The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1463

"This is natural!" Feng said aloud: "The Dragon King is not just a king, but a celestial master. Such a powerful figure has extraordinary methods, but I didn\'t expect that Master Ye from Jiangnan would also There are such means."

"That\'s right!" Lei also nodded slightly: "I thought the Dragon King was the number one in the country, but I never thought that Master Ye from Jiangnan has also reached this level and can use his mind to fight the Dragon King."

Xia Xiaomei was tied aside, and there was expectation in her eyes. If Ye Tian could beat the Dragon King, it would be the best ending. He didn\'t want Ye Tian to suffer any harm, and he didn\'t want anything to happen to Ye Tian.

"Elder Bai, you have a lot of experience, but have you ever seen this kind of method?" Yun Zhonglong asked, "This is the first time I have seen it."

"This method is really extraordinary, and it can be possessed by extraordinary people." The white-faced scholar said: "I am afraid this is the first time I have seen it. After all, in the entire country, I am afraid that it is difficult to see a master of the celestial master level."

"Actually, I\'ve always been curious, has the pavilion master really reached the realm of a celestial master?" Yun Zhonglong asked: "This is too terrifying."

"Even if you haven\'t reached a real celestial master, you have reached a half-step celestial master." Guan Changtian said, "Otherwise, it would be impossible to use the mind, and the power of the mind is so terrifying, I am afraid it is not an ordinary method."

Everyone nodded slightly and looked towards the center of the Tianzhou Ferry. The two water dragons were constantly fighting, but they couldn\'t tell the winner. They only felt that there was a huge power of thought in the entire Tianzhou Ferry. The river water is continuous, rushing towards the shore.

"The power of mind is really strong, I underestimated you!" The Dragon King sneered and stepped lightly on the water with one foot. In the blink of an eye, he came in front of Ye Tian, ​​with a strong inner strength in his palm.

"Why, you know that the power of thoughts can\'t hold me down? Do you want to do it now?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "But even if you do it, you still can\'t hold me down."

"Little brother, you are too insolent!"

The Dragon King sneered, the wind was fierce on the palm of his hand, and his eyes were even more fierce. Ye Tian forced him out of the mountain and even killed three of his disciples. He was naturally dissatisfied. Now that Ye Tian is in front of him, he will naturally make Ye Tian pay the price .

Feeling the fierce wind, Ye Tian did not show any weakness. Every palm he used was filled with continuous strength, which looked quite terrifying.

At that moment, the Dragon King was blown away by Ye Tian\'s palm, which shocked everyone, with horror in their eyes. In their view, the Dragon King is an invincible existence, and Ye Tian\'s ability to fight against him is the greatest. strength, but the scene in front of them made them unbelievable.


An explosion sounded, and the cloak on the Dragon King suddenly exploded, and a peerless face appeared in front of everyone, with long hair fluttering, not like the older generation at all, but like a young girl.

"This is……"

Everyone on the shore exclaimed, looking at the figure of the Dragon King, it was even more inconceivable, and many other martial arts masters were also at a loss. If it wasn\'t for the woman in front of them who could display the power of mind, they wouldn\'t even believe it. Dragon King.

"Dragon King, is this the Dragon King?" Jian Yu looked at the others: "How is this possible? According to the age of the Dragon King, he is at least sixty years old. How can he be so young? He even has a peerless face? Could it be..."