The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 102

Zhou Guanshi said: "after thinking about it all night last night, Zhou felt that the request he made with Xiao brother was too much. As the saying goes, the master leads us in, and the cultivation is personal. Whether our childe can be promoted or not depends on his own fortune, but we really want to ask brother Xiao for advice! My master has said that as long as young master Xiao is willing to go to the provincial capital, everything else will be easy to discuss! "

Gu Jiao looked at him: "that is to say, it's not bad for us to fail the exam?"

"Not bad, not bad!" said Zhou

Gu Jiao: "silver?"

Zhou Guanshi: "take care of it! Give it to the provincial capital! Never break your promise

Gu Jiao said, "you can go and talk to my husband directly."

Zhou Guanshi was helpless and said, "why didn't you go? But Xiao is not willing to talk to us any more! I hope lady Xiao will sell a favor to Zhou. Take the silver first, and Chengdu will be yours! "

Gu Jiao took the brocade box from his hands and said coldly, "it doesn't matter if silver is not silver. It's mainly because I want you to be busy."

Zhou Guanshi

Can you stop talking about greed

Zhou Guanshi thanks a lot. Gu Jiao emphasizes that she is only a messenger, not a lobbyist.

Steward Zhou was smiling: "it's natural! It's natural

Gu Jiao returns to the village with silver and small clearance.

She counted it, five hundred taels.

It costs a lot of money.

That night, after school, Gu Jiao told Xiao LIULANG about her meeting with Zhou Guanshi in the daytime. She didn't hide a word, and she didn't add anything to it.

Xiao LIULANG frowned after hearing this. Of course, he didn't blame Gu Jiao for meeting Zhou Guanshi, but he didn't expect Zhou Guanshi to find his own home.

He said: "if someone comes to the door again in the future, don't leave with others easily. The steward Zhou I met this time is not difficult, but just in case... "

Gu Jiao looked at him with a smile: "you seem to be worried about something, will someone come to you?"

Xiao LIULANG opened his mouth and said, "I just want you to be more careful."

"I see." Gu Jiao smiles, then looks at a box of silver on the table and says, "what are you going to do about the Lin family?"

Xiao LIULANG knows the situation of the Lin family, which is the same as Zhou Guanshi. If there is no one who can be an official in the family, no one will be able to protect the Lin family in 30 years.

Of course, the Lin family can buy officials, but the officials they bought are not big enough, and no one dares to sell them to the Lin family. Therefore, the imperial examination is the only way out for the Lin family.

It's said that master Lin is turning himself into a pig in order to have more useful sons.

Xiao LIULANG pondered for a moment and said, "if you don't force the result, it's OK to go there."

After all, it's two thousand taels of silver.

Gu Jiao also thinks that it is feasible. The provincial capital is far away from the Fu city. If the local examination had to start more than a month in advance, it's hard to say whether she could find a suitable place to settle down there.

It would be much more convenient to live in Linfu.

And go early, also can adapt to acclimatization early, also can wait for work with ease.

Gu Jiao asked, "will you delay your homework?"

"No," said Xiao LIULANG

Gu Jiao remembers that the president said that Xiao LIULANG was a very intelligent man, but he didn't want to go to Beijing for the exam. It's not necessarily a bad thing to let him walk around.

Gu Jiao nodded: "that's settled."

Xiao LIULANG: "well."

Originally thought to go to Lin's so finalized, but that night, Gu Jiao had a dream.

She dreamt that Xiao LIULANG agreed to take charge of Zhou and went to the provincial capital under the escort of Zhou and Lin's bodyguard.

The Lin family really sincerely asked for advice, and they didn't plan to play any tricks. This time, it's safe to say, but people are not as good as nature. On the way, Xiao LIULANG and his party caught up with a ten-year rainstorm.

Xiao LIULANG's post station is flooded, and his party is washed away by the flood. Xiao LIULANG holds a driftwood, but his life is saved, but he is seriously ill. When Zhou Guanshi and others find him and bring him back to the Lin family, he has already taken off his skin.

Fortunately, they set out early. Even if they had been delayed for such a long time, it was still two months before the local examination.

While Xiao LIULANG was in the Lin family, he was tutoring Lin Liuzi.

Lin Liuzi is a man of good character. His head is not very smart. He is diligent and persistent. Xiao LIULANG gets along well with him.

However, a big event happened near the local examination: one of the Lin family's cousins came to live in Lin's house and was the niece and daughter of the Lin family's mother.

The watch girl fell in love with Xiao LIULANG at first sight.

Xiao LIULANG or the lame let people take a fancy to him. We can see how bad this man looks.

It's just that he is a girl with a head and a face, and he can't recommend himself as soon as he comes up. It happens that Mr. Lin Liuzi is in cold weather.

Miss Biao made a plan and lobbied her aunt: "my cousin can't pass the exam, so I'd better let Xiao LIULANG take the exam instead of my cousin. My cousin writes his name, and he writes his cousin's name. In this way, he has a better chance of winning than his cousin

Miss Biao said to her aunt that she was willing to be Xiao LIULANG's concubine in return.

Mrs. Lin is from here. What's wrong with her? It's just that it's really in my heart.

Although the sixth childe was not born by her, it was related to the future of the whole Lin family, and Mrs. Lin agreed.

Xiao LIULANG severely refused, but also denounced the two.

Mrs. Lin is holding the attitude of having a try. If she can't, it's OK.

However that watch young lady is a ruthless role, unexpectedly in a rage gave Xiao LIULANG under the medicine!

To be fair, the beauty of that watch girl is not bad, even beautiful, but even so, Xiao LIULANG also with strong willpower to overcome the nature of aphrodisiac.

But he also fell ill from then on.

After waking up, Gu was so spoiled!

What's a messy watch lady who has hit Xiao LIULANG with a bad idea? What good fortune did he and the rest of his life suffer by such a mean way!

And it's not his blessing!

Who can bear it!

It seems that this forest house is a must.

That watch young lady is a frequent visitor of Lin house. As long as Xiao LIULANG lives in, no matter how careful she is, she will meet her.

It's light. Gu Yan and the old lady are still sleeping in their respective rooms. Gu Jiao sits in the main room and has breakfast with Xiao LIULANG and Xiao Jingkong.

Xiaojingkong is the first to finish eating, and then he goes back to Westinghouse to pack his book bag.

Gu Jiao took a sip of porridge and hesitated how to talk to him.

When he got up early in the morning, he packed up his luggage. Gu Jiao looked at the two bags on the chair with delicate eyes.

"That..." she said calmly, "I thought about the Lin family. Do you want to reconsider it?"

"What's the matter?" Xiao LIULANG looks at her in a puzzled way.

Gu Jiao zhengse way: "you go so long, how to do at home?"

Xiao LIULANG Leng Leng: "our family does not farm."

Gu Jiao continued to be serious: "it's not farming, but there are old people and young people. It's hard for me to take care of them alone! Occasionally I need to go up the mountain! "

Xiao LIULANG was puzzled. He didn't seem to help at home. He didn't do much work at all, mainly because she finished all the work. Normally speaking, she is more relaxed when he is not at home

Gu Jiao: "I can't always trouble Xue Ningxiang!"

Xiao LIULANG: "how about... A servant girl?"

Now the family can afford a servant girl. He's a man. It's not convenient under the eaves, but if he's not there, there won't be any doubt.

Gu Jiao: "I'm not used to strangers living at home."

This still can't persuade Xiao LIULANG. After all, she first expressed her wish that he would go to the provincial capital yesterday.

Gu Jiao also understood, so she took another dose of Medicine: "and I heard Gu Yan say that the Lin family has a lot of beautiful gold. Who knows if you're going there to make trouble and find some younger sisters for me."

Gu Yan is the son of the Hou family. He is well-informed. It's not surprising that he has heard about the Lin family.

Moreover, Xiao LIULANG would not go to Gu Yan to verify whether he had instilled some strange ideas into his sister.

Xiao LIULANG looked at Gu Jiao deeply: "so you are jealous?"

Gu Jiao: I can say, can't I?

Xiao LIULANG scooped a spoonful of millet porridge: "I know, I won't go."

no So easy to talk?

Gu Jiao took a small look at him: "in fact, I just casually mentioned that the decision is up to you... Two thousand taels of silver, do you really not hurt?"

Xiao LIULANG said quietly: "it seems that you are more painful."

Gu Jiao said: "this, so obvious?"

Then she said, "in fact, it doesn't matter if silver is not silver. The main thing is to save a young man who is angry and strong. Forget it. It's no use saying that now. "

How can I earn the money if I don't go to the Lin family?

Xiao LIULANG took a look at her and pretended nothing happened. He was afraid that he didn't know that his little mouth had already pouted so high that he could hang a pot of oil.

Xiao LIULANG and Xiao Jingkong went to town. He first sent Xiao Jingkong to a private school, and then went to Tianxiang Academy.

Steward Zhou has been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Xiao LIULANG, he welcomed him with a smile: "how is Xiao Xiucai thinking?"

Xiao LIULANG said lightly: "I can teach you, but I have a condition."

Zhou Guanshi was overjoyed: "don't say a condition! Ten will do! "

Xiao LIULANG said, "I'm not going to the provincial capital. If your son really asks for advice, he will come here. I'll arrange for him to go to the academy and share the same class and table with me."

Steward Zhou opened his mouth: "ah... This... How about I add some more silver?"

Xiao LIULANG said, "it's no use adding gold to you. I'll teach you when people come. If you can't, you'll ask someone else."