The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1516

After drinking a few big bowls, Yun Zhonglong finally stopped: "This sweet-scented osmanthus brew tastes really good, but after all, the environment is a little bit worse. If it is on the top of a mountain, it must have more temperament."

Following these words, Jian Yu smiled: "It is very good to be able to have this level of alcohol, after all, this wilderness is not a good place."

"The two big brothers are joking." The old black snake said quickly: "I am from Miaojiang, and I may prefer this remote place. After Tiangui Town, I am afraid it will be even more desolate. At that time, you two can Don\'t take the blame."

"It doesn\'t matter, everyone broke in. I haven\'t seen what kind of scene." Jian Yu smiled lightly: "I have heard of the 100,000 mountains in Miaojiang, and I know that there are many villages in Miaojiang. Master."

"That\'s right, I\'ve heard of it." Yun Zhonglong nodded again and again: "I just don\'t know how powerful this master is!"

"Since you want to know, you can see it when you go tomorrow."

Ye Tian smiled slightly, and drank another bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus stuffing. It was extremely difficult to find this sweet-scented osmanthus stuffing, but in the past few days, Ye Tian drank a few bowls, which was extremely difficult.

In the early morning of the next day, Yun Zhonglong personally led the team and marched towards Miaojiang. Unfortunately, his foot strength was not strong enough, and he was no match for the three of Ye Tian.

"Old man Black Snake, why is the person you lead the way behind?" Yun Zhonglong said angrily, "Could it be that he doesn\'t want us to go to Miaojiang?"

"How is this possible!" The old man Black Snake smiled wryly, "I\'m just weak in my feet, and I\'ve made a fool of myself in front of everyone."

"Weak feet?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "According to your foot strength, when will you have to wait to reach Miaojiang?"

"Master Ye, I have tried my best. This is probably my fastest speed." The old man Black Snake smiled wryly: "After all, you are all masters of the King Realm, and I am helpless."

"In this case, then don\'t follow me!" Ye Tian\'s voice just fell, a strong wind surged on the palm of his hand, grabbed the black old man, and moved forward. It seemed that the speed had not weakened at all, like a gust of wind.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Yun Zhonglong and Jian Yu also hurriedly followed. They were still laughing at the old man Black Snake just now, but now they were panicked and even a little at a loss. Ye Tian\'s speed was quite terrifying. It is difficult to chase Ye Tian.

At the same time, in a certain courtyard of Tianzhou, the white-faced scholar looked towards the Dragon King: "I taught you the boxing technique just now, you have to use it well, and if you meet any bad people in the future, you can also use it to fight against the dragon king." beat them back."

"Thank you foster father!" Dragon King nodded quickly, his eyes looked very clear.

The white-faced scholar nodded: "There is already a prepared dinner on the table, I will have a good rest tonight, and I will practice this boxing technique again tomorrow morning."

The Dragon King nodded solemnly and walked towards the living room. It was quite different from before, and seemed to have forgotten everything before.

The white-faced scholar stood aside, showing a gratified smile. After the Dragon King was taken away by Ye Tian, ​​he didn\'t remember what happened before.

Not far away, Lei stepped into the courtyard and looked at the Dragon King who was eating, with a cold look in his eyes, but he didn\'t dare to make a move easily.