The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1544

"Master Ye is kind-hearted and doesn\'t want to argue with you, but I can\'t see you." Yun Zhonglong said coldly: "Since you dare to come to Fenglei Pavilion to steal things, you must have some skills that are not as good as mine. A few tricks, if you can defeat me, I will let you go, if you don\'t have that ability, then you can\'t blame me."

"I think you are old and confused?" Thief Saint smiled lightly: "Why should I fight with you? Master Ye has already said that he wants to release people. Do you want to resist his orders? In the cabinet, Master Ye has no right to speak, so do you need to speak up?"

"You..." Yun Zhonglong\'s face was livid, and his eyes were full of reluctance. He didn\'t expect that Pirate Saint would say such a word, and his words were so sharp that he didn\'t know how to respond.

"Pavilion Master, it\'s not that I don\'t want to listen to your words!" Yun Zhonglong said repeatedly: "It\'s just that I always feel that this kid is too arrogant, and he doesn\'t take Fenglei Pavilion seriously at all, even you, the Pavilion Master. thing."

"Since I promised to let him go, he will naturally have to fulfill his promise. Could it be that you want me to lose my promise?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "If that\'s the case, how will you lead Fenglei Pavilion in the future?"

"\'s different. Master Ye doesn\'t know about it. He is extremely stubborn, and now he even came to Fenglei Pavilion to steal medicinal materials. If he succeeds, it must be a great loss." Yun Zhonglong said repeatedly. : "Why should a character like this be kept? It\'s better to let me compete with him!"

"Don\'t be rude!" Guan Changtian said aloud: "Since Master Ye said it, he naturally has his reasons, we just need to abide by it!"

"Brother, I\'m not targeting Master Ye, but this person in front of me." Yun Zhonglong said, "I\'ve never seen such a proud person after being arrested, so I naturally want to give him a good look. "

Following these words, everyone looked slightly startled, they didn\'t expect Yun Zhonglong to speak so bluntly.

"Luo Mian Shuangsha, take Elder Yun down." The white-faced scholar said, "He may be drunk, but he turned against the Pavilion Master!"

"I didn\'t contradict the pavilion master, I just told the truth." Yun Zhonglong said aloud: "Could it be that Elder Bai doesn\'t want me to tell the truth?"

"I don\'t care what you say, the decision of the pavilion master will never be wrong." The white-faced scholar said bluntly: "So no matter what you say, the pavilion master should still take the lead."

"Elder Bai, you can\'t speak in such a high-sounding way. No matter what, I am also the confidant of the pavilion master. This person is so rebellious and offended the pavilion master. Naturally, I want him to apologize." Yun Zhonglong Said aloud: "If this is all wrong, wouldn\'t it be ridiculous!"

"Enough!" Ye Tian frowned: "As the elders of Fenglei Pavilion, don\'t you know how to speak so much here?"

Yun Zhonglong and Elder Bai were startled suddenly, but they didn\'t dare to say anything more. Ye Tian\'s words naturally came true in their ears, but they didn\'t dare not listen to Ye Tian\'s words.

"Leave the medicinal materials, let\'s go." Ye Tian said, "But I\'m curious about the Qimen Dunjia tribe you mentioned. If you have time, you can sit down."

"Master Ye, don\'t worry, there will be a long time to come, but today everyone is quite dissatisfied, so I won\'t stay here for long." Pirate Saint left the medicinal materials and walked towards the outside of Fenglei Pavilion, no one dared to stop him.