The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1499

"Xiaomei, what\'s wrong with you?" Ye Tian was slightly taken aback: "I came here because I was afraid that you would be hurt by others. Don\'t get me wrong."

"No, why didn\'t I misunderstand?" Xia Xiaomei said: "You are so kind to me, which is beyond the affection of a classmate. Don\'t tell me you don\'t mean anything to me?"

Yang Zitao stood at the side, his expression changed slightly, he was just an outsider, this matter is naturally not easy to evaluate, but at this point, he can see that Xia Xiaomei has a lot of meaning for Ye Tian , otherwise it would not have said so.

"Xiaomei, are you drunk?" Ye Tian was slightly surprised: "I already have a wife, and we are good friends, how could I have unreasonable thoughts about you?"

"Unreasonable thoughts?" Xia Xiaomei smiled: "If you don\'t have any thoughts about me, why are you being so kind to me? Your kindness has already made me unbearable, and I even don\'t know how to repay it."

"This is the friendship between classmates, and you don\'t need to repay it." Ye Tian said aloud: "You just need to understand the relationship between us, and there is no need to do other things, especially things like today , sacrificing myself for the benefit of the company is extremely unworthy, and I don\'t lack such achievements."

"Perhaps no matter how young you are, this is just an insignificant achievement, but in my heart, how much I hope that you can face it squarely, how much I hope that you can recognize it." Xia Xiaomei said repeatedly: "I don\'t want to be your I don’t want to be a burden to you, and I don’t want to be under your feet, I hope to face you squarely.”

"Xiaomei, you always thought you were under my feet?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes with surprise, he never thought that Xia Xiaomei would think so.

Xia Xiaomei didn\'t say a word, turned around and left, looking even more helpless, even with tears in her eyes, maybe Ye Tian did this for his own good, and he could really feel it, but for some reason For Ye Tian\'s certain actions, he also burst into tears.

Looking at Xia Xiaomei who was leaving, Ye Tian had helplessness in his eyes. He didn\'t want to make Xia Xiaomei sad, but he didn\'t know how to do this.

"Master Ye, I can tell that Miss Xia is interested in you." Yang Zitao said aloud, "What you said just now hurt him. After all, Miss Xia is a girl. She is interested in you, but you are interested in you." She has no intention, and this is probably the greatest harm to her."

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. If he is really interested in me, I\'m afraid he has been interested in me for a long time." Ye Tian said: "In this case, it is better to refuse in public, so that maybe he can come out of the shadows. "

"Master Ye is right. Master Ye already has a wife. If he is interested in Miss Xia, he is a person with ungrateful national conditions!" Chen Jiannan said repeatedly: "This is the most taboo thing in the whole martial arts. Master can be a good leader, which I admire a lot."

"Teacher Chen praised you." Ye Tian smiled slightly, but his heart was mixed with bitterness. Xia Xiaomei left in tears, and he was naturally quite helpless in his heart. It\'s a pity that things have come to this point, and he can only do so.

"Master Ye, come here to drink in person, why didn\'t you call us?"