the hospital.

Du Xiaoyun is no longer a scholar dress, she put on the light blue skirt of female school, others wear beautiful and moving, but she wears a trace of heroism.

She strides into the hospital, comes to Gu Jiao, points to herself and says, "Miss Gu, do you remember me?"

Yes, she already knows the other person's surname is Gu.

Gu Jiao is buying medicine classified into medicine cabinet, smell speech action did not stop, light should a: "today's Hall diagnosis is doctor song."

"I'm not a doctor! I'm here for you Du Xiaoyun said, "I've wanted to come for a long time, but I've been too busy with my lessons recently."

The schoolwork of female students was not so busy originally, but I don't know what happened recently. The students in the class improved a lot all of a sudden, and their homework was basically right. They were almost catching up with Zhuang Yuexi and Gu Jinyu.

Some of them are copied, but some of them really understand the topic. The teacher asked them to explain, and they said it very well!

The master thought that he was really good and raised the difficulty of the whole class.

Du Xiaoyun's study is not bad, but not top-notch.

She would rather be scolded empty than copy other people's homework, so she has been late in doing homework recently.

She hasn't been out for a long time. If her sister hadn't told her to come to the hospital, she would still be doing her homework in the classroom.

"My sister said that you have some medicine for scar removal. She is busy recently and can't get by. Let me help her with the medicine."

Go to scar medicine Gu Jiao only mentioned to a person, that is three princesses imperial concubine.

Yes, the third prince said her surname was Du.

There is already medicine in the small medicine box. Gu Jiao takes out the scar cream and scar paste. The scar paste is squeezed out and put into a porcelain bottle with good sealing property. The scar paste is removed from the outer package.

Gu Jiao said usage, collected her three Liang silver.

Du Xiaoyun said: "so expensive? I'm afraid it's not a black shop, is it? "

This is the most effective scar cream in the Research Institute. It's more than 2000 yuan per stick. It's more than twenty Liang silver. Scar stickers are also very expensive. She doesn't make much money.

"Don't buy it." Gu Jiao reaches for the medicine.

The medicine in the small medicine box is so precious that she is reluctant to sell it.

Du Xiaoyun protected the medicine with one hand and put the silver on the table with the other: "if you buy it or not, my sister will have to chop me! There are so many imperial doctors in Mingming palace. I don't know how my sister took a fancy to your medicine! "

The story of the third prince's operation has not been reported. Even Du Xiaoyun doesn't know it. Du Xiaoyun is only the third prince's concubine. Where did she bump into her.

Today is the last day of Guozijian's elementary school, and also the last day of women's school.

After a series of examinations, there is only one piano art left.

In the music hall, Zhuang Yuexi finished playing the music she had learned this month, and there were cheers all around.

It's really wonderful.

Zhuang Yuexi won the first place in her poetry and prose, and she ranked first in arithmetic and Gu Jinyu. Qin skill was her weak point. People thought her performance would be unsatisfactory. Who would have expected that her progress was so rapid in just half a month.

In this examination, the Crown Princess invited the court musicians and teachers to invigilate the examination.

The musician's surname is Xie.

Xie nodded with satisfaction: "Miss Zhuang's piano skill has greatly improved."

The teachers all gave a grade.

Xie Yueshi was more strict and gave a B.

But this achievement is already excellent.

Next is Gu Jinyu.

Gu Jinyu held the moon shadow Fuxi Qin and saluted master Xie and his teachers.

The teachers also got up and saluted back.

She is the head of the county, and the ceremony must not be abolished.

As a court musician, Xie Yueshi also had an official rank, and his rank was higher than Gu Jinyu's.

Gu Jinyu's Yueying Fuxi Qin is more beautiful than Zhuang Yuexi's Guqin in timbre, and she pays more sweat than Zhuang Yuexi in practicing. It's not that she said that she didn't practice for a long time. She practices every day.

The final result was that Xie gave her a grade.

"In fact, it's not just you who play A-class, but the better you change the second half of the song."

Yes, Gu Jinyu changed the score.

The song they learned is called qiuse, which is a remnant of the song handed down from the previous dynasty. There are only the first half of the song, and the second half is compiled by later generations. There are several different versions on the market, among which the version made by Yueying is the most popular.

This is the version that women learn to teach.

However, Gu Jinyu has made some minor changes on the basis of this version, adding a bit of tender and sad artistic conception, which is more suitable for women to play.

After all, Yueying is a man. His music score is more like a custom-made one for a male musician. It's hard for a woman to feel bold and unrestrained.

"I cried. Miss Gu plays very well."

A soft hearted daughter touched her tears and said.

She was not the only one to cry. Gu Jinyu counted the number, and four or five little girls were wiping their tears. It can be seen that her composition was a great success.

Gu Jinyu is very happy and proud.

With Gu Jinyu and Zhu Yu in the front, it's useless for the later students to play well and keep going all the way down.

Finally, there was a little girl with a round face. She was about fourteen years old. Her school clothes were issued uniformly, but her jewelry was her own. She only had a red rope tied on her head, and she didn't even have the most common pearl flower.

"I got in." A master said to Xie Yueshi.

She is the daughter of a poor family. Her father once read about a scholar. When her father taught her brothers lessons, she listened in and learned some.

She works very hard and makes do with everything else, but her piano skills are a little poor.

Because of low self-esteem, usually do not dare to practice in the music hall, every day hiding in the quiet Pavilion, cold, poor face frostbite.

The Guqin she used was the cheapest. The timbre was not comparable to that of a good one, but the intonation was acceptable.

She began to play.

To be honest, she has made great progress. If it wasn't for Zhuang Yuexi and Gu Jinyu, the teachers might have looked at her more.

The first half was flat.

Master Xie hid his face and yawned.

The last student, he picked up the sign of grade D.

Other teachers are sleepy.

But at this time, she suddenly a pluck, tune Shua high up!

This is a song to pour out one's heart. On the night of marriage, the lover was caught on the battlefield, and he hasn't been back for ten years.

Gu Jinyu plays the girl's grief for her lover to the extreme.

The first half of her is also a girl's memory and sorrow, but the style of the second half suddenly changed.

She seemed to know the truth that her lover had not returned for ten years.

She looked across the battlefield.

The melody is no longer the mourning for the lover, but the mourning for the battlefield and the thousands of dead bones. It is a handful of yellow sand buried thousands of souls under the golden age and iron horse!

At last, everyone seemed to see a long sword standing in the setting sun in the desert yellow sand. The handle of the sword was wrapped with a girl's veil.

Everyone's eyes are red, immersed in the huge shock, long time back to God.

Xie Yueshi was the first one to recover. He found himself in tears.

How long has he not heard such a stirring song?

If you want to say that the little girl's piano skill is really not superb, some places can even be said to be green and astringent.

However, it is precisely because of these green and astringent, that the second half of the nearly collapse, no way to go, into the madness of despair.

It's like a tune tailored to her characteristics.

Different from Gu Jinyu's little change, this girl can be said to completely subvert the second half of the paragraph. In contrast, Gu Jinyu's songs are very mean and some of them are not on the table.

Xie Yueshi secretly sighed that even Yueying, the first zither player in the six countries, could not change such a stirring tune.

"What's your name?" she said

She leaned over and said, "Li wanwan."

Xie Yueshi nodded with satisfaction: "the tune has been changed very well."

Li wanwan opened her mouth.


She didn't change it.