The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1560

"Didn\'t we just agree to do dragon boats? Why did we stay?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "But of course we have to do it after we have agreed, otherwise we have failed to live up to our intentions."

"That\'s right, let\'s go together!" Chen Jiannan nodded again and again, with seriousness in his eyes, Ye Tian was in a state of tension here, and they naturally saw that it would be great if they could alleviate the embarrassment.

"I want to go too!" Xiaoqing said quickly, "I don\'t know if I can?"

Following these words, Ye Tian frowned slightly, and even the white-faced scholar beside him was quite embarrassed. Wouldn\'t it be fueling the fire for Xiaoqing to speak like this now, but after Su Qingya heard these words, Su Qingya Not the slightest tension, not even the slightest wave.

"Since you are going, then go with us. After all, there are many people to enjoy the fun. Wouldn\'t it be too monotonous if there were only two of you!" Su Qingya said aloud: "But you are Xiaotian\'s apprentice, and you have to pay for it when you get on the boat. Be disciplined."

"Master, don\'t worry, I will definitely abide by the rules." Xiaoqing nodded quickly, her eyes were extremely serious, but the words just now aroused everyone\'s displeasure.

When they came to the dragon boat, everyone looked towards the surging river, and their eyes were even brighter. They all remembered that Ye Tian had the demeanor of a god king when he fought against many masters at Tianzhou Ferry, and his eyes were full of awe. .

"Master Ye, I\'m afraid you are very familiar with Tianzhou Ferry. I remember that we fought 300 rounds with the Dragon King here not long ago. We all watched it. Now the farewell is full of aftertaste." Yang Zitao said aloud: "That\'s right. I don’t know if the Dragon King, who was so powerful back then, is still alive today?”

The white-faced scholar frowned slightly, but Yang Zitao\'s words just hit his heart: "Mr. Yang, why did you say such words? Are you so concerned about the Dragon King\'s whereabouts? Could it be that there is some ulterior secret?


"Senior, I\'m afraid you are wrong?" Yang Zitao said repeatedly: "No matter at any time, I will stand by Master Ye\'s side, so why would I care about the Dragon King?"

"So that\'s it. I\'ll think about it when the time comes!" The white-faced scholar nodded: "But then again, there are some things that should be asked, and some things that should not be asked. It is better for us to be persistent. Do not ask."

"What senior said is very true." Yang Zitao hurriedly clasped his fists together: "I was negligent just now, I hope senior will not blame me, if senior is unhappy, it is my fault."

Chen Jiannan didn\'t dare to say too much even though he worked hard on the sidelines. He could tell that the white-faced scholar was an extraordinary person, and he couldn\'t handle it. King Realm masters are extremely terrifying, and how could he be easily offended.

After all, Wang Jing masters are extraordinary, even if he scolds Yang Zitao, he can\'t do anything, and he doesn\'t even know what to say.

"I\'m talking about old stuff, you\'re not deceiving, right? You just said something casually, but you are so dissatisfied." Zhou Yuting said aloud: "Do you think that the elders of Fenglei Pavilion can do whatever they want, even Can you not take other people seriously?"

Everyone was shocked by these words, even Yang Zitao looked at Zhou Yuting in surprise, he never thought that Zhou Yuting would speak up for him, which made him a little unbelievable and full of horror.