The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 156

Gu Changqing cold face, take medicine bowl, give Gu Yan gently feed medicine.

Gu Changqing is the eldest brother. He has two younger brothers under him. Although he is not much older than them, who let his mother go early? His stepmother went through the door again. His father only had his stepmother and her two children in his eyes.

Some things can't be given by the servants, so he is still experienced in taking care of his two younger brothers.

Of course, Gu Yan is different from Gu Chengfeng and Gu Chenglin. He is so weak that he must be careful, just like a baby cat.

Gu Yan, in a daze, tasted the bitter taste, and with disgust, pushed the spoon out with his tongue.

The medicine spilled a few drops on the back of Gu Changqing's hand.

Gu Changqing was not upset. He sat down beside the bed, lifted Gu Yan up and put a pillow behind him.

He took another spoon to feed Gu Yan.

Gu Yan turned his face and tilted his head on the pillow.

Gu Changqing should not be too experienced in dealing with such small things. There are preserves on the table. He took one and fed it to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan licks it. It's sweet. He wants to eat it when he opens his mouth. As a result, Gu Changqing extends the spoon and feeds him the medicine.

Caught off guard, Gu Yan, who was fed a mouthful of medicine, opened his eyes wide and looked confused!

When Gu Chenglin was a child, Gu Changqing also gave him medicine in this way. He also had this small expression. However, from his heart, Gu Chenglin was not as cute as Gu Yan.

Gu Yan was very hot, his cheeks were red, and his head was curled up.

Gu Chenglin couldn't help thinking of the little silly roe deer he saw when he went hunting.

I'm afraid I will never be able to face the total prey of silly roe deer.

Gu Yan was a little confused when he saw that Gu Changqing didn't respond for a while. He thought he was dreaming. Then Gu Changqing finished feeding the medicine.

Gu Changqing rewarded him with a candied fruit.

He didn't eat, he held it in his hand.

Gu Changqing did not understand: "why not eat?"

Gu Yan said wrongly, "if I wake up and the candied fruit is still there, I know I'm not dreaming."

He had a bad cough, and his voice was hoarse. This sentence came out of his mouth, and his grievance could be recognized without looking at his eyes.

Is it because I didn't come to see him these days?

Gu Changqing was dumb for a long time.

You don't know anything yet.

If one day you knew that I was the big brother who ignored you, hated you and let you be bullied by others when I was a child, you would never say that again.

You don't want to see me, either.

Not waiting for me.

Gu Changqing looks at Gu Yan again. Gu Yan has fallen asleep on the pillow.

He pulled the quilt to cover him, and intended to leave. But as soon as he moved, he found that Gu Yan's hand was holding his sleeve tightly.

Gu Changqing stared at the hand for a long time, sighed helplessly, and sat back on the stool.

This night, Gu Yan was very hot. He had heart disease and couldn't take antipyretic medicine.

Gu Jiao put an ice bag on his forehead, and took two quilts to freeze outside. When the quilts were frozen into ice blanket, she took them into the room to wrap Gu Yan.

Gu Yan does not obediently wrap ice blanket, Gu Changqing even people with quilt into the arms.

The temperature is just right for Gu Yan. For normal people, it's like holding a big ice cube. Gu Changqing's lips are white with cold.

At daybreak, Gu Yan's high fever finally dropped completely, and there was no recurrence.

Gu Changqing dragged his numb and stiff body back to the mansion.

Gu Yan is the most dangerous of the three children. He's OK. Basically everyone is OK.

Yao once came to know that her three children were ill. She was so anxious that Gu Jiao didn't allow her to enter the room.

Today, Gu Jiao tidied up and decided to go to Hou's house to report Yao's safety.

Today's weather is good, there is no wind, the sun is very big, fall on the body warm.

The servants in the house almost knew her identity, but they didn't dare to stop her. She went in from the main door.

Yao's courtyard is really partial. He has to go through the second entrance gate, the waterside pavilion garden and around half of the mansion.

When Gu Jiao came to the waterside pavilion garden, she heard a melodious sound of the zither. It was very similar to the song that harassed her for half an afternoon in the hospital that day.

It's just a little smoother, and the sound quality of Guqin is purer.

"Sister Jinyu, you play very well."

In the pavilion with rolling curtains, a girl in pink looked at Gu Jinyu sincerely and praised him.

Gu Jinyu stroked the string and looked at the girl gently: "when you learn, you can play it very well."

"But how can I learn?" sighed the girl

Gu Jinyu said with a smile: "when you enter the women's school, you will be able to learn. All the teachers in the women's school are the best teachers in the country of Quan Zhao. They are much better than the teacher they invited at home."

The girl took Gu Jinyu's arm and said affectionately, "that cousin wants to help me!"

Just now, she was Jinyu's elder sister. Now she has changed her tongue.

Gu Jinyu patted her hand: "don't worry, as long as you are willing to learn, I will teach you well."

Gu Jiao has no intention of eavesdropping on their conversation. It's really... It's too quiet here. They didn't lower their voices at all.

Gu Jiao knew the girl. Her name was Ling Shuixian, and she was the granddaughter of Ling's direct nephew. She was a month younger than Gu Yan.

I came back here to live for a long time. One is to be filial to old lady Gu. The other is to ask Gu Jinyu for advice. I hope she can help me pass the entrance examination for girls in the new year.

Mrs. Gu was very fond of her niece and granddaughter. She had the idea of making up her with Gu Changqing and agreed to live in her house.

As for whether she can get into the women's school or not, it's not in Mrs. Gu's worry.

But Gu Jinyu tutored her seriously. Even in the face of old lady Gu, old lady Gu was very helpful and loved her more and more.

"Why? Who is that? "

Gu Jiao has no intention of making friends with Ling daffodils, but she can't stand it. Ling daffodils notice Gu Jiao.

No way, Gu Jiao even if not by that face, a clear temperament is also too eye-catching.

Gu Jinyu let people beat the curtain, looked at Gu Jiao and said, "that's my sister."

"Your sister?" Ling Shuixian frowned, "which sister are you? Why don't I know you? "

Gu Jinyu wry smile: "Yan Er's twin sister."

"She." Ling Shuixian suddenly realized that she had heard such important gossip as the watch Lady of the Marquis's residence in Ding'an.

She has long been curious about what the cousin who grew up in the countryside would look like. Today, I'm not disappointed!

"It's too unruly. I don't even wear a veil when I go out. I can't feel that I've lost the face of the Marquis's office when I show up in public!"

For example, when she comes to her uncle's house, she will let the curtain down when she sits in the pavilion, so as not to damage the reputation of the girl's family.

Gu Jinyu said with a smile: "cousin, don't say that. My sister has suffered a lot in the countryside. It's also life's pressure to appear in public."

Ling Shuixian suddenly asked, "did she really feed pigs?"

"Ah?" Gu Jinyu was stunned.

Ling Shuixian said in disgust: "how dirty it is!"

Ling Shuixian doesn't hate Gu Jiao. She just looks down on Gu Jiao. She doesn't like Yao. Yao's child has been raised in the countryside for more than ten years. Who knows what kind of grass bag she has been cultivated?

And that face, my God, what a big birthmark!

Ugly to death!

Ling Shuixian sneered: "I heard that she used to be a fool? Is she stupid now? "

Gu Jinyu said with a smile: "my sister's silly disease has been cured. My cousin, don't say that again. Let's go and say hello to my sister."

Ling Shuixian said, "I'm not going. I want to go, you go!"

Gu Jinyu must be going. With so many servants watching, she can't be rude to her sister.

She walked out of the pavilion and came to Gu Jiao. She called her sister affectionately, and then said: "there's cousin Narcissus over there. Would you like to come and sit with us

"No more." Gu Jiao refused.

Gu Jinyu was not surprised at all, but still asked her to stay with a smile: "it's OK to sit for a while."

"No Gu Jiao still refused.

Gu Jinyu lowered her eyes and lowered her voice: "let's go and get busy. Jinyu won't disturb her."

Gu Jiao walks away.

After a few steps, she didn't know what she thought. She looked back at Gu Jinyu and said, "I'm going to see my wife. Do you want to come with me?"

This is the first time that Gu Jiao has invited Gu Jinyu.

Gu Jinyu was stunned.

Her wife must be her mother.

Is that what she calls her mother?

And why did she suddenly ask her to go with her?

It's rare for her to take the initiative and rationally tell Gu Jinyu that this is a good time to repair the relationship with her. If her mother sees her with her sister, she will be very happy.

But that means she has to leave Narcissus.

Gu Xiaoshun is Mrs. Gu's flesh and blood, and her three brothers in the house all love her very much. If they make friends with her, Mrs. Gu and her brothers will treat themselves differently.

Finally, Gu Jinyu chose the latter between Yao and Gu Shuixian.

Mother coax not coax is the same love her, brothers there is the need for her continuous efforts.

"I'm sorry, sister. I just promised my cousin Narcissus that I would tutor her. I'll go to you and my mother after tutoring." She said sincerely.

Gu Jiao didn't say anything. She turned and left.

Gu Jinyu returned to the pavilion.

Ling Shuixian asked, "what did you say to her for so long?"

Gu Jinyu said softly, "she told me to go to my mother's side. I thought, I'll give you a tutorial before I go."

Ling Shuixian is very satisfied with Gu Jinyu's choice.

Just at this time, Mrs. Gu's confidant in the yard came with a food box. She gave them a gift: "Miss Biao, this is the medicine you ordered your servants to boil for your son. Do you think it's the old slave who sent it for you, or did you send it in person?"

Gu Changqing is ill.

He has always been in good health, but three days ago he didn't know what was going on. When he came back, he fell ill.

Mrs. Gu immediately informed her mother's family to let Ling Shuixian live in the house. She said that she was filial to her. In fact, she was looking for an opportunity to be courteous to Gu Changqing.

This medicine was not ordered by Gu Shuixian. It was prepared by old lady Gu. What she said was to remind Ling Shuixian to take the medicine and take care of him!

Ling Narcissus likes big cousin very much. How can she not understand Mrs. Gu's arrangement?

"Give it to me, I'll send it myself!"

She took the box.

After thinking about it, he said to Gu Jinyu, "do you want to go to see elder brother with me?"

Gu Jinyu's eyes brightened.

Elder brother has been ill for several days. She wants to visit her for a long time, but she can't get into elder brother's yard.

Sure enough, it's right to refuse Gu Jiao just now. The chance to please big brother comes so soon!

They went to Gu Changqing's yard.

Unfortunately, Gu Changqing went to Houshan to practice his sword.

When the old Marquis was still in his residence, he was never allowed to slack off because he was ill.

He is an unfortunate child who has a high fever and has to practice martial arts and sword.

Ling Shuixian decided to wait for him in the yard.

After waiting for Gu Changqing to come back for a long time, Ling Narcissus could not sit down and began to walk around the yard.

She is Miss Hou Fu's cousin. The old lady and the three young masters all love her very much. People dare not say anything about her. They just remind her not to go to my son's study.

But he might as well not remind.

Ling daffodils just went.

As soon as she went in, there was a loud bang from her study.

Gu Jinyu's face changed and quickly went to the study: "cousin! Are you ok? "


In the yard, Yao met his daughter.

She took her daughter's hand and sat down on the Kang of the warm Pavilion.

"You're thin." She said painfully.

Take care of three patients, eat not good, sleep not good, Gu Jiao really a little thin.

"Are they all right?" Yao asked.

"No problem." Gu Jiao said.

Three small patients are all alive, but still infectious, so Gu Jiao still let them stay at home.

Yao's heart down: "thanks to you, otherwise with Yan Er's body, I'm afraid this disease can't be carried down."

Gu Yan's body even suffered a little cold, not to mention pox.

Yao understood that her daughter had made countless efforts to make her son ten times healthier than before in places she couldn't see.

This time, it must be the daughter's care that makes her son recover so quickly.

Gu Jiao wants to talk but stops.

Mother and daughter talk, suddenly a small servant girl look in a hurry: "madam, miss, not good! There's something wrong with miss two! "