The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1545

After Saint Thief left, everyone looked at Ye Tian with puzzlement in their eyes. According to the normal situation, Ye Tian shouldn\'t let Saint Thief go easily. After all, Saint Thief came to Fenglei Pavilion for provocation.

"Master Ye, I\'m always puzzled, why are you so kind?" Yun Zhonglong said aloud, "People like this shouldn\'t let him go easily, after all, he came for Fenglei Pavilion, and even more so." He has no respect for Fenglei Pavilion, why should he let it go so easily."

"Elder Yun, you may have talked too much today." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "However, there are some things that must be made clear. If you didn\'t shake hands with him just now, I\'m afraid the medicinal materials will be gone. You should know that in order to find the thousand-year-old snow lotus , I used almost all my strength,"

"It turns out that Master Ye let him go because of the thousand-year-old snow lotus?" Yun Zhonglong was shocked: "It\'s my fault, I hope Master Ye will not blame him."

"It doesn\'t matter if it\'s strange or not, but there is one thing you have to understand, but there is no mistake in any decision I make, and you have no doubt that if you make such a mistake again in the future, you don\'t have to stay in Fenglei Pavilion. "Ye Tian said aloud: "I know that you are doing it for my own good, and I know who you are as a person, but there are some things that must be prioritized."

"Thank you for the advice of the Pavilion Master. I will not dare to offend the Pavilion Master in the future, and I will not dare to act recklessly." Yun Zhonglong said quickly, with a serious look in his eyes. Now that he has offended Ye Tian, ​​he has nothing good to eat, even though he did it for Ye Tian, ​​but after all, he bumped into him, and now this situation is extremely bad for him.

"Now you know how to apologize?" Guan Changtian rolled his eyes: "Weren\'t you so arrogant just now? Who is Master Ye, how can you easily question him? Why don\'t you hurry up and face the wall and think about it, so as not to make Master Ye feel unhappy. "

"Brother, Master Ye has taught me a lesson just now, why are you here?" Yun Zhonglong rolled his eyes, "I was a little too aggressive just now, but that Thief Saint was too rampant, I wanted to teach him a lesson but unfortunately I didn\'t have the chance , otherwise we must make him look good."

"Once a word is said, it is hard to follow. Naturally, what Master Ye said cannot be changed, and you don\'t want to make any fools." Guan Changtian said aloud: "If the time comes to ruin the reputation of Fenglei Pavilion, I\'m afraid you will be the only one. It looks good."

"How is this possible!" Yun Zhonglong said angrily, "How could it be possible for me to ruin the reputation of Fenglei Pavilion, it\'s just that I can\'t get used to that kid, but you all said that, so naturally I can\'t say anything more."

"Okay, okay, forget it, everyone, since the matter has been resolved, don\'t say too much here." The white-faced scholar said: "Master Ye still needs to refine the elixir, so don\'t be disturbed!"

All the disciples and elders nodded quickly, and then left in a hurry, not daring to stay in the slightest. It was an accident that such a thing happened tonight. After all, Fenglei Pavilion usually has a good reputation, but no one would dare to be so arrogant and dare to come to Fenglei Pavilion The theft, now that the matter has been resolved, naturally there is no need to panic.

"Master Ye, the millennium snow lotus is ready!" The white-faced scholar said, "I will kill him secretly now!"

"Since I\'ve planned to let him go, why bother him!" Ye Tian said with a smile, "If something really happened to him, I\'m afraid Fenglei Pavilion will be blamed, and even I will be implicated."