The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1562

"Don\'t worry, I recently signed up for a swimming event, so there shouldn\'t be any problem after learning a lot, not to mention that nothing will happen to my brother-in-law here." Zhou Yuting said aloud: "So you don\'t have to go too far Worry."

Su Qingya nodded and didn\'t say much. He was rather curious. When did Zhou Yuting learn to swim, but he had never heard of it.

"Master, there is nothing wrong anyway, why don\'t you let me compare with him?" Xiaoqing said aloud: "If I win against him, I will not be honored, but if he is so provocative, I will naturally fulfill him. Let him know how powerful a warrior is."

"Since you have to compare, since you are asked to compare." Ye Tian nodded slightly: "But you have to be careful, the water in the Tianzhou River is not shallow, if you accidentally fall, you may die. If you come to see the Lantern Festival, but you have to make such a fuss, if you really lose your life, I\'m afraid it will be unpleasant."

"Brother-in-law, you underestimate us." Zhou Yuting shook her head: "We are not as weak as you think!"

"Since this is the case, let\'s all show your talents. I would like to see what means you have to rely on your own instincts to swim a hundred meters away." Ye Tian nodded, and there was nothing in his eyes that was suitable for worry. When something really happened, he would naturally not stand by.

"Since you are planning to bet against each other, let\'s start now." The white-faced scholar said, "Whoever is rescued first will lose. Presumably there should be no problem with this?"

"Of course there is no problem!" Zhou Yuting nodded and looked at Xiaoqing: "You must have no problems, right?"

Xiaoqing nodded and looked towards the surging river with more serious eyes: "Of course I won\'t have any problems, but then again, if you lose at that time, don\'t be coquettish and arrogant, after all You are both Master Ye\'s cousin, if I do anything to you, I\'m afraid it would be quite inappropriate."

"Don\'t worry, if you win, I will leave immediately and I will never say anything else." Zhou Yuting nodded, "Because you can\'t beat me at all."

"you are too naive?"

Xiaoqing laughed instantly, and stepped towards the water surface. Although he has not reached the king state and cannot use his inner strength to release outwards, he is a warrior. Although it is quite difficult to walk on the water surface, it is still possible. It can also last for a while.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone was startled, and saw the waves rushing on the water surface, Xiaoqing stood on the waves like a flat ground, and usually ran for more than ten meters before falling into the river surface, constantly falling on the river surface The inside is rushing, and it looks quite imposing.

"It seems that Miss Zhou is bound to lose!" Chen Jiannan shook his head: "Knowing that he is overestimated, but relying on him as an ordinary person to try to compete with the martial artist, isn\'t this just asking for death."

"That\'s a good statement!" Yang Zitao nodded: "I don\'t know why I feel a little sad, after all, Miss Zhou will set up this bet, most of the reasons are for me, if it is not the case, she will not Take a risk and jump into the water."

"That\'s not bad, but the girls around are very righteous!" Chen Jiannan laughed repeatedly.