The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1561

"Little girl, where did you start?" The white-faced scholar frowned, "I\'m not relying on Master Ye\'s name to do anything wrong here, it\'s just that there are some things that should be asked, and some things that should not be asked. If you ask, I will naturally avoid it."

"You can avoid it, why do you want to hurt people?" Zhou Yuting said sonorously, "Could it be that she thinks that she is a master of the king realm and can make people surrender at will?"

"Who are you?" Xiaoqing looked at Zhou Yuting dissatisfied: "It\'s just an ordinary person who dares to provoke a master of the king realm. I don\'t know where you got the courage. Could it be related to the master? Is it so presumptuous?"

"So what?" Zhou Yuting smiled lightly: "It\'s not appropriate for them to act like this, so why can\'t they say it? What\'s the reason for this?"

"Okay, don\'t say any more!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "Tonight is to come to see the Dragon Lantern, so if you speak like this, it will hurt everyone\'s peace."

"That\'s what I said too, but they insisted on doing so." Zhou Yuting waved her hand: "Forget it, it\'s better not to be as fussy as they are, so as not to say that I am bullying others."

"If you think that you are not bullying others, why don\'t we go through a few tricks, which seems fair?" Xiaoqing said with a smile: "After all, it is rather insulting for Elder Bai\'s status in Fenglei Pavilion to be so important. For disrespect."

"You mean, you want to fight with me?" Zhou Yuting smiled slightly: "Don\'t you think it\'s a little ridiculous? Those are just ordinary people, but you are warriors. If you really want to fight, I will naturally It\'s not your opponent, but if you want to compete with me, you can choose others, and I can accompany you to the end."

"How do you want to choose?" Xiaoqing said aloud: "No matter what you want to bet, I can accompany you. After all, I have to see what skills you can show, and your tone is so arrogant."

"I think it\'s nearly 100 meters away from the shore. Shall we take a gamble and see who can swim through first?" Zhou Yuting said with a smile: "If anyone loses, he or she will leave here first! in the way of other people\'s eyes."

"Then it\'s a deal!" Xiaoqing nodded slightly: "But in this way, you will suffer a lot, after all, this is not an ordinary distance, and ordinary people can\'t swim it at all. Lost, so this bet is of no benefit to you."

"You can\'t say that!" Zhou Yuting shook her head: "It hasn\'t even started yet, so how do you know the consequences? It won\'t be too late for me to say this after you win."

"Brother-in-law, you have the most right to speak here, so you can be the referee." Zhou Yuting said, "No matter who we win or lose, you must deal with it fairly."

"Do you really want to gamble?" Yang Zitao frowned: "I\'m afraid this is not good? After all, we are all acquaintances. If you really want to bet, wouldn\'t it hurt your friendship!"

"It\'s just for fun, what\'s more, there doesn\'t seem to be any kindness with him." Zhou Yuting said bluntly: "Anyway, the few of you sitting on the dragon boat don\'t feel any fun, so let\'s see which of us swims faster , there may be unexpected surprises."

"Yuting, you haven\'t been able to swim since you were a child, can you really?" Su Qingya frowned.