The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1460

"Yes, it is true that we underestimated him." Feng also frowned: "If we really want to fight, even the Dragon King may not be able to defeat him!"

"That\'s a mistake." Lei shook his head: "The existence of the Dragon King is beyond his ability to deal with it!"

Faced with these words, everyone looked at each other, but they didn\'t know how to say it. Although they said so, for some reason, they always felt that things were not that simple. At least in their opinion, Ye Tian was definitely not what he seemed. Ordinary, I don\'t think the name Master Ye can be summed up.

Feeling the power of the powerful ice sculpture, the Dragon King\'s eyes were icy cold, and there was a powerful surge of inner energy on the palm of his hand, which turned all the ice sculptures into nothingness, and looked at Ye Tian suddenly: "Very good, because now It has successfully caught my attention, but that\'s all!"

"Don\'t worry, the fun is yet to come. Since I dare to offend you, I\'m not afraid of you." Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "If you don\'t fall here today, then I will fall here!"

Following these words, everyone was also slightly startled, and looked at the two of them intently. These two are extremely masters, and they are by no means as simple as ordinary.

As the two fought, endless waves suddenly rose above the water surface of the entire Tianzhou Ferry. This wave contained a powerful internal force, which made everyone present marvel, and even retreated continuously. Some martial arts The master was even more frightened.

Ye Tian exerted all his strength, and there was a cold light in his eyes. At that moment, an endless wave surged, and in a blink of an eye, he saw the Dragon King retreating suddenly, with a cold light in his eyes.

"The Dragon King is defeated, the Dragon King is defeated!"

On the shore of the Tianzhou Ferry, the crowd kept shouting, with horror in their eyes. They did not expect that the Dragon King would lose to Ye Tian, ​​and would lose so thoroughly.

"How is this possible!" Jian Yu exclaimed, "How could the Dragon King lose? What is going on! Thirty years ago, the Dragon King had never met an opponent. How could he be defeated in the hands of a young man 30 years later!"

"Nothing is impossible!" The white-faced scholar smiled faintly: "As the saying goes, the blue is better than the blue, and this is probably already common sense."

Facing these words, Jian Yu\'s face turned livid, and he was naturally unhappy, especially that the white-faced scholar was so embarrassing, which made him feel unhappy.

But while they were talking, everyone on the Tianchao Ferry was already discussing and pointing at the Dragon King. According to the normal situation, the Dragon King would not be defeated, but the scene before them made them have to admit it.

"Is Master Ye from Jiangnan really so powerful? Isn\'t even the Dragon King an opponent?"

Several men said aloud, with even more horror in their eyes. After all, this kind of thing made them unimaginable. Many years ago, the Dragon King dominated the entire martial arts, but he had never had such a defeat.

"I really didn\'t expect that you could make me so embarrassed." The Dragon King smiled lightly, and looked at Ye Tian with his gaze: "But it is not easy for you to do this step, but it is a pity that you don\'t have the ability to kill me .”

"It doesn\'t matter whether I can kill you, after all, I have already lost." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "So you are not worth mentioning in my eyes."