The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 157

"What's the matter?" Yao asked.

The little servant girl said anxiously: "the second young lady broke into my son's study and smashed my wife's remains! Now the second young master and the third young master are gone. The third young master is arguing to punish the second young lady! "

Unexpectedly damaged the first lady's relics, the three stepsons are afraid that they don't want to work hard with Jinyu.

Yao's headache: "does the old lady know?"

The little servant girl shook her head: "the old lady is resting. No one dares to wake her up. She should not know."

Yao decided to have a look.

"I'll go with you." Gu Jiao said.

"No, you wait for me here. No, you'd better go back first." Yao didn't want to involve his daughter in the dispute of Hou Fu.

"No harm." Gu Jiao said.

It's busy. You have to go and see it.

Gu Jiao insisted, basically no one can twist, Yao had to take her daughter to Gu Changqing's yard.

Gu Changqing is still practicing his sword in the back mountain. For the time being, there is no news. Only Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin come to the yard.

Yao and Gu Jiao heard Gu Chenglin's roar from afar: "you dare to be tough! Did you do it on purpose? You broke my mother's remains

"I didn't! Third brother, I really don't! You believe me! I didn't break the vase

It was Gu Jinyu's anxious refutation.

Gu Chenglin said: "at that time, there were only you and cousin Narcissus in the room. It wasn't you. Was it cousin Narcissus?"

Gu Chenglin doesn't hate this stepsister, but he likes Ling's sister better.

Two younger sisters choose one, he certainly believed in Ling daffodils!

Yao's ears, about to understand what's going on, she is no longer the former weak breathing bag, she calm, dignified atmosphere into the yard.

As soon as Gu Jinyu saw her, she quickly came over and said wrongly, "mother, I didn't break my wife's vase! It wasn't me! When I went in, the vase was already broken! "

Ling Shuixian hummed coldly: "what do you mean you're broken when you go in! Are you saying... I broke it? I told you not to come with me and not to go into my cousin's study. You won't listen! Well, there's something wrong! "

Gu Jinyu shook his head tearfully: "mother, it's really not me..."

Yao's headache is dead: "what did my mother remind you of? Why don't you just listen to my mother? "

Gu Jinyu cried: "I know it's wrong, but... I didn't break the vase..."

She certainly didn't break the vase.

Gu Jiao has no doubt about this.

As a matter of fact, this event had appeared in his miserable dream of going back to the government.

The difference is that the victim is not Gu Jinyu, but himself in the dream.

After he returned to Hou's house, he didn't have the protection of his mother and brother. In order to better integrate into Hou's house, he spared no expense to please his cousin Ling Shuixian.

Ling daffodils see her so generous, but also embarrassed to ignore her, a happy, took her to Gu Changqing's yard.

She thought she could make friends with her elder brother, but she didn't wait for him. Instead, she waited for Ling Shuixian to frame her up.

Ling Shuixian didn't want to frame her at the beginning. She broke the things in the study by mistake. She lied that she broke them for fear of being disgusted by Gu Changqing.

She was in the same situation as Gu Jinyu at that time. No one believed her!

However, in the dream, what Ling Shuixian knocked over was not an ordinary relic, but the urn of his wife.

You can imagine the anger of Gu Changqing and the whole Houfu.

Even Marquis Gu, who was not in love with his wife, felt that she was too much and his heart was cold for her.

Today, the first time she saw Ling Shuixian when she entered the mansion, she thought of that dream.

She gave Gu Jinyu a chance.

It's Gu Jinyu who doesn't want it.

Well, who's to blame?

Gu Jinyu regretted it. She really regretted it!

If she had known that, she might as well have promised Gu Jiao to see her mother!

Well, the elder brother didn't flatter him, and offended the elder brother, the second brother and the third brother together!

This cousin looks like a dog. Who would have expected to be so shameless!

Now she is the head of the county granted by her majesty. Even if Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin are angry again, they dare not really come up and take the family law to serve her.

But when it got out, she had a bad reputation.

She can't carry the black pot.

Yao protects Gu Jinyu behind him, looks at Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin openly and says, "who broke it? When the Marquis comes back, I'll ask him to check it carefully. Jinyu is not only the daughter of marquis Ding'an, but also the head of the county granted by your majesty. You can't punish her casually! "

Gu Chenglin got up, but no matter what the county leader was, he got up from his wheelchair, gritted his teeth and rushed at Yao.

Yao kept Gu Jinyu in his arms.

Gu Jiao came out faintly and stood in front of Yao.

Gu Chenglin saw the familiar face, and the fear of being dominated by the small black house surged to his head.

He's all set!

Gu Chengfeng quietly looked at his younger brother, and then at Gu Jiao, eyes deep.

Gu Jiao light way: "go."

Gu Jinyu left accompanied by Yao.

"Houfu is not fun at all! My cousin still slanders me! I'll never come again Ling Narcissus was so guilty that she was afraid that she would be forced to ask Gu Changqing for a moment, so she quickly found an excuse and left.

Gu Changqing returned to the courtyard half an hour later.

He was sick, sweating and still pale.

But the bearing does not reduce, the bearing field is also as fierce as ever.

"What's the matter?" He looked at his two silent brothers.

Gu Chenglin falsely accuses Gu Jinyu of breaking a vase for Ling Shuixian. He is really sad. It was his mother's favorite vase. I heard that he peed in it when he was a child.

His mother was so laughing that she hugged him and kissed him again.

In fact, he doesn't remember any of these.

But when people talk about it, he will try his best to construct the scene in his mind.

He felt that his mother was very gentle and loved him, and she was the best mother in the world.

Gu Chenglin wiped his tears.

Gu Jiao beat to half dead, did not shed so many tears.

"It's not my mother's legacy." Gu Changqing said.

"Well?" Gu Chenglin was stunned.

Gu Chengfeng also looks at elder brother strangely.

Gu Changqing sighed: "the vase you peed on has already been buried with your mother. Where do I know you'll cry for the bottle the next day? I've had people imitate one. "

Gu Chenglin

Ma Dan!

Have you cried for so long?

Gu Changqing frowned. It's very strange. This bottle is on the top of duobaoge. How did Ling Shuixian or Gu Jinyu meet it?

He went into the study.

He saw something wrong at once.

On the desk, the urn beside his mother's memorial tablet disappeared.

He turned his head to see that where the vase should have been, there was his mother's urn.

Someone's been here.

Changed his mother's urn and vase.

If not, it would be his mother's urn instead of an imitation vase.

"Who has been in my study?" He called the boy.

"There are only two young masters and two young ladies," he said

It's not them.

They didn't even notice that the urn had been moved.

Did anyone know that the urn would be broken, so they moved it in advance?

Gu Jiao returned to Yao's yard.

Gu Jinyu thought of her grievance in the elder brother's yard, and her eyes turned red involuntarily: "mother, you have to believe me, I really didn't move my elder brother's things. I know that my elder brother's study can't go in casually. I only went in to have a look when I heard a strange voice. I'm worried about my cousin's accident. I didn't expect that my cousin broke the vase herself, and then framed me... "

Yao's face was not very good: "what does it matter if you break it?"? How many times has my mother told you to stay away from your three brothers, or you will have countless troubles. Now it has come true? "

Gu Jiao looks at Gu Jinyu, who is crying with tears, looking indifferent.

Yao added: "today, if it wasn't for your sister, Gu Chenglin would have done something to you! Why are you so stupid to come up to them? "

Gu Jinyu was wronged: "they are my brothers..."

Yao said, "you don't have a brother, only a brother and a sister."

So although it's cruel, why don't those three think so?

Yao added: "in the future, you should not associate with Ling's family any more."

The Ling family is the first wife's family, and they have great prejudice and dissatisfaction with this room.

Gu Jinyu said with tears: "it was my grandmother who asked me to teach my cousin... Today..."

She took a look at Gu Jiao, "if only my sister had been with us, my cousin would have no chance to slander me!"

Yao said, "how can your sister be with you? She just entered the mansion and didn't even know the miss of the Ling family. "

Gu Jinyu said: "my cousin asked me to invite my sister to sit in the pavilion. I went to call my sister, but she refused to..."

Gu Jiao speechless, this is not pull out the excrement strange earth no gravity?

Why didn't she come over when she called her to greet Yao?

What's more, will miss Ling kindly call her?

Gu Jiao was too lazy to argue with her. She didn't care what others thought of her. She picked up the basket and said, "I'll go first."

There are still three patients at home, and Yao is not easy to keep her.

After she left, Yao turned his head and looked at Gu Jinyu, looking very serious: "how can you blame your sister for what happened today? What's wrong with your sister? "

Gu Jinyu was stunned: "I... I didn't..."

Yao said sternly, "your sister has never used a coin or eaten a meal in Hou's mansion. She doesn't need to recognize any relatives in Hou's mansion. Miss Ling calls her, but of course she can't agree!"


Yao had never spoken with Gu Jinyu in such a severe tone. In Gu Jinyu's eyes, Yao was gentle, understanding and even weak.

But now, Yao is getting tough.

Yao said, "don't let me hear these words again. I won't allow you to slander your sister."

Gu Jinyu was slandered, but he was not wronged by this sentence.

Besides my brother, my mother loves her most, doesn't she?

Can Niang now most painful person... Became elder sister.

"Do you think she did it?" After Gu Jinyu left, Yao asked mammy Fang.

Room mammy has inquired clearly, Miss Ling fled, visible is guilty.

But mammy Fang didn't say it. She just sighed: "Oh, how dare you guess? Even if it is the second young lady, it should be unintentional. She is also trying to please the world

Yao's daughter, suddenly a little disappointed.


Xiaojingkong finally found out that her hair had been shaved.

He burst into tears!

I've been keeping my hair for more than half a year... I'll be able to prick it... It's gone!

He's bald again!

Holding his little bald head, he sat on the threshold and cried bitterly: "my hair is gone - bad brother-in-law pays for my hair - bad brother-in-law! Bad brother-in-law! Bad brother-in-law! Pay for my hair -- "

Xiao LIULANG said, "you asked me to shave."

Xiaojingkong cried: "I didn't! I didn't! That's bullshit

That night, Xiao Jingkong was confused. He didn't have any memory, so he believed that he would never give up his beloved little hair. It must be the bad brother-in-law who envied him and shaved his hair while he had a fever!

Xiao LIULANG put out his hand: "I don't believe you ask Jiaojiao for a while."

Gu Jiao is back.

One big and one small are looking at her at the door.

Xiao LIULANG leans on the doorframe helplessly, and xiaojingkong sits on the threshold wrongly.

Gu Jiao faintly felt the breath of a black cloud covering the top.

"This is... What's the matter?" She asked.

"Jiaojiao." Xiaojingkong looked at her very hurt. "The bad brother-in-law said that I was confused that night... He asked me to shave my hair... He also said that you were present... You agreed... You handed the razor to him..."

He was so sad that he wrote all over his face - Jiaojiao, how can you watch others destroy my beloved little hair and give me a knife? Are you still the one who loves me most?

Gu Jiao took a deep breath, touched his poor little bald head, turned her head and said to Xiao LIULANG, "this is your fault. If you shave, how can you still throw the pot to the child?"

Xiao LIULANG on the spot