The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1459

"Master Ye\'s guess is not bad at all. I am indeed a half-step celestial master." The Dragon King smiled lightly: "But with my ability, it seems that it is not difficult to deal with you."

"That\'s not bad!" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "It\'s a pity that the Dragon King is too self-sufficient and takes himself too seriously, so he is so proud. Whether you can defeat me today is probably another matter." .”

As soon as Ye Tian\'s voice fell, an invisible water column rose from the sky, turned into a force of repeated vigor, and rushed towards Ye Tian.

"What a powerful water wave!"

Many people present exclaimed, and their figures kept retreating. I didn\'t expect the Dragon King to just stand in place, use his mind and have such a powerful water wave. Such a powerful mind power may not be possessed by ordinary people. It is not that ordinary people can resist.

"I really didn\'t expect that you would have such a strong power!" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "It\'s a pity that your mind is strong, but you can\'t hurt me after all! Why don\'t we change the way of fighting!"

"Another way of communication?" Dragon King smiled slightly: "I want to hear it, how do you want to compete?"

"Naturally, it\'s a competition of inner strength!" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "If you lose, then let Xia Xiaomei go, and if I lose, I\'ll let you deal with it, what do you think?"

"Master Ye is probably joking with me." The Dragon King waved his hand: "I\'m afraid this is not as simple as you think, I know you are strong, but today I will use my real strength to suppress you and kill you at the same time. Only in this way can I avenge my disciple."

Ye Tian had no choice but to step on the waves with one foot, his eyes were even more indifferent: "Since you don\'t want to gamble like this, today I will let you see the real intention!"

In that blink of an eye, a huge aura pervaded the entire Tianzhou Ferry, and everyone felt groggy. Looking at Ye Tian, ​​it was even more vague. In the center of Tianzhou Ferry, the Dragon King looked at Ye Tian and let out A voice of exclamation: "How is this possible, how can you have such chaotic power of thought! Could it be that you have crossed the half-step celestial master and become a real celestial master?"

Ye Tian didn\'t say anything. Over the entire Tianzhou Ferry, sharp ice kept falling and rushing towards the Dragon King. It looked extremely terrifying and made people\'s expressions change suddenly.

The Dragon King stood on the spot, with no waves in his eyes, not even the slightest bone. In his eyes, these ice tips were nothing to fear at all. It seemed to him that everything Ye Tian did was nothing more than trivial tricks.

"Just relying on this means, you want to gain the upper hand?" The Dragon King smiled lightly: "If this is the case, you may think too highly of yourself!"

"Dragon King, don\'t talk too much, some things are not as you imagined." Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "There is a strong inner strength hidden on my ice sculpture, whether you can resolve it is still a matter, isn\'t it? It\'s as simple as you think."

The Dragon King didn\'t take it seriously, and didn\'t even take it seriously.

But at that moment, the Dragon King felt something was wrong. This ice sculpture was quite powerful, hiding an endless aura, which seemed to carry the power of heaven and earth, which made people frightened.

"What a long breath!" Jian Yu exclaimed: "Master Jiangnan Ye is really extraordinary, but we underestimated him!"