The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1517

"Although he has lost his memory, his strength has not disappeared. If you want to attack him desperately, you can try it." The white-faced scholar said: "If this is the case, you will be doomed."

"Elder Bai was joking. Master Ye has already ordered that the Dragon King is of great use. How could I kill him? Wouldn\'t it be contrary to Master Ye\'s will?" Lei said, "I came here because I actually There is a breath of stalking, it seems that the people of Longmen are here."

"It\'s a bunch of nonsense." The white-faced scholar said coldly: "Why didn\'t I feel it? You mean, my feeling is not as accurate as yours?"

"Of course I didn\'t mean that. Elder Bai, please don\'t get me wrong." Lei Liansheng said, "Maybe I got it wrong somewhere! That\'s why I came here."

The white-faced scholar didn\'t say a word, and stood aside with his eyes closed, his eyes were more calm, and he naturally didn\'t take what Lei said to heart.

His strength is not under the thunder, and even he has not sensed anyone, so it is naturally impossible for other people to exist in the entire courtyard.

"How about it, did you find anything?"

A few figures came not far away, and Guan Changtian looked at Lei: "People from the Dragon Gate appeared in Tianzhou, they must be looking for the Dragon King. According to the instructions of the pavilion master, we must deal with them as soon as possible."

"Their concealment techniques are quite strange, and it may be quite difficult to find them." Lei said aloud: "Why don\'t we search separately, the probability of this may be even greater."

"Inappropriate!" The white-faced scholar waved his hand: "You once said that the people in the Law Enforcement Pavilion of Longmen must be masters of the King Realm. If you search alone, it will be more dangerous to be defeated one by one."

"What does Elder Bai mean?" Guan Changtian looked over.

"I don\'t have any special intentions, but I want to remind you that Longmen is extremely terrifying. If you want to deal with them, you must join hands." The white-faced scholar said: "Xiaolongmei\'s arrangements are similar here, and I will go with you to find them." Longmen master!"

"In this case, we will go forward together." Guan Changtian nodded and said: "Indeed, as Elder Bai said, it must be quite dangerous to act alone. There are many masters in the Dragon Sect, and even the Dragon King is just an elder. It’s evident from there.”

The other people also nodded one after another, but it was hard to say anything more.

After they left, the gate of the courtyard was closed. Xiao Longmei was eating in the room, and she seemed to be enjoying herself. He was a little tired after practicing boxing all day today.

After washing up, he slowly lay down on the bed, but when he was about to go to bed, he frowned slightly and looked out of the room: "Is it foster father?"

There was no echo, Xiao Longmei got up and walked out of the room, the surprise in her eyes was even bigger, according to the normal situation, no one would stop in the courtyard so late.

Only after walking a few steps, several figures appeared in the courtyard, clasping fists at Xiao Longmei one after another: "My subordinates refer to the Dragon King."

These people were dressed in black, they looked like ghosts, walking in the dark night, they looked extremely terrifying, even Xiao Longmei was taken aback, although he practiced martial arts, but since he lost his memory, he has never fought against anyone, Now suddenly a group of people sprang out, which naturally made him frightened and even extremely disturbed.