The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1501

"Since you have made your words so clear, let\'s fight hard. I would like to see how much you drink so much that you can say such wild words." Chu Lan\'er smiled lightly: "But the words are repeated Come back, I like to gamble big, but I don’t know if you are interested.”

"Girl, please tell me!" Yang Zitao smiled slightly: "No matter what the girl wants to do, I will accompany her to the end. After all, if I can\'t drink as much as the girl, wouldn\'t I be too unmanly?"

"To be honest, I think the Phoenix Pavilion is pretty good. If you drink and lose, how about giving it to me in the Phoenix Pavilion?" Chu Lan\'er said solemnly, and Mr. Chu stood aside with embarrassment on his face. Unexpectedly, Chu Lan\'er would say that, and several other people also frowned, especially Chen Jiannan, who seemed to realize that Chu Lan\'er had a lot of background.

"Girl, the Phoenix Pavilion was carefully installed by me. It can be said to be unique, and its value is quite high. If I lose, I will give it to you. I\'m afraid it\'s not appropriate, unless you can come up with an equivalent. I am willing to bet with you!"

"If you want to place an equal bet, it\'s easy to handle." Chu Lan\'er smiled lightly: "I am Jiang Dong, a smart man from the Chu family. If you get up, you will definitely be able to run rampant in the mall in the future. By that time, your business It must be smooth sailing, the power of the martial arts family is by no means something you can easily imagine."

"It turned out to be a member of the Chu family in Jiangdong." Chen Jiannan nodded: "The Chu family is indeed a not weak martial arts family, but..."

"But what?" Chu Lan\'er said repeatedly: "If you say it\'s not difficult, then it\'s time to start comparing."

"But girl, do you count on what you say?" Chen Jiannan said aloud: "If it is true, according to what you said, my young master will not suffer a loss compared with you. After all, being able to get the eldest lady of the Chu family will be important to the entire Yang family in the future. It’s also a great thing.”

"Mr. Chen!" Yang Zitao frowned and looked at Mr. Chen. He didn\'t expect Mr. Chen to say such a thing, which made him a little embarrassed.

"It doesn\'t matter, young master just bet with him." Chen Jiannan said aloud: "It\'s just the Phoenix Pavilion, it\'s a big deal to build another one, but if we can really win Miss Chu home, it will definitely be a big deal for the entire Yang family in the future." It is flourishing."

"You old man, I like to hear it!" Chu Lan\'er nodded: "This is indeed true. No matter who can marry me, it is her luck in three lifetimes. You don\'t know how to flatter me, boy. With so many bets, you can\'t even afford a hotel."

"Who said I\'m not willing!"

Yang Zitao smiled slightly: "Just a hotel is nothing to me. Since I have to gamble during the Chinese New Year, I will naturally accompany you to the end, but I have to talk about it. If you really lose, you will be mine in the future." Man, I tell you to go east to east, and I tell you to go west to west, if you don’t follow in the slightest, then it’s a violation of the agreement, and if you violate the agreement, you will be struck by lightning, what do you think?”

"Of course!" Chu Lan\'er agreed without hesitation.

Xiao Qing stood aside, but took Chu Lan\'er\'s hand: "This is a lifelong event, if you really lose, wouldn\'t it be troublesome?"

"Xiaoqing, don\'t worry, I won\'t say anything!" Chu Lan\'er waved her hand: "Just wait and see the good show!"