The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1543

, "Master Ye, have you ever considered the interior of Qimen Dunjia when you make such a statement?" The thief sage smiled lightly, and suddenly picked up a pot of wine: "If I die today, I will have no regrets, but if Master Ye wants to It may not be so easy to get in touch with other people of Qimen Dunjia."

"What do you mean? Why can\'t I understand?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "I suddenly felt that you were threatening me, and suddenly felt that you wanted to tell me something."

"Master Ye, don\'t listen to his nonsense." Yun Zhonglong said: "I think he is a charlatan, do you want me to kill him for you!"

"No need!" Ye Tian shook his head: "I would like to hear what he needs to say. If he speaks well, maybe his life can be saved."

"Master Ye doesn\'t think that Qimen Dunjia is just you who can play?" The robber said with a smile: "In the whole country, Qimen Dunjia is extremely mysterious, and there is a backer behind it. If I die today by your hands, he You must be in trouble."

"Having said so much, you\'re still threatening me!" Ye Tian suddenly smiled: "In that case, I\'d like to see who will seek revenge on me after you die."

"Master Ye, do you think so?" The robber said with a smile: "The thousand-year-old snow lotus is in my hands, but you want to kill me. Is it possible that this medicinal herb is so vulnerable in front of you? Even me I can\'t even save my life?"

"Why, do you want to use this medicinal herb in exchange for your life?" Ye Tian said, "I said just now, who sent you here, just speak out, I will naturally not let you suffer."

"Shenguizong!" Robber said bluntly: "I also want to try Master Ye\'s strength. Now that I have finally tested it, Master Ye should be extra merciful. After all, I know Qimen Dunjia, and within Qimen Dunjia, even more There\'s a lot of understanding."

"Pavilion Master, don\'t be fooled by him." Yun Zhonglong said hastily, "He is so active because he wants to survive. You have to keep your eyes open."

"Okay, since he said it\'s the Shengui sect, he\'s not wrong!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "You can go now, just leave the thousand-year-old snow lotus behind."

Many masters of Fenglei Pavilion were startled. They didn\'t expect Ye Tian to say something like this. The Thief Saint came to disturb Fenglei Pavilion. let go.

"Master Ye, do you really mean what you say?" The Thief said aloud: "Even if you don\'t mean it, I\'m afraid I mean it now. In this case, I will put the thousand-year-old snow lotus here, and if I don\'t have the ability to take it out, I will naturally And it won’t be embarrassing.”

Thief Saint put the Millennium Snow Lotus on the ground after he finished speaking, his eyes were even more surprised, after all, according to the practice of Fenglei Pavilion, no one who breaks into Fenglei Pavilion will survive.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Tian nodded slightly, not intending to stop him, but just as the Saint Thief was about to leave, Yun Zhonglong blocked the figure of the Saint Thief: "You suddenly broke into the Fenglei Pavilion and made such a move. Things, now that you are caught and want to leave here, I am afraid that you are thinking too much?"

"What do you mean by that? Why can\'t I understand?" Thief Saint said with a faint smile, "Even Master Ye let me go, why are you dissatisfied? It seems unreasonable, right?"