The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 158

Xiao LIULANG: I'm not good at learning from my aunt. The appraisal is over!

This incident ended with Gu Jiao planting three kisses on xiaojingkong's head.

Xiaojingkong doesn't care to lose his temper with his brother-in-law. He covers his head with his little hands and runs back to the house. He finds a gauze towel to wrap his head and waits for germination!

After their acne completely recovered, they began to go back to Qinghe academy and Guozijian to go to school. Xiao LIULANG and Gu Jiao took care of the three until they asked for leave. Now they can finally return to normal.

The old lady also moved back.

The old sacrificial wine was moved to tears.

Finally moved away!

I will never be chased and robbed with a knife every day!

The old sacrificial wine is an honest and upright official. I haven't saved much money for decades as an official, and I almost let the evil queen rob me.

Where are you going to argue?

Xiao LIULANG asked for leave for many days and left behind a lot of homework. He didn't worry about his homework, but he still had to make up for it. In addition, he was a Gongsheng for the exam next spring, so he was more nervous about his study task.

Feng Lin and Lin Chengye are going to take part in next year's Spring Festival. They have no bottom in their hearts.

In order to let Xiao LIULANG spend more time on his study, Gu Jiao said that from today on, she will pick up Xiao Jingkong.

Several children in xiaojingkong's class are infected with acne. When they ask, they know that the first one to show symptoms is Qin Chuyu.

Xiaojingkong should have been infected by him, and then to his two brothers.

However, Qin Chuyu did not have a small clearance to recover quickly, he is still asking for leave.

There are many children in the class who ask for leave. They leave school early.

In the past, after school, small clearance is in the classroom to do homework, now to the hospital to do homework.

Almost when Qinghe Academy was over, Gu Jiao would take him home.

One day, xiaojingkong was doing his homework in the hospital. The second owner got a box of goat milk cake somewhere. Xiaojingkong ate it and cried out that it was delicious.

Gu Jiao then knew that he had nothing to do with dairy products.

Gu Jiao asked her two owners to buy fresh goat's milk, which she boiled for Xiao Jingkong to drink.

Once I bought too much, but there was half a pot left after xiaojingkong was cooked. Gu Yan and Gu Xiaoshun were not used to it. It was a pity to pour it out.

Gu Jiao thought about it, put some tea and sugar into it, boil out the special smell of milk and tea.

When they passed by the hospital, they were attracted by the special fragrance and asked what it was.

Gu Jiao thought about it and said, "milk tea."

Gu Jiao poured a few glasses for them to taste.

In addition to the bitter tea that was originally brewed, the thousands of gold in the capital have only drunk butter tea. The salty one is also good, but it is not worth mentioning compared with the sweet milk tea.

My God, what kind of fairy taste is this? It's so good. Bam!

"Anything else? Any more? " Asked a daughter.

Gu Jiao shook her head: "today's is gone, if you want to drink, come tomorrow, I'll do more."

The next day the hospital was full.

The second owner who came down from the wing room was a little confused. Are there so many patients today? What's wrong with women's studies?

They're not here to see a doctor. They're here to line up for milk tea.

Gu Jiao is not cheap, but still in short supply.

The degree of the popularity of the two companies stunned.

He said that after opening the hospital for so many years, he never thought that he would suddenly earn money by his sidelines.

However, the cooking method of milk tea is not complicated. I know how to make it after drinking it several times.

Soon the shops nearby began to follow suit, and some of the family cooks would do the same, and the business of the hospital soon fell into the cold.

On this day, xiaojingkong came to the hospital to do his homework.

When he saw the second owner sighing, he put down his pen and asked him, "Why are you sighing?"

"Business is not good." The second owner has just tasted the advantages of selling milk tea. The cost is low and the profit is high. At most, they prepare a warm Pavilion for the thousands of gold and burn more pots of charcoal.

But it hasn't been a few days. Most of the business has been robbed.

The main reason is that people sell it cheaply and their costs can't be reduced because Gu Jiao has to make good use of tea.

The second owner clenched his wrist: "I'm worried about it!"

Xiaojingkong decided to make a field trip.

"Jiaojiao, I want to have a taste, too!"

Children can not drink tea, Gu Jiao really only let him taste a small mouthful.

It's delicious!

Small clearance Jiaojiao formula is completely no problem Da!

Xiao Jingkong went to the warm pavilion with a serious face and a small hand on his back.

He was going to ask why the other little sisters didn't come. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a young lady lying on the table.

"What's the matter with you? Do you have a stomachache? " Xiaojingkong asked her.

"It's not a stomachache, it's a headache!" she said

The homework left by the teacher is too difficult. She can't do it!

Xiao Jingkong climbed onto the stool and looked at the question of his little sister. It seemed that his parents had given him a question. Jiaojiao could do it!

Xiaojingkong takes the title to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao is cooking pills.

Xiaojingkong holds the paper in his hand: "Jiaojiao! I can't do the above questions. Please help me to do it. I'll see for myself after I finish it! "

"Good." Gu Jiao took the problem of small clearance over.

It's all arithmetic.

There are also many arithmetic problems in the child prodigy class, and the difficulty is not low.

Gu Jiao did not doubt that there was him, took a piece of new white paper, and made it for Xiao Jingkong with a charcoal pen.

Xiaojingkong never copied the answers. He always covered the answers after he had a look at them. If he couldn't, he would learn more.

His reputation is good, Gu Jiao did not stare at him.

Xiaojingkong took the question paper and answer paper back to the wing room: "here, the answer!"

That girl doesn't believe that a child can get the answer. It's probably his own painting.

But he has also drawn blind paintings, and he can't do it by himself.

The little girl turned her lips and copied the answer.

When I handed in my homework the next day, there were only three people who were all right. One was Gu Jinyu, the other was Zhuang Yuexi, and the other was her!

The little girl, surnamed Yu, also came in through the back door. She competed with Zhuang Mengdie in turn for the last place in her class. She was never praised so much by the master!

Of course, she was not the kind of person who ate alone. She immediately told her classmates what she could do next door.

So in the afternoon, once again, the doctor's office was full of cold days.

Little smart guy, Jingkong, rushes out of the hospital and looks at all of you who are trying to compete with them for milk tea business!

Ho ho, you can imitate Jiao Jiao's formula, but you can't imitate Jiao Jiao's IQ!


Yao hasn't seen her daughter and son for several days. She is very worried. But recently, aunt Ling has been robbed of her power, and it's up to her to manage the new year.

She was so busy that she couldn't get away.

"Madam, there's someone from the Yao family!" Mammy Fang came in to report.

Yao put down his half ordered list and said strangely, "who's coming?"

"Uncle and sister Xin."

It's Yao yuan and Yao Xin.

Yao yuan is Yao's brother and Yao Xin is his daughter.

Yao moved to the hot spring villa, and his family had not seen each other for ten years.

Yao yuan has changed a lot. He has gone through many vicissitudes. He is a few years younger than Marquis Gu, but he looks older than Marquis Gu.

Yao Xin is graceful and graceful, she has one or two points like Yao between the eyebrows, can be regarded as a full beauty embryo.

In contrast, Yao's appearance has not changed much, she is still beautiful, but a little more capable and precipitation in temperament.

"Yao er..." Yao yuan was too excited to speak.

"Brother, come in and sit down." Yao's eldest brother and Yao Xin to warm Pavilion, let people on the tea, "you all back down, room mammy stay."

"Yes." The servant girls came out.

Mammy Fang wiped her tears, and there was obviously a trace of tears of joy.

She is Yao's companion. She came from Yao's family at the beginning.

"Sister Fang hasn't changed either." Yao Yuan said with a smile.

"I'm old!" Mother Fang choked.

Yao's eyes fell on the little girl who was slightly embarrassed behind Yao yuan. She said in a warm voice, "sister Xin is so big. I remember when I left, she was still a little girl. Is she nearly hairpin?"

Yao Xin is afraid to speak.

Distant back to pull her: "aunt asked you words!"

Yao Xin shyly said: "after the spring and hairpin."

Yao waved to her: "come and sit down and have something to eat."

Yao Xin looked back at her father and saw that Yao yuan nodded. Then she came to Yao's side carefully, sat down, picked up a piece of cake from Yao and ate it carefully.

Yao Xin is still the first to come back to Houfu when she is so old.

During the ten years when Yao was not in the family, Yao's family didn't come and walk around. They only sent something to Gu Jinyu on New Year's day, and Marquis Gu would send a gift back to Yao's family.

Yao Xin thinks the Houfu is really big, and her aunt's yard is really magnificent!

The dim sum is also exquisite, Yao's cook can't make it!

"Aunt, is sister Jinyu here?" Yao Xin asked.

Yao said: "she went to the women's school, not at home."

"Oh." Yao Xin is envious.

She also wanted to go to school, but her grandmother and parents only let her brother go to school.

Yao Shi looked at mammy Fang: "mammy Fang, you take sister Xin to the garden."

The landscape of Marquis's residence in Ding'an is also well-known in the whole capital.

Besides, she also understood that the elder brother had something to say to herself.

"Yes! madam! Miss watch, please follow me Mammy Fang takes Yao Xin out of the yard.

There was no one else in the room, Yao no longer made a warm and hospitable appearance, light asked: "big brother suddenly came to see me, what's the matter?"

Yao yuan opened his mouth and said with a dry smile, "I just came to see you. When you go back to the capital, you don't go back to your mother's home to have a look. Jinyu's hairpin ceremony doesn't send a message to your mother's home. They all say that you are ashamed of Yao's family. I know that's not the case. Sister, are you still blaming us for what happened in those years? "

Yao took a sip of tea and said, "don't mention the past. Why don't I go back to Yao's house and let Yao's family not come to Jinyu's hairpin ceremony? Elder brother knows better than anyone. Just think I don't like Yao's house. "

Yao Yuan said bitterly, "it was wrong for us to break up your good marriage and marry you into Hou's house."

Before he married Marquis Gu, Yao actually had a marriage. The other family was not as good as Marquis Ding'an's. Therefore, when Marquis Gu came to ask for marriage, the Yao family gave up the marriage without saying a word.

They did not dare to tell Marquis Gu or Yao about it.

Yao yuan knew that his younger sister almost ran away with that man in those years. He caught his younger sister himself, and he had the man's leg broken.

Yao yuan: "parents are also for Yao family..."

Yao: "it's a pity that you didn't expect me to help the Yao family. I married a daughter in vain."

Yao yuan choked.

you 're right.

After her sister got married, she immediately drew a line with her mother's family. Even before her father died, she didn't see her last face.

But no wonder my sister can't catch up with her in Chuang Tzu.

He said to himself, "sister, all the mistakes in those years were the fault of the elder brother. The elder brother didn't protect you and didn't stand on your side against your parents. If you want to blame the elder brother!"

If anyone else in the Yao family can talk to Yao, it should be Yao yuan.

Yao yuan is very fond of his sister. The reason why he plays mandarin duck is not to extract any benefits from Yao. He just feels that the man is not worthy of his sister.

He thought that his younger sister would become a master after she married into Hou's house.

But I don't know that he personally pushed his sister into the fire pit.

He said sadly, "my father is very sorry before he dies. If I can see my sister one day, I will say sorry for him. And Niang, she also knows that she made a mistake in those years, she has changed, can you forgive her? She's not very well. I'm afraid time is running out... "


Mammy Fang takes Yao Xin around Hou's house. Yao Xin is an eye opener. She knows that her aunt married a rich family, but she didn't expect it to be so big!

When Yao Xin returns to Yao's yard, Yao yuan gets up and leaves.

Yao asked someone to prepare a gift for them, and Yao Xin was given a ruby face.

Yao Xin likes it very much.

But Yao yuan refused.

He didn't come to ask for anything. He really came to ask for his sister's forgiveness.

After the two left, Yao sat by the window and sighed: "mammy Fang, do you think I should go back?"

Mother Fang comforted her: "where is the hatred that can't be dispelled? The old lady wants to see her two children before she dies. Take the eldest lady and the young master to see her for the last time. She is not only your mother-in-law, but also your grandmother. "

She first went to the hospital and asked Gu Jiao: "I'm not trying to force you to recognize a grandmother. I've heard that she's going to die soon. You're good at medicine. I hope you can go and have a look for her."

Gu Jiao has no problem.

If Gu Yan has no class tomorrow, he can go there.

When Yao waited for Gu Jinyu to learn, she knew that Gu Jinyu would have no class tomorrow.

Gu Jinyu was sorry to say: "mother, I promised the lady to go to the Palace tomorrow to see her, can I go to see my grandmother another day?"

It will be another year.

Yao Shi wants to say that it doesn't matter if she doesn't go there once.

Before opening his mouth, Gu Jinyu said cleverly, "if you don't want me to go there first, I'll go into the palace and invite an for my aunt to go there."