The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 103

Not long after Xiao LIULANG left, marquis Gu came to him.

He came behind Yao's back, mainly because he was worried about Gu Yan. He always felt that this kind of backwater would damage his precious son. He hoped to take Gu Yan back, and also mentioned another thing that had been brewing in his heart for a long time.

It was Gu Yan who opened the door.

Gu Yan closed the door as soon as he saw his father!

Marquis Gu was so angry that he didn't open the door. When he finally got around the back door, Gu Yan had bolted the door in his room.

Marquis Gu, his teeth trembling with anger

The chickens haven't started a day's activities, they are quietly locked in the chicken cage.

Marquis Gu finds Gu Jiao who is busy in the backyard, points to the closed door and says, "you don't care about him!"

Gu Jiao looked at him like a fool. Her eyes were straightforward and indifferent. She ignored him and came out with a shining axe from the Chaifang.

Marquis Gu gasped: "you... What are you going to do? You're going to kill... "

Before the words were heard, there was a loud clang. It was Gu Jiao who split a piece of wood.

The wood is cut in half, the section is complete, and the force is uniform. At first sight, it is chopping... Er, no, an old woodcutter!

Marquis Gu swallowed his saliva. It took him a long time to find his voice. He said, "you are not suitable for Yan'er to live here. He was spoiled and grew up. His food and clothing are incomparable. His body is getting better. If he is not careful, he will get sick again. You're his sister. Don't hurt him. If you really want to be together, move back to the villa. The villa is so big that you can live in any yard you want. Even if you don't like the existing yard, you can let your servants build another yard. "

He swore that this was the most sincere words he had ever said with the girl.

He made a big concession. Should he be moved?

How could she be satisfied that he didn't hurt her or beat her and spoke so kindly to her?

But who knows Gu Jiao a trace of touched, only lightly said: "he lives very well here."

Marquis Gu said angrily, "look, you are all poor places? How can he live well? "

Gu Jiao cleaved down with an axe: "Hou's mansion and the villa are so good that his illness has taken on a new look these years?"

"I..." Lord Gu was speechless.

Yes, Gu Yan lived in the most expensive house, ate the most exquisite food, and had many servants. However, his health still went from bad to worse. It was only when he met huichuntang that he finally came back to life.

Marquis Gu knew that this matter could not be broken off. Otherwise, it could be said that it was a dragon and Phoenix fetus. His sister and brother were almost the same in the matter of opposing him.

Gu Hou Ye crossed his waist, took a few deep breaths, and said, "when do you plan to go back?"

If you insist, he must be a success, right? But there must be a deadline!

Shufei was in a hurry. He had to take people back to Beijing in June at the latest. He couldn't let his sister and brother go on fooling around all the time.

"If he wants to go back, he will." Gu Jiao didn't say about herself, because she never thought about going back.

Gu Hou Ye is to listen to understand, this wench is stubborn, want to fight with him in the end?

Forget it. Let Yao talk about it later.

She said that the twins were easier to accept.

Marquis Gu remembered his second purpose of coming here: "you can not go back with me for the time being, but you and the little lame must be separated from each other!"

Gu Jiao's action of chopping wood stopped.

Marquis Gu said: "when you two are not married, you are still a big yellow girl. When you go back to Beijing, you will say that you have never married. I will find a good marriage for you again!"


Gu Jiao cut the axe on the wood.

If she and Gu Yan were encouraged to go back to Beijing, she could barely think that he was farting, then it would be too far for her to make peace with Xiao LIULANG.

What kind of dog father will go to inquire about whether his daughter is round or not?

In fact, Gu Jiao misunderstood Marquis Gu. He just knew that her face was shougongsha, so he knew that they didn't get married.

But it doesn't matter.

Gu Jiao is already angry.

Marquis Gu is still talking, even making a long list of celebrities in the capital. But before he finishes, Gu Jiao stands up coldly.

Gu Hou Ye was staring at Gu Jiao's death, which made his scalp tighten and his hair stand up.

How can this girl have such a terrible look?

"Why do you interfere in my affairs?"

"I'm your father!"

"Do you support me? Have you had it for a day? "

Marquis Gu choked for a long time and then muttered, "isn't that because I held him wrong? Don't I come back to make it up to you now? As long as you go back with me, you are the daughter of Hou family! Your mother and I will love you

Gu Jiao sneered: "no sincerity at all."

"How can I be insincere?" said Marquis Gu

Gu Jiao said slowly: "if you really want to take me back, you should drive out Gu Jinyu who has occupied my identity for more than ten years. This is your sincerity."

Marquis Gu's face sank: "how can you say such vicious words? It's not Jinyu's fault, but you should blame her! Thanks to her, she has been talking for you all the time. She said that her illness is not because you bullied her. But look at yourself. How do you become a sister? "

Gu Jiao said, "I don't have a sister."

"You..." Mr. Gu thought that Jinyu was always a sister, and how intimate she was. Looking at the girl again, he felt that she was useless and disappointing. "I won't drive Jinyu away. Don't dream!"

Oh, who cares?

Gu Jiao blasted people out and slammed the door shut!

But he said that Huang Zhong was sitting at the entrance of the village waiting for his Marquis not to come, and right waiting for his Marquis not to come. Thinking that it might be bad again, he was about to find out when he saw his Marquis covering his nose.

"Hou ye, what's the matter with you?" He asked anxiously.

Marquis Gu put down his hand to cover his nose. Huang Zhong was silly: "you, you've been beaten again?"

How to shed nosebleed? Is the nose still swollen?

"Isn't that girl slamming the door too fast?" He wanted to step in, but he was directly photographed by the door panel, and his nose was almost crooked.

Huang Zhong sighed: "can't you not make the young lady angry?"

Marquis Gu glared at him and said, "how can I make her angry? It was she who made me angry

"What did she do to you?" Huang Zhong asked

Marquis Gu snorted coldly: "she told me to drive Jinyu out! You say her heart is so small, even a sister can't bear it! What did Jinyu say when she learned that she had another sister? "

It's different.

The second young lady is not her own. She has occupied the status of the first young lady for so many years. It's good not to be sent back to her family. How can she complain?

The second lady is innocent, but the first lady is not?

She suffered what the second young lady should have suffered, and the second young lady enjoyed what she should have enjoyed. Who can be happy?

However, Huang Zhong has been following the Marquis for many years and knows his character well. He is extremely rebellious in his heart. The more he refuses to do something, the more he wants to do it to the end.

In this regard, father and daughter are similar.

Huang Zhong sighed: "Lord Hou, let's go back."

Marquis Gu's eyes were dangerous and said, "how can I go back before I finish the work?"

Huang Zhong was speechless: "no, you can't do anything with the first lady."

"Just because I can't do anything with him doesn't mean I can't do anything with others." Marquis Gu said coldly, "go to the Academy."

The academy has just finished.

Xiao LIULANG came out of Tianxiang academy and was about to meet Xiao Jingkong in his private school.

Marquis Gu called the boy of the academy and asked him to identify Xiao LIULANG. The boy raised his hand and said, "that's him!"

Marquis Gu looked at Xiao LIULANG. He almost didn't stare down!

This is not the last time I came out of the village and met a boy who is similar to the young Marquis of zhaodu?

How could it be him?

Marquis Gu and little Marquis zhaodu don't see much. The main reason is that there is no communication between the two prefectures. Although they are both Marquis's, the rank of Xuanping Marquis's is higher than that of Ding'an Marquis's.

Xuanping is a real king.

Powerful and powerful, rich and powerful, dominating Kyoto.

Xuanpinghou's younger sister is now empress Xiao, and her younger sister Shufei has to be a concubine when she meets her.

The son who comes out of this kind of family can definitely be called the son of heaven.

He was born in such an excellent family. He was proud of himself. When he was 12 or 3 years old, he became the junior priest of the Imperial Academy. He was not inferior to his father Xuanping.

It's a pity that heaven is jealous of talents.

Marquis Gu looked at Xiao LIULANG more.

Now, he doesn't think it's very similar.

The young Marquis of zhaodu is a simple and kind-hearted boy. He is as warm as jade, and his eyes are always filled with a clean and beautiful smile.

Xiao LIULANG's eyes are too cold, and his heart is dark.

Marquis Gu squinted in displeasure.

At this time, Xiao LIULANG approached, and the boy waved to him: "Xiao LIULANG! Someone is looking for you

Xiao LIULANG glanced at Marquis Gu and stopped.

Marquis Gu didn't insist on waiting for him to come. He walked over and looked at Xiao LIULANG disdainfully and said, "are you Xiao LIULANG?"

Xiao LIULANG looked at him as usual: "what's the matter?"

Marquis Gu winks at Huang Zhong. Huang Zhong takes out a stack of bank notes from his arms.

Marquis Gu said: "leave my daughter, these silver tickets are yours!"

Xiao LIULANG didn't look at the bank note. He said with no expression: "are these too few?"

Marquis Gu raised his chin and said, "five thousand taels is enough for you to spend your whole life. You can also marry a couple of beautiful ladies and be happy for the rest of your life. Don't think that you have a bright future after you have passed the examination for two cases. There are many people like you, and few of them can really get to the palace examination. If you are not lucky, you will fail in the local examination. "

How much effort and strength did the aristocratic family spend to cultivate their children? Many of those children are intelligent and studious. How can these poor students compare with others?

Even if you are lucky enough to enter Beijing, do you really think you can get ahead?

To the local examination, it may be hard power to fight, but the more you go, the more power you fight.

Every year, the top three are born from the candidates of several major forces in the capital. How much of your Majesty's helplessness and how much of the political competition are beyond Xiao LIULANG's imagination!

There is a chance for a group of shrimps to become small fish, but it is impossible for carp to jump over the dragon's gate.

Marquis Gu looked at Xiao LIULANG and said, "people are doomed to be noble and humble since they were born. You are not worthy to be my son-in-law. You should be more sensible and disappear from my eyes with these banknotes. If you are too little, I can give you more. Huang Zhong

Huang Zhong took out another thousand taels of silver.

Xiao LIULANG sneered coldly: "Mr. Gu, have you forgotten something?"

"What?" Asked Marquis Gu.

"She is not your daughter yet," said Xiao LIULANG

My heart's broken!

The spirit of marquis Gu Shua froze!

Xiao LIULANG lightly sneered: "if you are referring to the daughter you have, then it is unnecessary. I'm not interested in your daughter who has been around since she was a child. I won't look at her more than five thousand taels of gold

This, this, this is what the tone of disgust?

Isn't this guy too arrogant?

Does he know how many people in Beijing want to marry Jinyu? All of them are the aristocratic CHILDES who are thousands of times better than him!

No, it's not the time to be angry. I'm almost led by this boy!

Marquis Gu clenched his fist and intended to teach the boy a lesson: "Huang Zhong, Huang Zhong!"


Anyone here?

Where did you die?

Marquis Gu Shua turned around and was about to see where Huang Zhong had gone. Suddenly, a slender hand stretched out from behind him, grabbed his collar and dragged him into the alley.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Gu Jiao calmly walked out of the alley.

Xiao LIULANG looked at her strangely. She clapped her hands and showed a gentle smile: "I've kept you waiting for a long time. We've finished our communication. He won't bother you again."

After being "communicated", marquis Gu sits in the corner of the alley like a broken puppet. His body is so painful that he has no choice but to lean against the wall.

By his side, Huang Zhong has become a puppet without soul.

They look dull, blue face, nose crooked mouth, miserable!