The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1461

"Master Ye is really a bit flustered, don\'t you see it? I was just testing your strength just now, but you thought I was really defeated." The Dragon King smiled faintly: "With your current strength, you can\'t beat me in front of me." Worth mentioning."

"Really?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "I don\'t know who was so panicked and overwhelmed just now, and now they say such big words, it really makes people laugh and cry."

"You\'re so naive!" The Dragon King smiled faintly, "A master who is half-stepped to the level of a celestial master is by no means easy to defeat. Now that you have pushed me to this point, I naturally have nothing to hold back!"

"Could it be that there is another method to suppress the bottom of the box?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "If there is such a method, then use it! I want to see how strong your method is."

The Dragon King squinted his eyes, stepped straight into the air, and looked down at Ye Tian with a cold light in his eyes. Ye Tian looked down on him so much, but he fell into his trick.

In fact, he is comparable to Ye Tian in strength. If he really wants to kill Ye Tian, ​​he must let Ye Tian relax his vigilance. Only in this way can he truly defeat Ye Tian and keep the number one position in Tianhai Pavilion.

"Everyone, do you want to witness the true face of the Dragon King?"

Ye Tian stood upright on the water, his eyes were calm, his hands were folded in front of his chest, and his expression was even more calm.

Following these words, the other people were also slightly startled, and then nodded one after another, with anticipation in their eyes. The Dragon King had been wearing a cloak and had no intention of showing his face at all. Naturally, everyone was quite curious.

"Master Ye, if you can really make the Dragon King show his true face, then you really have a great ability." The white-faced scholar said, "The Dragon King is an existence that claims to be invincible within 30 years!"

"That\'s right, 30 years of invincible existence, if you can see his true face, it\'s really a blessing!"

Many martial arts masters spoke out one after another, with solemn eyes. The Dragon King stood on the water, but there was no disturbance. Ye Tian\'s words like this were just to provoke him, but who is the Dragon King? Nature never cared.

"You may not know that the Dragon King is actually a woman."

Ye Tian spoke suddenly, and the words were even more strange.

As soon as these words came out, the shore of the Tianzhou Ferry seemed to explode, and the eyes were filled with disbelief. If the Dragon King was really a woman, it would be unimaginable.

The Dragon King was also shocked, and looked at Ye Tian: "Don\'t talk nonsense, old man, I have lived a long time, even if you can\'t beat me, you shouldn\'t use words to mock me, right?"

"Dragon King, although he was famous in martial arts thirty years ago, it is a pity that he is born with an immortal body, even a young girl." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "So I have been wearing a cloak for many years because I am afraid that people will know his daughter\'s body." .”

"How is this possible!" Jian Yu was shocked: "Is the Dragon King a woman? And a young girl?"

"Impossible!" Lei said aloud: "Although I have never seen the Dragon King, but the Dragon King is so powerful, how could it be a girl?" "

"Why, even you guys haven\'t seen the Dragon King?" The white-faced scholar asked in surprise, "The Dragon King is really weird, but you are the Four Dragon Guards!"

"Since 30 years ago, the Dragon King has not shown his true face!" Jian Yu said, "Although we have never seen it before."