The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1464

"How is this possible!" Lei also said in disbelief: "The Dragon King is actually a woman, and she is so beautiful!"

Ye Tian stood tall on the river, looked at the woman in front of him with indifferent eyes, and chuckled: "It\'s really good looking, it can be said that it is the beauty of the country, I never thought that the rumors turned out to be true!"

"Anyone who has seen my true face can only die." The Dragon King sneered, "Do you know how cruel you are? The lives of so many people in Tianzhou were ruined by you alone."

The voice was icy cold, the Dragon King seemed to be very angry, and the many warriors watching from Tianzhou Ferry were even more frightened. According to what the Dragon King said, everyone present seemed to die at his hands.

"I know you didn\'t use all your strength just now, and even held back, just to test me." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Now that you have succeeded in testing, why not use your own skills, I would like to see the real Dragon King , how terrifying it is."

"In that case, I will let you have a taste of the power of Shenlong Thirteen Forms!"

As soon as the Dragon King\'s words fell, the inner strength surged above the palms, his figure soared into the air, his hair fluttered around his body, and his eyes became sharper.

Ye Tian stood upright on the water, his eyes became serious, he knew that the Dragon King was finally going to make a move, and he also knew that the real strength of the Dragon King should also appear.

In an instant, the entire Tianzhou Ferry was covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thundered, and it looked quite terrifying. Everyone kept retreating, and the timid ones were so frightened that their legs and feet were weak, and their eyes were full of fear.

I saw countless thunder and lightning rushing in the sky, which seemed to be surging. In the blink of an eye, the thunder and lightning turned into a flood dragon and rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​just like a catastrophe. People are terrified.


The faint sound of the dragon\'s chant exuded an extremely strong aura, and the giant dragon transformed by the power of thunder rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​and the places it passed were accompanied by lightning and thunder, which made people\'s eyes full of horror.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Tian stepped up abruptly, with solemn eyes, manipulating the power of heaven and earth, using the power of heaven and earth for his own use, this is a means against the sky.

"An art against the sky!" Ye Tian yelled: "This is against the law of heaven! Aren\'t you afraid?"

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid!" Dragon King suddenly laughed: "I am the way of heaven, no one can stop my steps, today Tianzhou Ferry, I will definitely let you bleed here."

Ye Tian smiled lightly, but he didn\'t care. He stepped into the air suddenly. Although the power of heaven is terrifying, he is not an ordinary person. It may not be so easy to injure him with lightning.


But at this moment, everyone discovered that a sea of ​​thunder gradually gathered in the sky above Tianzhou Ferry. Rushing away, the river is constantly surging.

Ye Tian dodged, his brows furrowed deeper, the thunder was even more terrifying than he imagined, if all of them came out in full force, even he might not be able to bear it.

"How can there be such terrifying strength!" The white-faced scholar frowned: "I\'m afraid even Master Ye will be under great pressure!"

"Then what should we do?" Guan Changtian looked solemn, if something happened to Ye Tian, ​​it would be the biggest blow to the entire Fenglei Pavilion.