The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 101

In order to prove his identity, the young man also took out a token of his mansion.

It's not a bronze card, it's an iron card with a pattern.

Gu Jiao hasn't been here long. She usually comes into contact with villagers and seldom deals with big families. But she also knows that such token has a very strict control system in Zhao state.

Ordinary families can only use wooden cards, then fish bone cards, only officials can use iron cards.

But behind the iron plate of the official body is the emblem of the Zhao government, which is obviously not.

Then there is only one possibility. Although the other party is not an official, it may even be bigger than an official.

"Jiaojiao?" Xiaojingkong looks at Gu Jiao with a puzzled face. He is still small and seems to not understand what this is.

Gu Jiao touched his little head and said to the young man, "OK, I'll go with you." Then he said to Xiao Jingkong, "go to find my aunt."

"No, no!" Xiaojingkong shakes his head like a rattle. He has been studying in a private school these days. He has no time to play with Jiaojiao. It's not easy for him to have a holiday. He wants to become Jiaojiao's little tail!

Gu Jiao looked at his big black eyes full of expectation, and finally did not refuse: "good."

The young man said with a smile, "please!"

Gu Jiao went to the next door to explain to Xue Ningxiang, and asked her to take care of the family. Then she and Xiao Jingkong got into the carriage prepared by the young man, and the young man followed him.

The carriage soon arrived at the only tea house in the town.

The owner of this tea house is from the provincial capital. It's said that he has come from many places. On weekdays, all the people who come to visit him are dignitaries in the town. However, today, the tea house is empty. It seems that he has been wrapped up.

The other side is really big.

Gu Jiao and Xiao Jingkong are led into an elegant and unique room by the youth.

The young man gave his servants tea and refreshments.

He seems to be very attentive to Gu Jiao. If ordinary people are afraid that he is already a little adroit, but Gu Jiao is very calm.

As the saying goes, she can't afford to be served like this.

The young man said, "Lady Xiao, please wait a moment. I'm going to invite manager Zhou to come here."

Gu Jiao gave a hum.

In fact, the youth's politeness to him is superficial. Gu Jiao can feel his contempt, but Gu Jiao doesn't insist. Some people are blind when they are young. It's his loss, not her.

Young people really did not see a small village woman in their eyes, especially Gu Jiao was so ugly, so he even despised her.

But the steward told him that he must be polite to the lady of the scholar, and there must be no slightest contempt.

The young man turned to take charge of his own house.

Zhou Guanshi came quickly.

In the end, the person who can be in charge, his expression management is much better than the youth, at least the smile on his face looks very sincere.

Xiaojingkong took a plate of snacks on the table and handed it to xiaojingkong: "go to play in the yard for a while, I'll talk about something with people."

"Well, good!" Xiaojingkong jumped down from the wooden stool, took the snack plate and went out.

With the window open, Gu Jiao can have a panoramic view of the whole courtyard.

Xiaojingkong sat down on a small stone stool, shaking his short legs while eating. About is to notice Gu Jiao is looking at him, he turns head, blunt Gu Jiao sweet smile!

Gu Jiao also smile, he is happy to fly up, continue to eat snacks.

Zhou steward patiently waited for the sister and brother to interact before stepping forward. He arched his hand to Gu Jiao: "Zhou has seen lady Xiao."

Gu Jiao didn't get up to meet him, and she was not flattered. She only nodded, and she was calm.

Zhou Guanshi was a little surprised. He looked at Gu Jiao up and down, as if she was just an ordinary village girl in terms of dress and appearance. Even because of her disabled appearance, she should be more self abased and embarrassed than an ordinary woman.

However, instead of being like this, she gives people the illusion of being unattainable.

Zhou Guanshi calmed down and said to Gu Jiao, "Lady Xiao, I'm from the Lin family in the provincial capital. Have you heard of the Lin family?"

"Never." Gu Jiaoyan said simply and comprehensively.

Steward Zhou is surprised. Is this girl a local? How come you haven't heard of the Lin family? The Lin family is the local emperor in Youzhou. Even the herdsmen in Youzhou have to give the Lin family three points of face.

The Lin family came from salt transportation. In the early days, they sold private salt and set up their own salt gang. The imperial court sent troops to attack the salt gang. As a result, both sides were defeated. Later, the Imperial Court adopted the recruitment policy and incorporated the salt gang.

Although it was incorporated, the salt gang was still managed by the Lin family, but the money from the salt transportation was shared equally with the imperial court.

Moreover, the salt gang can no longer bully the common people and plunder the people's wealth. If necessary, it has to help the imperial court to eliminate the water bandits.

Zhou Guanshi roughly explained the origin of the Lin family, and then began to wait for Gu Jiao to be surprised.

As a result, Gu Jiao is still calm.

Is this girl stupid?

It's better to be a fool.

The manager of Zhou Xiaoxiao said to Gu Jiao, "this time I came to Qingquan Town, I'm really attracted to it. Little brother Xiao hasn't congratulated lady Xiao on his entrance examination. This is a gift. Please accept it. "

As he spoke, he winked at the servants outside.

A maid carrying a heavy box into.

After putting the box on the table, steward Zhou waved his hand to let the servant girl back.

Steward Zhou opened the box to reveal the silver in it.

Gu Jiao's eyes fell on those silver spindles and asked blandly, "Zhou Guanshi has something to say."

When the countrymen saw so much silver, they were so calm. Steward Zhou was more and more puzzled about this lady Xiao, but he didn't show it on his face. He said with a smile, "Lady Xiao is really a pleasant person. To tell you the truth, Xiao won the county examination and the government examination, and made great achievements. After reading his article, my master appreciated Xiao's talent and wanted to invite him to visit Lin's family in the provincial capital. "

Gu Jiao is not in a hurry.

Zhou Guanshi then said: "my master is really making friends with Xiao Xiaoxiao, and I'd like to ask lady Xiao to make it convenient."

Gu jiaodan said: "why don't you go to him directly? Or did you look for it, but he turned it down? "

Zhou Guanshi chokes.

Gu Jiao said: "it seems that she refused."

After that, Gu Jiao got up and left.

Zhou is in a daze.

Is it so crisp? Not even a bargaining opportunity? Or is it not a woman? No, it's not personal?

Zhou Guanshi quickly stopped her: "Lady Xiao! Miss Xiao, please stay! But do you think Zhou's sincerity is not enough? These factors are just gifts. Everything is easy to discuss! "

Gu Jiao is still unmoved.

Zhou Guanshi caught up with her and said with a big sweat: "seeing that there are not many days left for the local examination, Xiao brothers are going to the provincial capital. It's better to live in the provincial capital first! Our Lin family will do everything well for brother Xiao! "

The day of the local examination is really near.

Gu Jiao paused and looked back at him: "what does he need to do? The roll shop covers the past and leaves after the exam? "

"Ah..." steward Zhou was choked by Gu Jiao's outspokenness, and almost couldn't answer the question, "well, my son is going to have a local examination, and I'd like to ask brother Xiao to talk a little bit about my son's lessons during his stay here."

Gu Jiao murmured: "it turned out to be a teacher, but since he has refused..."

"No, no! He didn't refuse! "

Gu Jiao looks at him strangely.

"To be exact, what he refused was not the request I just made," Zhou said

It turns out that when steward Zhou went to Tianxiang academy to find Xiao LIULANG, he told Xiao LIULANG that as long as Xiao LIULANG guaranteed that the Lin family would pass the examination, his master would reward him with two thousand taels of silver.

Although I knew that master Ju was very valuable in ancient times, I didn't expect that he would be so valuable.

Don't you think it's delicious when you're a rich second generation?

Do you have to crush your head?

This has always been the worry of the Lin family. The Lin family says that the good news is that they were born in the salt gang, and the bad news is that they were salt dealers. They once had a nest with water bandits, snakes and mice, and the Lin family was so poor that they only had money left.

Why does the imperial court feel relieved to recruit the Lin family? Is it because the descendants of the Lin family are not promising, and they will decline after two or three generations?

At that time, the salt gang was completely in the hands of the imperial court, without a single soldier.

It's not that the Lin family didn't expect the family's crisis. It's just that they looked brave at that time. In fact, they didn't have the strength to fight against the imperial court. Even if there was a backwater battle, they would kill thousands of troops of the imperial court at most, but the Lin family would not have one left.

If they are recruited, they will be able to make a stable life for the Lin family for decades. The Lin family hopes that their heirs will be able to support the overall situation of the Lin family in the future.

This is not, after the Lin family has produced more than a dozen little dandies who have no knowledge and skills, finally a sixth childe who has been admitted as a scholar has come.

The sixth son was born by my concubine, but he was diligent and studious. Both master Lin and Mrs. Lin attached great importance to him.

The whole Lin family takes these six CHILDES as treasures. In order to cultivate him, the Lin family has paid a lot of money.

Xiao LIULANG was recommended by a teacher of the Lin family. The master of the Lin family is a reckless man. How can he understand Eight Legged prose? But he trusted Mr. Xi from the capital.

Mr. Liu said that Xiao LIULANG's literary talent is better than that of any other gentleman in the Lin family. If he teaches Mr. Liu, he will get twice the result with half the effort.