The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1462

"I didn\'t expect you to know so much?" The Dragon King smiled lightly, "Even if you know so much, what can you do? Can it save you from dying?"

"Not necessarily!" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "Today\'s battle has attracted a lot of attention, but if you want to defeat me, I\'m afraid it will not be so easy. You and I are both the favored sons of heaven, but we must kill each other? It\'s better to turn the battle into a jade silk. "

"It seems that you are really afraid?" The Dragon King sneered and said, "My three disciples died at your hands. If you want to turn a fight into a treasure, I\'m afraid it\'s impossible, unless..."

"Let\'s talk about it. If it\'s not too much, I can agree." Ye Tian said bluntly, he can feel the strength of the Dragon King, and if he really wants to fight, he is not fully sure. If he can turn hostility into friendship, it will be of great benefit to both sides. .

"As long as you sincerely submit to me in the future and listen to my instructions, I will naturally have a way out." The Dragon King said bluntly: "But you are unwilling, and I am afraid that today will be a catastrophe."

Many martial arts masters were slightly startled. Jiangnan Master Ye is a strong man who is about to reach the level of a celestial master. How can such a powerful existence be willing to submit to others.

"I sincerely reconcile with you, but it seems that you don\'t mean it!" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "If that\'s the case, then let\'s see the real trick."

As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, the water surged across the entire river, and a giant white dragon rose into the sky. Ye Tian didn\'t use his internal strength, but just stood aside, with such a terrifying aura, which made people look surprised, and his eyes were even more terrifying. It is with a ray of light.

"Is this the power of mind? The power of mind at the level of a celestial master!"

The white-faced scholar was shocked for a while. He naturally understood Ye Tian\'s methods quite well before, but he didn\'t realize until now that in many previous battles, Ye Tian didn\'t use his full strength.

Looking at the huge water dragon, the Dragon King also stood on the surface of the river, and smiled continuously: "I am called the Dragon King, which naturally makes sense. Above the water, my strength is even more unfathomable. You are here to fight against me!" , I\'m afraid it won\'t be my opponent!"

"Why do you need to talk too much!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly, and his eyes were even more flat: "Why don\'t you just shoot directly, just to avenge your three disciples!"

The Dragon King didn\'t shy away from it either. A gigantic creature appeared slowly, covering the sky and covering the sun. It confronted the water dragon controlled by Ye Tian. It seemed that the waves were surging. The entire Tianzhou Ferry was surging, and it even gradually submerged to the shore.

The two huge water dragons collided together, and the whole Tianzhou suddenly trembled. They didn\'t know what happened, and they all looked at Tianzhou Ferry.

In the direction of Tianzhou Ferry, two water dragons soaring into the sky cover the sky and block out the sun, which looks quite terrifying. with horror.

They are just ordinary people, but they have never seen such a scene, as if the end is coming, people are full of horror, and many people even went to Tianzhou Ferry to find out what happened.

In the center of Tianzhou Ferry, there are two figures standing upright. It seems that the ancient well has no waves. Even though the two huge water dragons are in the sky, they have no waves. It seems that it is not their enemies, but the sky. of two dragons.

"Is this a battle of ideas?"

Jian Yu solemnly said: "Such a powerful mind battle is much stronger than us!"