The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1515

"I said old man, you are quite serious." Slightly squinting his eyes, Jian Yu looked at the old man Hei Snake: "But as for taking it back, why did you help Master Ye? You are not the one who helped Master Ye in this way. Ray, do you have any plans?"

Following this turn of only painting in black, the old man was startled suddenly, and his eyes were even more surprised. He didn\'t expect Jian Yu to say such words, which made him terrified.

"That\'s right, I think so too!" Yun Zhonglong said, "Since you are from Miaojiang, why do you help Master Ye to find the thousand-year-old snow lotus? It seems a little unreasonable, right?"

"I asked him to look for it!" Ye Tian said coldly: "There is no need to question this. After all, I was in Jiangdong in order to get the thousand-year-old snow lotus, but I tried everything I could to get countless people to look for it. In my hands, in order to save my life, I went to look for the thousand-year-old snow lotus, which is not an exaggeration."

"It\'s not true, Master Ye asked me to go!" The black snake old man said seriously: "Everyone in the south of the Yangtze River knows Master Ye, and it is my honor to be able to work for Master Ye. How could I refuse? !"

"So that\'s it!" Jian Yu smiled slightly: "You are quite good at talking, but I think you must have some ulterior motives, otherwise you wouldn\'t be so active."

"You are wrong. If you can help Master Ye, you are helping me. After all, if you help Master Ye, you will get Master Ye\'s favor. If I need Master Ye\'s help in the future, I don\'t think Master Bi Ye will help me." He will be stingy." The old man Black Snake said bluntly: "After all, Master Ye defeated the Dragon King in Tianzhou Ferry, and this matter is widely spread, even in the 100,000 mountains, it is also the rumor of Master Ye."

"Really?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "Then going to the 100,000 mountain this time, isn\'t it famous?"

"It is natural that this time Master Ye went to Miaojiang to reveal his whereabouts. There must be many forces wanting to invite Master Ye to his residence. This is the charm of Master Ye." The old black snake said repeatedly: "After all What they are like, I know all too well."

"That\'s a pretty good statement." Yun Zhonglong nodded: "Since that\'s the case, it\'s better to go to the Hundred Thousand Mountains in Miaojiang with great fanfare this time, so that you can still receive the ceremony and don\'t need to do anything, wouldn\'t it be better. "

"I don\'t think so!" Jian Yu shook his head: "If you really reveal your whereabouts, Master Ye will definitely be challenged by everyone. Among the 100,000 mountains, there are many masters. Now that you have heard about Master Ye\'s deeds There will be no holding back."

"Master Ye is an expert in the realm of celestial masters, how can he be afraid of them." Yun Zhonglong was fascinated by his eyes.

"Okay, okay, stop bragging to each other." Ye Tian gave a white look: "The taste of sweet-scented osmanthus is very good, you can try it, and there is no need to talk about other things."

Following Ye Tian\'s words, Yun Zhonglong of Jianyu Pavilion sat down one after another, holding a cup of sweet-scented osmanthus wine in their hands, and their eyes became a little serious.

The old man Hei Snake sat on the side, even more proud. He was not fully sure about other things, but he had full confidence in the taste of sweet-scented osmanthus stuffing, and he could make Ye Tian praise him, even full of praise.

"It\'s not bad, it really is good wine." Yun Zhonglong praised repeatedly.