The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1500

A voice sounded, and a white-haired old man came slowly, followed by two women. These two women were slim and beautiful, and they looked like they were not ordinary people, and there was a soft light in their eyes.

Yang Zitao looked at Lao Tzu, also slightly surprised. He didn\'t know who this old man in front of him was. He knew Ye Tian, ​​and he seemed to be an acquaintance, otherwise he wouldn\'t have greeted him like this.

"It turned out to be the old man of the Chu family." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "How did you come to Tianzhou? When I was in Jiangdong, I never heard that you were coming."

"Master Ye is joking with us." Old Master Chu said aloud: "The battle between the Dragon King and Master Ye was in Tianzhou. We all came here after hearing the news, so naturally we can\'t miss it."

"Since I\'ve come a long time ago, why didn\'t I see you go to Fenglei Pavilion?" Ye Tian blamed: "You received them in Jiangdong, but I really want to receive you in Jiangnan. This is called reciprocity."

"Master Ye is talking about it!" Chu Lanlan nodded quickly, with a serious look in her eyes, and looked at Yang Zitao: "I don\'t know who this is? He looks extraordinary, but I don\'t know if he has any real skills. Being able to sit at the same table with Master Ye."

"Lan\'er can\'t be unreasonable!" Old Master Chu said quickly: "It\'s fine, but those who sit at the same table are not idle people, you don\'t want to make trouble there, or I will teach you a good lesson when I go home. "

Chu Lan\'er had a displeased expression on her face, and felt very helpless in her heart. He never expected that the old man would say such a thing.

"The old man was joking, I am not a capable person." Yang Zitao said repeatedly: "You are all from Jiangdong, you must be warriors, and I am just a businessman. It is an honor for you to come to the Phoenix Pavilion. Please take a seat, I will send someone to add tableware now!"

"Wait!" Old Master Chu waved his hand: "We don\'t sit here because we have other things to do, and we just want to say hello to Master Ye when we come here. After all, it is difficult to enter the Fenglei Pavilion, so we can only meet Master Ye here by chance. gone."

"Mr. Chu, since you\'re here, sit down and eat." Ye Tian said with a smile, "Someone is paying the bill today, so you don\'t have to worry."

"That\'s right, I will pay for all the expenses in the audience today." Yang Zitao said quickly, his eyes more serious.

"Really?" Chu Lan\'er looked at Yang Zitao suddenly: "It seems that you have a lot of money, and you can be so extravagant. You must be the eldest son of some family."

"It\'s natural. My son is not an ordinary person. I\'m afraid there is no one in the whole Jiangnan who can overwhelm my son, except of course Master Ye in Jiangnan." Chen Jiannan said aloud: "The little girl now knows how powerful my son is." right?"

"If your son is really powerful, he can drink on average with me. If his drinking capacity is higher than mine, I can naturally admit him. If his drinking capacity is not higher than mine, how can I admit him?" Chu Lan said: "Although he is just a businessman, he must be a man. Surely he won\'t suffer from such a competition?"

"This girl wants to compete with me for drinking?" Yang Zitao smiled slightly: "To be honest, I also know a lot about wine, so naturally some of them have a high drinking capacity. If the girl really wants to compete with me, I\'m afraid I found the wrong person."